Talented Genius

Chapter 2937: vampire

That night, Ye Tianlong and Xing Tianjiao plum blossomed for three times, and then slept in the water and clouds until dawn, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xing Tianjiao lying in front of the bed, looking at him tenderly, very obsessed and nostalgic.

"what happened?"

Ye Tianlong was startled first, and then touched his face: "Early in the morning, I look like eating people? Or is there something on my face?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Xing Tianjiao struck a spirit, and then woke up: "Ah, Tianlong, are you awake?"

Ye Tianlong replied with no anger: "Nonsense, I didn't wake up, what I was talking about in sleep?"

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Xing Tianjiao was gentler than ever before, and after a chuckle, she said: "You hurry up and wash, I will bring you breakfast."

After speaking, he ran out of the room.

Ye Tianlong stretched his waist and looked around, staring blankly.

He found that the messy room was not only cleaned up, but also a bunch of gypsophila on the windowsill, which gave the room a little brilliance.

And the clothes he changed last night were washed and dried, neatly placed on the sofa, waiting for him to wear.

In the washroom that can be seen at a glance, there are also clean cups and toothbrushes. The toothbrushes are also coated with toothpaste.

The towel is also steaming.

"This woman..."

Ye Tianlong, who has always been accustomed to doing it himself, was properly prepared for the first time in his life, and he was surprised and moved.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then walked into the bathroom to clean up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and was about to go out, but saw a hand stretched in.

Holding a razor in the palm.

Xing Tianjiao lay down at the door, smiling and saying, "Don't move, I'll shave your beard."

Ye Tianlong was slightly startled, and wanted to decline, but was squeezed in by a woman. She took a razor and shaved Ye Tianlong.

Xing Tianjiao's technique is a bit rusty, but her expression is very serious. She shaved her face without any scars, making Ye Tianlong refreshed.

"It's shaved."

Xing Tianjiao took the towel and wiped Ye Tianlong again, and then happily pulled him out: "You can eat breakfast."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Thanks for your hard work."

"A family, don't talk about the second family."

Xing Tianjiao then took Ye Tianlong to sit down on the sofa, and opened the breakfast that had just been brought in, six types of snacks, a pot of soy milk, and a pot of hot porridge.

There are two more bowls.

Ye Tianlong asked, "It looks like you should have gotten up very early, haven't you eaten yet?"


Xing Tianjiao poured soy milk to Ye Tianlong and smiled: "You haven't waken up, how can I have breakfast alone?"

"And having breakfast together for two is far more fun than eating alone."

"But mom..."

Suddenly, Xing Tianjiao's cheeks were red, and she stuck her tongue out: "Your mother has already eaten it. I bought her favorite tofu and sesame cakes."

"I will accompany her to incense at the Big Buddha Temple later."

She is empathetic: "She said she wants to pay her vows...you can go to work if you have anything, I will take care of your mother."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly, not expecting that Xing Tianjiao would take care of her mother in every possible way, so he grabbed the woman's hand:

"Tianjiao, thank you."

Xing Tianjiao's eyes softened: "Tianjiao doesn't understand the principle, nor is it a big family. I only know that you can marry a chicken and a dog and a dog."

"Maybe I can't make it to the table, but I will work hard to take care of my mother, work hard to be your woman, and work hard to give you three children."

She looked at Ye Tianlong with clear eyes: "Forever..."

Ye Tianlong felt warm in his heart and touched that pretty face: "Forever!"

After eating the most meticulous breakfast in his life, Ye Tianlong sent a text message to the oriole and the others.

He is going out to do one thing today, which is to buy a villa or yard.

The sixth family of Tangtang, the Ye family, should have a residence in Beijing, at least for mother and Xing Tianjiao to have a place to stay.

The reason why he did it in person was that Ye Tianlong wanted to treat Xing Tianjiao with a snack.

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong got into the car from Zhan Shou and the oriole.

"Ye Shao, there is an important news!"

As soon as Ye Tianlong received the soda water from the remnant hand, the cardinal leaned over and said, "Rong Shengli was poisoned last night, and went to the hospital for gastric lavage."


Ye Tianlong was startled when he heard the words and looked at the oriole in disbelief: "He was fine yesterday, why was he poisoned? Who poisoned it?"

"I heard that I was poisoned by eating bird's nest."

The oriole told Ye Tianlong of what he had inquired about: "Moreover, during the mess yesterday, some people sneaked into Rong's house to steal things."

"The police and the Ministry of Security have been involved in the investigation. After all, the poisonous killing of Rong Victory is a very serious matter."

He whispered: "But there are no clues and progress for the time being."

Ye Tianlong twisted the soda water, thoughtfully, and then asked: "Am I backing the pot?"

"Ye Shaoyingming."

The oriole smiled and did not hide too much: "Although there is no evidence pointing to you, many people in the Kerong family believe that you did it."

"Say that you deliberately caused a dispute and let the thief sneak into Rong's house and steal."

The oriole is very helpless: "Moreover, taking advantage of the chaos to poison, I want to poison the glory of your hatred."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Except for the Rong family, many guests also believe that I did it?"

The oriole did not deny: "After all, many people have seen that you and Rong Shengli had a quarrel, and you also injured the second and third generations of the Rong family."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of water. Yesterday he stepped on the Rong family for three generations and declared a break, with the goal of burying the fuse for the Rong family.

Unexpectedly, the Rong family almost didn't need him to provoke, and it was already full of contradictions.

And there are people who want to bring troubles to him and kill him and Rong Shengli with one stone.

Ye Tianlong felt the vortex deepen, but this was also in line with his plan, and the conversation turned around: "How is glory?"

"He was injured by the palm of your hand and was admitted to the hospital that night."

The oriole asked back: "Ye Shao doubts the poison he poisoned? But he is one of the people Rong Shengli trusted most. How could he poison Rong Shengli?"

"I do doubt him... However, whether he is or not, he is absolutely inseparable from the Rong family."

Ye Tianlong took a bite of the pie:

"Even though the scene was messy yesterday, the members of the Rong family were still inseparable from the troubled waters to steal fish, steal and poison."

The oriole whispered again: "Is it possible for Rong Shengli to direct and act on his own? In order to vent yesterday's anger to you?"


After yesterday's confrontation, Ye Tianlong had a deeper understanding of Rong Shengli: "He doesn't bother to do this to me."


When Ye Tianlong's voice fell, his mobile phone also vibrated, put on earplugs to answer, and soon came the voice of Zhan Qinglou:

"Dragon, the vampire has come to the capital..."

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