Talented Genius

Chapter 2775: Change ship

Seeing Ye Tianlong standing behind General Ugo, with his left hand still lightly falling on his shoulder, the Uzbek soldier immediately struck a spirit.

"Don't move! Don't move!"

"Leave away from the general at once! Otherwise we will shoot."

Dozens of Uzbek soldiers raised their submachine guns and pointed at Ye Tianlong's body as if they were facing the enemy, all treating him as extremely dangerous.

The fact that Ye Tianlong also brought them a huge impact, beheading nearly a hundred members of the European royal family, but it was the first time they had seen him.

Ye Tianlong ignored the threats of the soldiers, still calm and calm: "General, the story has begun, not the end, it's not very good."

The Uzbek soldier was furious: "Immediately release the general!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong ignoring their warnings, the Uzbek soldiers were furious, and they wanted to shoot Ye Tianlong into a sieve.

But they didn't dare to act rashly in the end, except that General Ugo did not order, there was also Ye Tianlong's calmness with indescribable deterrence.

Perhaps when they pulled the trigger, Ye Tianlong could break General Hugo's neck.

"General, this end, if you don't come, then I can only come."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "I am a cruelist, and I like to tear up beautiful things for others to see."

"At the end of me, blood is often flowing into rivers, corpses are everywhere, the country cannot live in peace, the people cannot live in peace..."

He laughed like a spring breeze, but the words were extremely cruel, causing General Hugo, who was as calm as a level, to twitch.

Afterwards, General Ugo leaned back in his seat and his voice sank: "Ye Tianlong, you killed Prince Mason and them all, what else do you want to end?"

"You are the best in the audience, and you are the most popular. You can make the world headlines for a month."

General Ugo was angry: "What do you want me to end?"

He once wanted to contend with Ye Tianlong's palm power, but found that the disparity was too big, that force was like Mount Tai, which could crush his neck at any time.

In the end, he gave up the confrontation and made the soldiers back two meters.

The atmosphere is relaxed.

But General Hugo vented his anger.

"They are dead, my fault?"

Ye Tianlong sneered lightly: "I have killed so many people, and I haven't complained about my grievances yet."

General Ugo sneered: "Are you wronged? You murdered the devil, what is wrong with you?"

"The current situation is not what you want, nor is it what I want."

Ye Tianlong's voice was invisibly uplifted: "At the beginning, I said, everything is in accordance with the rules before the deposit."

"Twenty-four forces are bidding, and the one with the highest price operates the Expedition."

"But who insists on changing the rules? Who wants to turn the money-smashing auction into a fight for life and death?"

Ye Tianlong smiled warmly: "Isn't the real culprit a general? My four-good young man turned into a warrior, isn't it you forced?"


General Ugo wanted to refute something, but in the end he had no choice but to shut up. It seemed absurd, but in fact it was justified.

He intended to show Mason, who knew that the **** Ye Tianlong appeared.

"General, Ye Shao is right."

Harman yelled out at the right time: "We are all strongly opposed to changing the rules, but you are going to fight a life and death battle, and there is even a round of voting."

"All the processes will go according to your wishes, and there will be no grievances in the arena. This is what you announced in public."

"The only thing you didn't expect is the result now."

Haman came over: "But you really can't blame us for blaming Ye Shao. We have done our best to our kindness, and we almost kneel down and beg you not to change the rules."

"So you can only blame yourself for the **** situation now."

Harman, dressed in white, is harmless to humans and animals, but what he says is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making people involuntarily convinced and understand.

"Yeah, General, today everyone has witnessed everything."

Park Zhanjun also stood up: "Everyone knows the cause of the matter. You are self-sufficient."

"You must become angry, unless you kill us. If you can't afford to lose at all, I will tell the world media."

Park Zhanjun reminded: "At that time, Uzbekistan will not only decline, but its reputation will also be destroyed."

Ye Tianlong smiled suddenly: "Of course, Boss Ma is also responsible. Without his vote, it would not have passed 12 to 12."

kill without spilling blood.

Ye Tianlong found a gap for General Hugo to shirk responsibility, and that was to blame Ma Shuangdao for the vote, which meant Ma Shuangdao was a substitute for the dead.

Ma Shuangdao's expression changed, and he stared at Ye Tianlong with a grinning grin: "Boy, sinister."

He knew that following Ye Tianlong's remarks, the Ma family would not only be unable to gain a foothold in the West, but would also face the danger of being vented by Ugo and the others.

The fact is also true, General Hugo glanced at him.

Castilla also looked at him, with a bitter look, as if complaining about his vote, which killed Mason and killed his sister.

At this time, Li Xian'er stood up: "Xinguo and Ye Shao advance and retreat together."

Wu Jing also took a step forward: "Ye Shao will always be a friend of General Weng Sha."

Elder Ming Long also smiled: "Ye Shao is also my old friend."

Everyone put pressure on them and made their position clear, letting the guns in the hands of Uzbek soldiers hang down invisibly.

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a character."

Seeing that Park Zhanjun and the wealthy members stood firm on Ye Tianlong's stand, General Ugo knew that the plan to shoot Ye Tianlong on the spot was not working.

There were too many eyes on the scene to see what happened, and it was impossible to plug everyone's mouth, and he couldn't kill Haman and them all.

Therefore, General Ugo could only look at Ye Tianlong: "How do you solve this matter?"

"I don't like being taken advantage of by others, but I don't like taking advantage of others."

Ye Tianlong's palm moved away from General Ugo's shoulder: "You said that with twenty-four chips, you can transport the Expedition..."

General Hugo sighed: "Yes!"

"No, this is my bargaining chip."

Ye Tianlong smiled and put a bunch of blood-stained chips in front of General Ugo, eleven shares from Prince Mason's camp, and twelve shares from Park Zhanjun.

"Twenty-three copies, one less..."

Ye Tianlong looked at the still-stable Ma Shuangdao with cold eyes: "Don't send it here yet?"

Ma Shuangdao's face was flushed and extremely ugly. Obviously this was a great humiliation, but in the end he bit his lip and walked over to hand over his chips.

Ma Qingqing's eyes also contained suffocated tears.


Ye Tianlong swept the chips violently, and twenty chips shot out.

"Boom boom!"

All the soldiers of Uzbekistan who surrounded Ye Tianlong screamed, and all the people with guns fell out and fell to the ground, all of their ribs were broken.

"Change ship!"

Ye Tianlong slapped Ugo's shoulder with his left hand, and the chair fell apart with a crack...

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