Talented Genius

Chapter 2756: Something big will happen

Miranda pulled back a bit of smile, and changed the conversation: "Risa, he said there was a violent conflict on your flight, and a black man hijacked a couple?"

Resabeth glanced at Ye Tianlong and determined that Ye Tianlong was troubled. She replied lightly, "A little friction."

"The cabin space is small. A guest named Johnson stretched his hands and feet and accidentally touched a girl's chest. Her boyfriend took the opportunity to get angry."

Reza faintly said: "I have to call the police at one time, ask for justice at one time, and blackmail at one time. I am not used to him, so I just moved out of the captain to warn."

"After a beat, I'm honest."

"If there is a conflict, I will have notified the airport police. Don't listen to this kid."

She glanced at Ye Tianlong: "What is hijacked or kidnapped, there is nothing, at most it is a little friction."

Several flight attendants echoed and informed that no major incident had happened on the flight.

After Miranda listened, she stared sharply at Ye Tianlong: "I don't know why you lied to me, but you will give you the last chance for your first offense."

"Get off in front of me right away, as far as you can."

Her pretty face was frosty: "Besides kidnapping and kidnapping, I will handcuff you first."

"Miranda, just handcuff him directly. This person probably hasn't been abroad, and he hasn't enjoyed so many rights, so he is swollen."

Reza Liu raised her eyebrows: "He is used to being disciplined, and he is uncomfortable regardless of teaching."

Several policewomen and flight attendants also laughed sweetly when they heard the words, looking at Ye Tianlong with disdain, thinking that this kid was a hillbilly entering the city.

"You won't save them again..."

Ye Tianlong's voice suddenly calmed down: "The consequences will be very serious, maybe many people will die."

as a result of? What are the consequences?

The dead, who can die? Even death, and death of the little couple.

Miranda and Reza curled their lips, looked at each other and all smiled...


Ye Tianlong did not speak any more, turned and left the airport lobby...

"The Cardinals have followed, Johnson is heading to the Beast Base Camp."

Two minutes later, Ye Tianlong got into a commercial vehicle, and as soon as he was seated, his disabled hand passed the tablet over, showing traces of tracking.

"The Beast Group has three thousand members, divided into ten groups, almost all of them are extremely evil, a big cancer in Uzbekistan."

Canshou told: "The Beast specializes in four aspects, one is kidnapping for extortion, the other is drug smuggling, and the other is controlling the red light district."

"The other is to make fun for the rich. As long as the rich can afford the price, the Beast Organization will do their best to satisfy their needs."

"For example, looking for underage virgins, such as torturing women and children..."

He told Ye Tianlong of the information he had collected: "In short, no matter how abnormal, someone can be satisfied."

"Because the beast organization has a wide range of channels, the rumor is behind the military, and the leader is tyrannical, so it swept the local gang in three years."

"The Beast is now a well-known big organization in Uzbekistan."

Canshou added the last sentence: "By the way, that Johnson is the younger brother of the beast leader Johnny. Johnny eats both black and white..."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "Take it all? Then eat him..."

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of No. 88 on Shengli Avenue. The Cardinals had already been waiting under a tree.

Ye Tianlong got out of the car and glanced at the surrounding environment. The courtyard was built high, guarded by iron gates, and there were roaring wolf dogs in the courtyard.

"Ye Shao, Johnson and the others have captured Xiao Jun and his team here."

The oriole reported in a low voice: "Xiao Jun resisted all the way and suffered a lot, but it also delayed a little. They just went in for two minutes."

"When will the police arrive?"

There is a touch of worry in his eyes: "I'm afraid it will be late, the three of them have an accident..."

Unless the space of the van is too small, Johnson would have bowed to Wang Linlin overlord.

"The police are not coming..."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Let's... do the way for the sky."


Following Ye Tianlong's order, the three commercial vehicles roared like mad bulls, hitting the gate and drove straight in.

Five beast guards couldn't even dodge, they were knocked out, and a large pool of blood sputtered out of the pale light.

The thugs in the Beast Base Camp are not ordinary security guards, they are also carefully selected by Johnson.

Usually, all of them are fierce fighters who are always bullying people, not being bullied.

At this moment, they could not help being filled with righteous indignation when they witnessed their companion being hit by a car.

They took out the sharp blades and guns, and surrounded them aggressively: "Stop, stop!"


With the muffled sound of a sharp weapon piercing the skin, the forward pace of six or seven black people suddenly stopped, and their faces were full of panic.

They looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of them, stiff.

Mai held a sharp sword, cutting melons and vegetables, and opened their throats.

Bloody and cruel.

Later, the oriole and Canshou also came out and joined the battle.

Ye Tianlong waved his finger lightly: "Kill his family!"

Mai and the others nodded lightly, and each led people in.

The alarm bell rang out. More than a hundred enemies smelled the danger and saw the fallen corpses. They knew that a powerful enemy was coming tonight, and then they gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

They didn't believe that, more than a hundred people would be unable to hold the other ten people.

Mai and them are like tigers, not afraid of the crowd.

They rushed into the crowd with murderous aura, extremely sharp, deadly moves, blood splattered, and life was quickly lost.

In the light, horrible and desperate faces were reflected.

Ye Tianlong picked up a long spear, and while moving forward, he raised the spear and shot a few bullets to kill the enemy holding heavy firepower.

Calm, but murderous.

The number of enemies dropped sharply.

One hundred thirty, one hundred, ninety, seventy, fifty...

When the enemies outside kept screaming and falling to the ground, Ye Tianlong and Canshou also turned four or five turns and came to an underground Xiaoyao Grotto provided by a lively mouth.

This is where the top leaders of the Beast Group really indulge.

Several enemies who were yelling to report to Johnson and the others were unceremoniously shot through the neck by the hand throwing knife, and fell one by one on the narrow aisle.

Afterwards, Can Shou pushed open a thick door and saw a wing room at the end.

Four black people stood at the door of the wing, dangling cigarettes, and seeing Ye Tianlong and their murderous appearance, they subconsciously touched the guns in their arms:


"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and directly raised the gun and shot the bullet.


The four of them shook their bodies and slammed into the wooden door behind them, with blood splattered between their eyebrows. Everyone had a sense of unwillingness in their eyes.

When they were about to fall to the ground, Ye Tianlong pushed them away with one hand, and then he kicked the door open.


The door to the wing room opened, and the smoke was filled with smoke. You could see the smiling faces of dozens of people including Johnson and others. There were men and women, and half of the sneers were not recovered:

"The woman kept shouting, don't hurt him, don't hurt them, whatever you want me to do, please."

"That old man is even more ridiculous, calling me all the way to be the aircraft carrier of the Expedition, the former deputy chief designer, Ogle..."

"Damn! That bird, it's the carrier designer, I was upset when I heard it, so I slapped him twice..."

Johnson stopped the topic and looked at Ye Tianlong and others who broke in.

The lively Xiaoyao Cave was also silent for an instant.

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