Talented Genius

Chapter 2919: Big life storm

Ye Tianlong, who left enough room for Huang Gangqiang, naturally did not capture Huang Gangqiang's dignity. After leaving the number, he left the film and television base.

It is only Ye Tianlong who cherishes his talents to help Huang Gang, hoping to be used by Longmen and Tianmen in the future.

On July 15th, Rong Shengli's birthday came as scheduled.

Although Rong Shengli’s birthday would not be enough for the entire capital to be lit up with lights, the Rong family’s nephews and guests gathered in the Rong’s garden to congratulate Rong Shengli.

A person who deserved to die when he was a child has lived to his sixties and has become one of the few top figures. It is worthy of recognition.

Traditional media and the Internet have also brushed a wave of Rong victory deeds.

"Why haven't I returned to my hometown Bincheng once in the past few decades? Because in my eyes, it is never a city, a pool, but the entire China."

"I am the son of a peasant, the son of Huaxia, but not the son of Bincheng."

"There are black and white in this world. It is not easy for anyone to live, but the most difficult people are those who have white hearts and are in the black camp."

"As long as it is a historical trend, no matter how many people oppose and block it, I will go all the way to the dark."

"How can those who make great things do not sacrifice? Whether they are innocent or blood relatives, they can be pushed into the furnace when necessary to become capable and Moxie."

In the car driving to the Rongjia Garden, Ye Tianlong leaned on a chair, flipping through the news pushed by the media, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"This glorious victory is really a solo person."

Ye Tianlong touched the screen with his fingers: "The sky is not as big as his own."

Canshou took the topic: "This kind of person is easy to cause big things, and it is easy for everyone to betray their relatives. It depends on how Rong Shengli finally controls it."

Ye Tianlong asked: "There should be a lot of guests today, and the Rong family will also control the scene. Are our gifts ready?"

"Ye Shao don't worry, everything is ready."

Canshou revealed a touch of confidence: "We have the eagle suit, which can avoid a lot of trouble."

Ye Tianlong nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, let the brothers be careful, don't let the gift happen, they try to avoid conflict."


Canshou replied: "By the way, according to the news, Rong Zong returned to the Rongjia Garden from the hospital last night, and Rong April was also picked up in the morning."

"Rong Yina and other immediate family nephews have also returned from various places. This time the big birthday can be regarded as the reunion of the entire Rong family, with almost two hundred people."

He lowered his voice: "However, there is no whereabouts of Rong Xueli. It is rumored that Murong Ningyan will guard the tomb in Gangcheng."

"Young Master Rong didn't come back?"

There was a trace of regret on Ye Tianlong's face: "I still want to talk to Rong Shao and explain Murong Ningyan by the way, but unfortunately I didn't come back."

"But it doesn't matter. After my 60th birthday, I will find another opportunity to go to Hong Kong City and have a good talk with him."

He still has a good impression of Rong Xueli. When Jin Xuejun and the others kept trampling on him, only Rong Xueli was always polite.

Canshou did not pause and continued to report the situation: "Master Ji woke up, he was scared by you, so he said everything in his head."

"He admitted that it was Che League who escorted Zorro and other fifteen Jiangyang thieves into the capital, and also arranged for them the first identity and place to stay."

"Then Lord Ji didn't have any interaction with them anymore."

"Miss Wu led people to check the fifteen places of residence, and confirmed that Master Ji did not lie, and the fingerprints and traces of the Jiang Yang thief were found in those places."

"It's just that Zorro and the others no longer live there."

Canshou added: "The Ministry of Security is fully investigating where it is located..."

Ye Tianlong asked, "Didn't Zorro say anything more?"


Canshou shook his head: "His mouth is very tight. It took Miss Wu all day and night to dig out the clue of Master Ji from his mouth."

"Then he bit on again and didn't say anything, and fainted directly after a little torture."

"Miss Wu was thinking about asking Zhen to help, but Jin Qiangwei led someone to kill and snatched the unconscious Zorro away, saying that it was one day and one night."

Canshou smiled helplessly: "Miss Wu has no choice but to reach an agreement with them to hand over in two days."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and gave a wry smile. If he knew that Zorro was so stiff, he should be held in secret to prevent Golden Rose from appearing.

But Ye Tianlong didn't think too much. The chicken master was in Wu Lingshuang's hands, and Zorro would return to the Ministry of Security sooner or later. Sooner or later, the reason for their infiltration would be clear.

Ye Tianlong's conversation turned: "How is Huang Gangqiang's situation?"

"He's not bad."

Canshou informed Ye Tianlong of the situation: "After separating from you at the film and television base, Huang Gangqiang went back to his apartment and bought thousands of pieces of food."

"Then he locked himself in the apartment. He hasn't gone out since yesterday, but Shi Bing has contacted him twice, and he has no intention of committing suicide."

"He told me he wanted to be alone and think about the future."

Canshou laughed and said, "I guess he will be completely healed next time he comes out."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I hope so."

After speaking, the car drove to the bifurcation of the Rongjia Garden. There was a red arch on the fork that led to the Rongjia.

There is also a banner on it, with congratulations from the East China Sea and the Shoubi Nanshan, dragons flying and phoenix dancing.

But it is also a heavily guarded checkpoint. You must hold an invitation in your hand to enter.

Ye Tianlong took out the invitation from the Rong family, verified it, and drove inside.

While the disabled hands were carefully driving the vehicles forward, one after another luxury cars slowly drove towards the Rongjia Garden, busy, but so.

And the more you go inside, the more perfect the defense system is. The combination of clear and secret whistles can be described as tightly guarded.

The car did not drive directly into the Rong’s garden. There were three parking lots for guests to choose from, thirty meters away from the entrance of the building.

Ye Tianlong didn't do too much special, and cooperated with the guard's request to get off the car and walk to the garden.


Just when Ye Tianlong was about to walk out of the parking lot, a large crowd of people came out of the dozen or so luxury cars parked on the side that happened to collide with Ye Tianlong sideways.

Most of them are young boys and girls, all in beautiful attire.

Before Ye Tianlong looked at these men and women, one of them rushed up first, pointing at Ye Tianlong and shouting:

"Ye Tianlong, who asked you to come?"

"You killed my Aunt Miao, do you dare to come here? Believe it or not I will kill you?"

Rong April.

Although the fingers were still being bandaged, Kerong April's anger was still clearly presented, obviously hating Ye Tianlong.

A group of companions was taken aback for a moment, and then surrounded them with a clatter, staring at Ye Tianlong badly.

"Who asked me to come?"

Ye Tianlong squeezed out an invitation and smiled nonchalantly: "Of course the Rong family invited me to come, and they asked me to come three times and four times."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your grandpa."

"Make way, good dogs don't get in the way!"

He patted the invitation.


Rong Siyue was half-dead by Ye Tianlong. He wanted to order a group fight but knew that Ye Tianlong was powerful, and his father told him not to start indiscriminately.

"Give Way!"

Ye Tianlong walked out of the enclosed circle like a rainbow, and directly used his shoulder to gently push Rong April away.


With this touch, Rong Siyue rolled her eyes and fell to the ground. His head was still on the bumper of the car, and then he howled:

"I hit someone, hit someone, Ye Tianlong hit someone."

"Lawlessness, beat people in Rong's house..."

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