Talented Genius

Chapter 509: Enraged (four more)

Chapter 509 Enraged (four more)

It was also this morning that Mrs. Su was opening the door to receive a courier. She thought it was a benefit from the requester, and signed for it with a smile on her face.

It is almost the end of the year, and many cases must be closed, so Mrs. Su also started to get busy.

It is not the cash on mahjong, or the VIP coupons of the beauty salon. Once again, the precious products are ordered, which is called tasting, but it is actually bribes.

Mrs. Su can be said to have made a lot of money. As for the impact of her behavior, Mrs. Su doesn't care, and her husband supports everything.

Only this time, she was not happy when she tore the package, but her face changed drastically. There was a three-pound cake in the package, which was sweet and pleasant.

It's just that this cake is a bit dazzling. It is made up of Tianhu Mahjong cakes, and there is a line of red letters in the middle, which says debt repayment.

Madam Su easily remembered Ye Tianlong's face, complaining that Ding Liuyue hadn't tied her hand and she was extremely angry at Ye Tianlong's behavior.

Just thinking of the photos she saw from her purse and the news she heard from the white wolf, the corner of her mouth evoked a joking smile.

Ye Tianlong wanted to play with her, but she was still tender.

After some thoughts, Mrs. Su took the cake and went out, then went down to the parking lot on the ground floor, and quickly got into a domestic car less than 200,000 yuan.

Although her spending on grooming and playing mahjong is amazing, she still has to work hard enough to get things out of the way. She starts the car and prepares to go to the court to find her husband.

Madam Su decided to tell him the matter.


The car drove slowly out of the dim parking lot. Just as Mrs. Su checked in and passed the railing, a motorcycle suddenly rushed in front of her.

A takeaway in a red costume swayed the car and ran into Madam Su. Madam Su's face changed drastically. With a cry, he hurriedly stepped on the brakes...


It’s just that Madam Su’s speed in the car was still a little slower, and there was a loud noise, and the front of the car collided with the motorcycle, and Madam Su just felt a surge of force.

Then the motorcycle fell to the ground, a lot of debris was scattered, and the front of the motorcycle was stuck with the tires of the car.

Afterwards, a large puff of red liquid poured out from the traffic, irritating Madam Su's eyeballs.

Madam Su's face was instantly pale, and cold sweat suddenly ran from behind.

Looking at her outside through the car window, her hands and feet were cold, and there were ten thousand shouts in her heart:

How could this be? I'm obviously very slow, and it's not too late to brake. Why did I hit the motorcycle so badly? Also burst out so much blood.


Mrs. Su quickly unfastened her seat belt, pushed the car door and ran out to check the accident.

a mess.

The motorcycle crashed, the rearview mirror, the brakes, and the back seat all shattered and fell, looking as exaggerated as a train hit.

There were also a few lunch boxes scattered on the ground, dyed with red liquid, which looked a bit dazzling.

What shocked Mrs. Su was that she didn't see the injured person who was hit by the flight. She thought she was caught under the car.

But after lying down and watching for a while, she still didn't find the injured. The bottom of the car was empty. She went around in a circle, hoping to find the shadow of the injured, but in the end she found nothing.

"Damn it."

Mrs. Su’s brain was not enough, she touched her face and got into the car again, then picked up the phone to call her husband.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, the car window was suddenly slapped heavily, and a **** hand slipped from the glass.

Madam Su screamed, then looked down, and saw the deliveryman fell on the ground, cheeks fluttering on the ground.

Her face changed, and she calmed her mind, got out of the car door to check the life and death of the deliveryman, she stretched out a finger and poked the other person in the head:

"Hey, are you okay? How are you?"

Madam Su glanced around and found that there were many cameras, and the thought of running away was dissipated.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, she stood up again, poked the other party's back with the tip of high heels: "Hey, get up."

She was a little angry and wanted to kick each other a few times.

"Madame, good morning."

The takeaway suddenly turned over, sat up on the floor, and greeted with a bright smile:

"You drove too hard, you crashed my motorcycle, and you poke me with your foot. Do you lose one hundred and eighty thousand dollars?"

Madam Su gritted her teeth: "Ye Tianlong!"

Ye Tianlong said: "Unexpectedly, Madam still knows me, but it is. I just rushed you this morning, I remember it should be."

"Madam, you owe me forty thousand now and you bumped me again. It's time to explain it."

Madam Su's hanging heart fell, but her anger became more exuberant, and she snorted: "What do you want to confess? What do you want to confess?"

The frightened emotions just now all turned into anger.

"It's very simple. Either pay me 100,000 with the debt, or help me settle the Huayao lawsuit."

Ye Tianlong directly offered the conditions: "This request is not excessive, right?"

Madam Su yelled: "Ye Tianlong, you are blackmail."

"How about extortion? You really owe me 40,000, and you did crash my car just now. Besides, if you have no money, you can contribute.

Ye Tianlong said softly: "It shouldn't be difficult to say a few good things to your husband."

Madam Su raised her eyebrows, awe-inspiring: "You are breaking the law."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "If you don't promise me, I will rely on your car not to leave today to make things worse."

"Let everyone know that you owe me 40,000 for playing mahjong, and I won't be compensated if you bump into it. Then I will put up another banner that the official and wife are doing evil, you say, will your life be sad?"

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a rascal."

Mrs. Su has somewhat slowed down at this moment, and her eyes are more calm: "Hua Yao has your talent. It is really a disaster for Ning Hongzhuang."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Thank you for the compliment, Madam."

"Okay, I'll help you settle this matter, but all our grievances are wiped out."

Madam Su let out a long breath: "You go back and wait. You will have an answer at noon today."

Ye Tianlong gave Madam Su a thumbs up:

"Thank you, ma'am. It's a pleasure. Don't regret it, or you won't hit me next time, but I will hit you."

Madam Su sneered: "Don't worry, I still have this credibility, but I will ask you again, do you want Huayao to win?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, Huayao won."

"Let's go back."

Madam Su faintly said: "You, you will get what you want soon, but you have to remember what you said."

After speaking, she restarted the car, turned around, walked around Ye Tianlong, and drove out fifty meters, Madam Su's pretty face was endless joking:

"Idiot...Want to provoke me on purpose? It's really an old lady's mind."

Then she put on the Bluetooth headset and called her husband...

An hour later, a fax reached Ning Hongzhuang's office.

"Insufficient evidence, dismiss the litigation request!"

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