Talented Genius

Chapter 2981: Get angry

New Lord of Tianyao?

Hearing this sentence, the audience was completely silent, and countless people were shocked.

They both shocked Ye Tianlong's too young, and also shocked Ye Tianlong's tyrannical invincibility. It seemed that it was difficult to associate him with the term new master.

It's just a **** fact, and let them know that there is no water, this is the new master in the future, this is the invincible new master.

Huo Feifei did not move as if struck by lightning, she never expected Ye Tianlong to be so tyrannical.

Thinking of her performance in the cave, she couldn't wait to slap herself a few times.

Zhao Zidan was also full of misery. There was no pain on his face. All the arrogance and contempt was crushed by Ye Tianlong.

And he still owed Ye Tianlong a life.

How absurd and ridiculous the previous thoughts of contesting, dismissing horses, not giving face, and sitting on an equal footing?

Zhao Zidan buried his head uncontrollably just like a misplaced elementary school student saw the teacher, afraid to face Ye Tianlong's gaze.

"The new master is really amazing. Jumping down from the twelfth floor and smashing eleven layers of bulletproof glass, this strength is amazing."

"Yeah, that's bulletproof glass that can't be broken by a bullet."

"Don't talk about the glass, look at the gorilla. He took almost three doses, one enemy one hundred, and he was crushed by one foot."

"This foot is on me, I guess it spurts blood on the spot."

"Nangong, aren't you upset with the new master, do you want to give him a little bit of power?"

"Eldest grandson, when did I say this? What I said is to be a cow and a horse for the new master, and it is like a sweetheart."

Many men and women came out from all floors, all of them looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise, and the thirteen divisions gathered on the third floor were also talking about it, but their attitude had long since changed.

"Ye Shao Shenwei!"

At this time, Wang Gobi and Huo Feifei came down from upstairs, as well as a fully armed emergency team.

The Thirteen Division also quickly came down from the third floor.

When the emergency team put the gorilla into the dormant drug, Wang Gobi stepped forward and hit the iron while it was hot: "Welcome Ye Shao, and welcome the new master."

Huo Feifei also arched her hands, her face respectful: "Welcome to the new master!"

The thirteen divisions shouted in unison: "Welcome to the new master!"

Staff at all levels are equally respectful: "Welcome to the new master!"

Zhao Zidan didn't know when he was lying on the ground, showing that he was convinced by Ye Tianlong.

There was no way, it was placed in the open, and he was beaten to the ground looking for teeth by the gorilla, Ye Tianlong crushed it with one kick, the gap was too wide.

"thank you all!"

In the face of everyone's respect, Ye Tianlong nodded slightly: "It is an honor for Ye Tianlong to be the new owner of the base."

"I should have come here earlier today, but the wind and heavy rain delayed time."

He bowed slightly: "I have kept you waiting, and please forgive me."

"Wait soon, wait soon."

The Thirteenth Division and the others quickly responded: "Ye Shao is polite, Ye Shao is polite, let alone, no matter how long we wait, we should wait."

All of them were blushing, and the arrogance half an hour ago, being slapped in the face by his own humbleness, was really embarrassing, but there was no way.

Before they saw Ye Tianlong, they thought that Ye Tianlong was a dude who had no sense of time, but now they found that he was a super master.

The scene just now shattered their pride and arrogance, how can they not see the wind?

At this moment, Huo Feifei took a step forward, her smile was unspeakable, and her tone was extremely respectful:

"Shao Ye, here is a mess, and the floor is bloody, and you are soaked all over, why don't we go upstairs to the conference room to talk?"

She also added: "There is a shopping mall here, I will send two sets of clothes for Ye Shao to change immediately."

At the moment, the pretty face of the woman has a different kind of coquettishness, her arrogance and contempt no longer exist, only the ruddy conquered by Ye Tianlong.

"Okay, see you in the conference room in fifteen minutes."

Ye Tianlong swept to the person in the 13th Division: "I'm sorry, but I want everyone to wait again."

People from the 13th Division hurriedly said: "It is a great honor, a great honor!"

Next, Ye Tianlong took a bath, changed his clothes, and ate a little food before walking towards the meeting room under the guidance of Huo Feifei.

On the way forward, Wang Gebi answered a call, frowned slightly, and then said to Ye Tianlong: "Although the gorilla is not dead, it is basically abandoned."

"Dr. Jiang was very angry and annoyed, so he went to ask you about him."

Ye Tianlong nodded, and smiled faintly: "The mobs, don't worry, have a meeting."

Wang Gebi returned to calm: "I understand."

The meeting room is very large, more than 300 square meters, with a long and narrow wooden table in the middle, with eight chairs on each side, and a grand division chair in the middle.

Seeing Ye Tianlong appearing, Wang Gobi and the others got up and respectfully said: "Ye Shao!"

"Hello everyone!"

Ye Tianlong glanced at everyone, and then sat down in the Grand Master's chair: "I am new to office today. There are no three fires, and I will not guide you indiscriminately."

"Today's meeting has two purposes, one is to get to know you, and the other is to see if the base has any problems."

"To put it simply, I didn't come to the base to be prestigious, but to ask you what you need."

"I have always insisted that the insider does the insider and the outsider does the outsider."

He started straight to the point: "R&D and production, hand it to everyone present, I will solve the rest of the difficulties outside of R&D."

Huo Feifei and the others were slightly startled when they heard the words. They didn't seem to expect Ye Tianlong to be so direct, and then they all smiled approvingly.

These remarks gave them peace of mind, and they don't have to worry about Ye Tianlong's involvement in the laboratory, lest the layman leader and the insider may mess up the order.

The atmosphere began to become harmonious.

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "You don't have to be polite, you will have to cooperate for a long time in the future, and you will be a family. If you have any questions, just talk about it."

He also motioned to Huo Feifei to record everything.

"Ye Shao, I am Nangong Daye!"

At this time, a man with a face of national character stood up: "The person in charge of the seventh column, I have no other requirements, I just want a bowl of water to be level."

"I hope you treat us fairly, so that every group of R&D teams can get the corresponding resources."

"We have also contributed to Tianyao for more than 20 years. Loyalty and character should not be suspected, so we hope that the resources of each team can be shared in the future."

"Don't give cutting-edge resources only to Dr. Jiang. We are left with the residue to chew. Not only is there no nutrition, but also a lot of progress is behind."

"Eight R&D teams are available, but Dr. Jiang is the only team that cannot bloom. This is also the main reason why the base has stagnated for many years."

"If I had the resources of Dr. Jiang and others, we would not dare to say that Heavenly Medicine was the ultimate, at least close to the 81st of more than ten years ago."

He bowed to Ye Tianlong: "I hope Ye Shao can give us a chance."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Don't worry, I will give you a chance."

Another middle-aged woman stood up: "Ye Shao, I am the grandson."

"I am looking forward to fairness, and I also want to be prohibited by the rules of the base. I cannot let my qualifications trample on the rules. This makes it difficult for me to manage various resources."

She has a sincere expression: "I hope Ye Shao can bring the base back to the track of rules."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Okay, I will give you fairness and rules, no matter how difficult the process is, as long as it is right, I will go to the end."

"You ruined my Black King Kong, I will kill you..."

When Huo Feifei secretly praised, Dr. Jiang rushed out of the elevator with a broken head, holding a spear in his hand, and smashed into the crowd like crazy.

He raised his gun and pointed at Ye Tianlong.

Wang Gobi and Huo Feifei subconsciously shouted:

"Dr. Jiang."

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