Talented Genius

Chapter 2990: Moon black wind high

When Jin Guanxi and the others locked down Dr. Jiang, Ye Tianlong was coming down from the Rong Shengli Cemetery.

He did not attend the dinner at the Rong family, and after instructing Xing Tianjiao and Shi Bing to take care of his mother, he quietly left the cemetery with the oriole.

In the moving car, Ye Tianlong asked the oriole: "How is the situation?"

"all the best."

The oriole replied: "An hour ago, Dr. Jiang appeared in the search team's field of vision. Ten minutes ago, Jin Guanxi personally took someone to pick up Dr. Jiang."

"It's just that, Shao Ye, if we let Dr. Jiang go so rough, will the Jin family find out?"

"After all, Dr. Jiang is the core member of the camp. If you drive out a baby bump at will, the Jin family will definitely doubt it."

The Yellow Bird thinks that the Jin family will not accept an abandoned child casually, and even Jin Sanqian will think that Ye Tianlong does not want people, why does the Jin family accept it?

"Who told you that Dr. Jiang was driven out by me?"

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "Do you think that Dr. Jiang will tell Jin Sanqian that he was driven by me?"

The oriole was taken aback for a moment: "Isn't it driven?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Whether it is for his old face or to show his worth, Dr. Jiang will not tell him that he was driven out."

"He will definitely tell Jin Sanqian and them that he was fighting against me for the Rong family, but I was squeezed out and framed, and even I used him to kill the chickens."

"He escaped from the camp after nine deaths."

"In short, he will make up a thrilling story to decorate himself and highlight his value."

Ye Tianlong has a thorough view of human nature: "After all, it would be too embarrassing to be driven out, and it would make Jin Sanqian look down upon.

The oriole suddenly realized: "Understood."

"It's just that Dr. Jiang escaped from the camp for a long time. If the Jin family asked about the coordinates of the Heavenly Medicine camp, how would Dr. Jiang answer?"

The siskin is habitually thinking about every detail.

"how to answer?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Respond casually to a turn, and Jin Sanqian can't find any loopholes."

"After all, this kind of weather is another time of crisis. Not to mention that Dr. Jiang was seriously injured. It is difficult for normal people to remember the route."

He added: "This is also the main reason why I want him to hurt him."

The oriole smiled and nodded: "Understood." Then he asked: "Do we need to track the whereabouts of Dr. Jiang?"

"No need to."

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly: "Jin Sanqian asked Jin Guanxi to take Dr. Jiang away, which means that Dr. Jiang has become the top priority of the Jin family."

"Golden Guanxi will also stare at him."

"Although that **** is a little arrogant, he is still a little capable of tracking and anti-tracking. Don't let the children of Sparrow fall into his hands."

"That would ruin my overall plan."

Ye Tianlong looked into the distance: "We planted a seed, so wait for it to take root and sprout."

The oriole nodded again: "Understood."

"How is the moth?"

Ye Tianlong asked: "Is the injury better?"

The oriole took the topic: "According to your instructions, she will treat her with all her strength. She is just a trauma to her shoulder, which is not a major problem to life."

"After two days of treatment and recuperation, not only the wound has been controlled, but the spirit has also been improved by two points."

He smiled helplessly: "It's just a stiff mouth."

"Ye Shao, Moth is a master tracker. She has limited knowledge and it is difficult to pry open her mouth. Why do you keep her?"

The oriole asked curiously: "What value does she have to leave behind?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the wind and rain outside, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "There is still a wave of great value..."

At eleven o'clock that evening, Beijing Red Star Prison, West District Women's First Level Prison, is a place where important criminals or prominent prisoners are held.

Compared with other large warehouses or multi-person rooms, the first-level cell is much more comfortable. It is not only held in solitary confinement, but also contains toilets, TVs and air conditioning.

When the cold wind screamed, at the end of Cell No. 8, Jin Qiangwei was watching the overhead light go out, and then pulled on the quilt to go to sleep.

It's been a while since she came in, from the resistance and fear of the first day to the present calmness.

Unable to change, she tried to adapt.


Just when Jin Qiangwei was about to close her eyes, the iron gate suddenly rang. Although it was very slight, Jin Qiangwei could still hear it clearly.

She also recognized that it was the sound of the door opening.

Jin Qiangwei was at a loss. Who else would visit him at this time? Then there was another chill. At this point in time, there would never be visitors.

If there is, it is an unpredictable person.

Thinking of this, she suddenly opened her eyes.


Almost as soon as she opened her eyes, a strong light hit her eyes fiercely, causing Jin Qiangwei to make a painful snoring and close her eyes.


Before Jin Qiangwei could react, the door opened, and a figure rushed in, holding a dagger, and attacking her like a madman.

Quick and ruthless, regardless.

It feels like a mad dog has been put in.


Although Jin Qiangwei couldn't open her eyes, she still burst out of her full potential at the moment of life and death.

She slammed the wall, bounced off the wall and fell to the ground, avoiding the split dagger, and then moved again and retracted into the corner.

She pulled up a stool to defend.

"who are you?"

Jin Qiangwei shouted: "Why are you here to kill me?"

Her eyes were still a bit tingling, and she couldn't open it quickly, she could only ask and listen to the movement with her ears.

What made her gratified was that there was not much movement around, there was only one attacker. What was disturbing was how could anyone kill her?

Who is killing her?


The assailant didn't respond at all, or didn't hear it at all, just wielding a dagger to follow her endlessly.


The dagger kept hitting the wooden stool, and kept making noises, making the cell instantly dangerous.

Suddenly, the wooden stool shattered with a click, and most of it broke off.

The attacker shook his wrist, taking advantage of Jin Qiangwei's retreat, and stabbed him mercilessly.


Blood splashes!

Jin Qiangwei was caught off guard, a **** mouth was drawn on her left shoulder.


After Jin Qiangwei was injured, she became even more crazy, holding a half of the stool to fight back with all her strength, as if she was about to pull the opponent down and die together.

But the attacker didn't take it seriously, opening up and closing, and every time he made a move, he would leave a deep blood mark on Jin Qiangwei's body!

Although Jin Qiangwei pushed the stick on her several times, the attacker didn't care at all, and instead took the opportunity to stabbed the knife.

Like crazy like a devil.

"Pump puff—"

Jin Qiangwei was hit hard.

A stream of blood splashed out along her body.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than twenty wounds on her body, dripping with blood, like a blood person.


When the jail guard's noisy footsteps sounded outside, the assailant's body shook slightly, and his movements also stopped, as if he was awakening.


Jin Qiangwei did not let go of this opportunity, her eyes suddenly opened, locked the attacker's position, and her backhand was a stab.

With a sharp sound, half of the wooden stick pierced the attacker's neck.


The attacker screamed, then fell straight to the ground and lost his life.

When the alarm sounded and the prison guard appeared, Jin Qiangwei endured her body pain and pulled off the assailant's mask, staring blankly:


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