Talented Genius

Chapter 2910: Get out of Cheng Yaojin

As if sensing the presence of danger, the dwarf who packed the fried rice moved the corners of his mouth, and then speeded up his steps towards the alley not far away.

Wu Lingshuang's eyes were cold, and he chased up with the gun bag.

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly and dropped two hundred yuan, and then he picked up the crayfish that the boss had just fried:

"Ling Shuang, wait for me..."

As he walked quickly to follow, he picked up the crayfish and bit it, enjoying himself very much.


It's just that before Wu Lingshuang and Ye Tianlong blocked each other, five plainclothes men and women sprang out in front of them, their expressions indifferent blocking the path of the dwarf.

Then, their formation changed and they immediately surrounded the dwarf, with a fierce look in their eyes, and the leading Danfengyan woman even raised his gun.

The Danfengyan woman's skin is not fair, but her figure is really tall, and her legs are even more slender under the uniform.

The look of deterrence with a gun outlines a sultry curve, which provokes the man's heart to conquer.

Wu Lingshuang was slightly surprised when he saw this: "City Guards?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, the department where Rongguang had been in? Then he asked: "Do you know them?"


Wu Lingshuang slowed down: "This is the City Guard Action Team, which specializes in suppressing Jiangyang thieves who have entered Beijing illegally."

"The leader is Jin Qiangwei, Jin Xuejun's cousin, the captain of the action team."

She added in a low voice: "I used to maintain stability in the mountain city and transferred to the capital three months ago."

Ye Tianlong nodded slightly to express his understanding, and he guessed somewhat that after the death of Jin Xuejun, the Jin family began to transfer the foreign nephews into the capital to strengthen their forces.

"Who are you?"

When the five guns deterred the dwarf, Jin Qiangwei also swept over to Ye Tianlong and the two: "Lean against the wall, squat down, and take out your ID card."

The two stood in the shadow of the light, their facial features mottled, and it was difficult to identify them for a while.

When one of the guns turned towards Ye Tianlong, Wu Lingshuang hurriedly shouted: "Sister Qiangwei, it's me, Lingshuang."

"Ling Shuang, is it you?"

Jin Qiangwei narrowed his eyes slightly and recognized Wu Lingshuang's identity: "Why are you here?"

Wu Lingshuang replied: "I just returned to Beijing today and had a supper with my friends. I happened to see Zorro, thinking that he was a wanted person, so I followed."

"I didn't expect you to be here waiting for him."

She briefly described the matter, but did not introduce Ye Tianlong. She knew in her heart that the death of Jin Xuejun caused the Jin family to have a grudge against Ye Tianlong.

"I said how Zorro's pace was quickening, and his eyes were suspicious. It turned out that someone from your Ministry of Security had alarmed him."

After listening to Wu Lingshuang's explanation, Jin Qiangwei not only didn't care at all, but rather rebuked her tone:

"Don't you know, we have been staring at Zorro for a long time, and we haven't closed the net to take him down, just want to follow him to the thieves' den."

"As a result, you mixed up the deployment, forcing us to close the net in advance."

She snorted: "It's really not enough to fail."

The four companions also cast a cold eye on Wu Lingshuang, it seems that Wu Lingshuang's recklessness made them lose the opportunity to make great contributions.

Wu Lingshuang's pretty face stiffened, and then he whispered: "Sister Qiangwei, sorry, I am reckless, I will arrest people together with you to make up for..."

In the intelligence of the Ministry of Security, although Zorro is a dwarf, his strength is not weak, and his Western sword is even more impressive.

Therefore, even though he is surrounded now, it still doesn't mean that he can be easily taken down. Wu Lingshuang hopes to do his best.

"Come on!"

Jin Qiangwei waved his hand impatiently: "What do you say about these unnutritious? There is only Mo Guo Zorro, five of us are enough to abuse him thousands of times."

"You don't want to get in here to recharge."

"Otherwise, if you take down the person at that time, the credit will not be given to you, you will ask the old lady to complain, and the credit will be given to you, brothers will not be willing.

Jin Qiangwei arrogantly said: "You should stand aside, no, go as far as you can, lest we have to take care of you later."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, thinking that this woman was too tall, but Wu Lingshuang wanted to refute a few words, so he had to gnaw on the crayfish to watch the show.

