Talented Genius

Chapter 2785: Unstoppable


Seeing Ye Tianlong and Oriole flying away directly, the bearded and them were dumbfounded, and then they reacted with a shock.

They secretly called that these two guys were domineering, and they were also angry that they were cold-blooded and ruthless. They could obviously help against the enemy, but they left them on the run.

"Quick! Quick! Block the enemy!"

But the beard flashed his thoughts, and then quickly shouted at more than twenty men: "Keep the door, keep the door!"

Gu Zi Lian, they endured the pain and got up. After opening the various organs for the first time, they took up guns and rushed to their posts.

Everyone knows that life and death are critical.

Berthasha also picked up a sniper rifle to step forward, and the bearded eye quickly grabbed him, and her voice came out in a low voice:

"Miss, you can't go up."

"Since we used the beauty plan to get the helicopter technology from Prince Tais, his confidant, Tai Gelong, has regarded us as a deadly enemy."

There is a solemn in his eyes: "Tigerlong has always wanted to eradicate us and confess to Prince Tais. This time the establishment of the game also wants to kill us."

"Tiger dragon is the most ruthless dog in the Osman Empire. It is even more prepared tonight. We have no chance of winning if we die."

He whispered: "The best way now is for me to lead people in front of me, and you crawl out of the tunnel under my bed silently."

"No, no, I won't go, I can't abandon you."

Berthasha did not hesitate to shook her head: "And I provoked it, I should live and die with you."

"If I abandon you and go, even if I survive, I won't feel at ease in this life."

There was stubbornness in her eyes: "I won't go."

"Miss, don't be emotional."

The beard roared: "As long as you survive, our emperor blood team will not perish. If you have an accident, the Snake Nation will definitely cancel this organization."

"The blood of the emperor is a team that made great achievements. Whether it was trying to arrest Nacui or avenging Pakistan, we all have a remarkable record."

It took 20 years to punish dozens of big Boss who escaped trial, and it took nine years to assassinate 18 terrorists who had attacked the snake country.

What he did is quite controversial, but the beard is still proud.

"It must not be revoked."

The bearded face has unspeakable perseverance: "Miss, you go quickly, go now, we will grit our teeth and block it for 30 minutes."

"No, I want to fight alongside you."

Beisha Shajiao yelled, and then around the beard, she reached the rooftop very quickly, and scanned the formation of the attackers condescendingly.

As the spies said, at least a team of three hundred people, divided into ten teams to advance, there are Hummers and armored vehicles at the front door.

Strong lineup.

"Miss, what are you doing here? Go!"

At this moment, the beard also chased up with a thud, and he hurriedly rebuked Berthasha. Then, his eyes condensed slightly, staring at a car in the team.

"Prince Tais is here in person?"

He recognized that the car in the center was Taisi's special car, but the rival, Tiger Dragon, was nowhere to be seen, as if to perform other tasks.

His heart sank, it's over...

Tiger Dragon is already terrible, and Tais himself goes out, and I am afraid it will be difficult to end well tonight...

At this time, a bald-headed man outside saw that the castle's lights were dimmed, and there were figures that kept flashing, and he knew that the guard had spotted them.

He cursed damned secretly.

He quickly stepped back a few meters, came to a Lincoln car, and said respectfully to the person in the car:

"Prince Tas, they found us."

He asked: "Should you call for them to surrender?"

The person in the car did not make a sound, but stretched out a delicate hand, with a gentle and murderous intent, and gently waved: "Kill!"

The bald man straightened his body instantly: "Yes."

Afterwards, he turned around and shouted: "Attack! Ready to attack! Go in and kill them all! Kill all the hateful Snake people!"


More than a hundred uniformed men stood up and rushed towards the gate. As soon as they rushed to the way, they heard a bang.

The guy who rushed forward, stayed there with the gunshot.

People behind saw the blood flowing from his forehead, falling drop by drop on the open ground of the old castle.

Then he fell on the grass with a plop.

A single shot can hit the eyebrow with only a weak light, even a fool knows how accurate the shooter is.

The bald-headed man was slightly stunned.

The Snake Nation agent who occupied a key position and prepared to counterattack had a wave of pride on his face, looking at Berthasha on the rooftop.

Although their young lady is weak, her marksmanship is top-notch.

Seeing his companion's head blown down, the bald man first lay on the ground, then his eyes sharpened, and he shouted with his guns in his hands:


"Kill me!"

"Boom boom!"

Gunshots rang intensively, and more than fifty Osterguards attacking frontally, holding submachine guns, launched an attack on the castle.

Agents of the Snake Country quickly stabilized their minds and counterattacked.


Berthasha was shot by two children again, and the two boss-like enemies fell to the ground, and there was no sound when they twitched twice.

Seeing that Beisha Sha was so powerful, Guazilian and others also gained more confidence, holding guns and fighting back bravely.

"Boom, boom—"

For a time, gunshots sounded like fried beans. The former was to kill the guards inside, and the latter was to block the enemies who wanted their lives.

After thousands of bullets passed, Osterway advanced seven or eight meters.


The bald man yelled again, and then posted it next to the armored car, and Nuo Teng jumped towards the castle.

"Kang Dang--"

The armored vehicle smashed the gate, leaving the castle with a gap.

Driven by his pioneers, the rest of the special guards advanced vigorously, and the intensive bullets made the snake country agents unable to lift their heads.

Subsequently, nearly three hundred people charged without scruples.

In an instant, he hit two meters from the door, and attacked again with the steps and stone pillars.

Gunfire flashed in the castle immediately, and bullets shot out one after another, all circling and crashing into the backs or heads of both sides.

Blossoms of blood are particularly bright in the light.

There were bursts of gunfire.

Yin Yin's blood, like a red river, splashed on the trousers of many people under the dire light, and also stained the grass of the castle...

At this moment, on the hill not far away, the Oriole gnawed a piece of bread, looked at the killing scene and asked: "Ye Shao, don't we help?"

"One billion in intelligence, two billion lives, and if Bertha and the others die, a total of three billion IOUs would be gone."

The siskin joked: "White money, just watch it flow away?"

Ye Tianlong carried his hands on his back and stared at the old castle where the bullets rained: "I can't hold it..."

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