Faced with Jin Qiangwei's refusal, Wu Lingshuang had no choice but to smile, pulling Ye Tianlong back two steps, but did not leave.

"If you don't leave, you will get confused later, but don't blame us for not taking care of you."

Seeing Wu Lingshuang and Ye Tianlong staying in place, Jin Qiangwei was a little bit more unhappy: "Moreover, you guys are humans, we won't be merciful."

Several city guards also watched Wu Lingshuang vigilantly, seemingly worried that Wu Lingshuang would take the credit for them.

Afterwards, Jin Qiangwei didn't wait for Wu Lingshuang's response, so she turned her gaze to Mo Guo Zoruo and said with a sneer:

"Zorro, you are a wanted criminal, with dozens of murders."

"You sneaked into the capital without authorization and hid for more than ten days, which seriously violated China's laws."

"If you are interested, please restrain yourself and explain the purpose of entering Beijing. Maybe I can give you a better ending."

Jin Qiangwei showed a sense of self-confidence: "Otherwise you will definitely end badly."

Zorro, who has been silent, didn't panic at all. He was four feet tall and faced the difficult situation indifferently, even with a touch of disdain when he scanned Jin Qiangwei.

"Captain Jin, although I am an old Mo, I have a heart that loves China."

"I came to Beijing just to nurture Chinese culture, and by the way, I would like to see what the Great Wall and the Forbidden City look like.

"I came to China for thirteen days, can I kill and set fire? Did you jump through the red light?"

Zorro remained polite: "If you don't have any, is it too rude to deal with me like this?"

"No time to talk nonsense with you!"

Jin Qiangwei gave an order: "Take it!"

The two subordinates put away their guns, took out their handcuffs and approached Zorro, and two guns were facing Zorro's front and back.

Jin Qiangwei's muzzle pointed at Zorro's head.

Well trained.


Just when the two city guards approached Zorro and made Jin Qiangwei's sight dimmed, the ten fried rice in Zorro's hand instantly exploded, and countless rice grains flew across.

The sky was full of rice grains and broken eggs, the aroma of fried rice instantly filled the sky, and several people were covered with rice grains on their faces.

One of the rice grains hit Jin Qiangwei's face, and the remaining temperature and greasiness made her snorted, and subconsciously tilted her head back two or three meters.

The muzzle also deviated.

Ye Tianlong also pulled Wu Lingshuang back, lest the rice grains dirty his clothes.

"Swish swish--"

At this moment, a sword light flashed, as quickly as lightning, and the wrists of the four city guards holding guns hurt, and a burst of blood shot out.

All firearms landed.


Then, the sword light flashed again, and the bodies of the four city guards shook. When they lowered their heads, there was an extra circle in their chest, and their hearts were painful.

Zorro's soft sword is like a poisonous snake, and its speed is very fast, and it is impossible to defend against it, making Wu Lingshuang a bit more solemn.


Before the city guards could cover the wound, Zorro blasted out like a cannonball, knocking the four people out more than ten meters, and fell to the ground losing combat effectiveness.

Zorro didn't stop for a while, amidst the falling rice grains, he instantly reached Jin Qiangwei's.


Zorro sneered, lifted his right hand, and the soft sword flashed out again.

Jin Qiangwei shouted before he could shoot, and a dagger flashed out of his sleeve, directly blocking Zorro's soft sword.

Seeing this knife, Ye Tianlong nodded lightly. Although Jin Qiangwei was a bit grumpy, her strength was worthy of recognition.

The power of this knife was enough to kill a cow.


It's a pity that Zorro is not a cow. He is a master. After the sword touched, he pressed his right hand.

The soft sword shook, wrapped around the dagger like a poisonous snake, and at the same time the tip of the sword protruded three inches, and flicked across Jin Qiangwei's chest fiercely.

A stream of blood bloomed from the golden rose.


Jin Qiangwei snorted, her pretty face was painful, and she took a half step back subconsciously.


Taking advantage of the opportunity of Jin Qiangwei's injury, Zorro kicked Jin Qiang out again, hit the wall, and the bricks on both sides burst.

Jin Qiangwei slipped to the ground, grunted, and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was very uncomfortable.

The dagger also fell to the ground.

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