Talented Genius

Chapter 2754: Shameless

"Dear passengers, the flight is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts..."

On the third day after receiving the call from Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong, who returned to Gangcheng from Nanhan, flew from Gangcheng to Uzbekistan thousands of miles away.

Leaning on the seat, he looked out the window and let the gentle voice stewardess announce the matter.

Afterwards, the plane made a huge roar, like a big white bird, flying across the runway at high speed and flying into the sky with white clouds.

After the plane reached 10,000 meters, the roar became smaller and it began to fly steadily. Through the porthole, Ye Tianlong looked back at the earth further and further away.

After finally handling the hands and tails of Dongyang and Nanhan, they have to fly to Uzbekistan to buy a gambling boat.

Ye Tianlong didn't know what Zhao Ditian meant, but he still obeyed his instructions unconditionally.

After staying in Port City for a long time, Ye Tianlong dyed his hair, hid four swords and one sword, and made some physical adjustments to his facial features.

He wanted to make Ye Tianlong and Ye Tianlong different.

Ye Tianlong also opened his own ID, which had a photo, ID number, address, steel seal, and his casino legal person status.

This made Ye Tianlong surprised that his credentials were infinitely close to his own details, which meant that Zhan Qinglou did not intend to hide him.

"Ye Shao, Tianmo, Canshou, and Mai have arrived in Wuguolan City."

When Ye Tianlong slowly put away his ID, the cardinal put down the tablet in his hand, and then said in a low voice: "Feng Group and Quetang also went to a hundred people."

"I'm just going to buy a boat, why are so many people doing?"

Ye Tianlong couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words: "It's not going to Uzbekistan to fight with people to grab territory."

A look of helplessness flashed across the cardinal's face: "I think so too. Let's buy a boat. If it's suitable, just give it, not grab it."

"But Bailihua is like a big enemy. She said that this time is a difficult and dangerous task, and people have a low life in a foreign country, so they must have more manpower."

He smiled and added: "So in addition to the manpower mentioned earlier, Bailihua also bought a batch of heavy weapons and ten bazookas."

"Bailihua crazy?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes were more puzzled: "We are just buying a ship, not robbing the ship, nor fighting it. Why do we need so many people and so many guns?"

"She didn't tell me, she just told me to be careful on this trip and protect you around the clock. She may be worried that you will be recognized by the Dongyang or Nanjin..."

The oriole chuckles and throws out a sentence, and then turns to ask: "By the way, Ye Shao, why are we buying a ship this time?"

Ye Tianlong was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, yeah, why buy a ship?

He touched his head: "I forgot to ask. At that time, I only cared about the life and death of the King of India and they didn't care much about the boat gambling."

"Maybe my elder brother wants to expand his business, so he got a boat to have fun."

Ye Tianlong exerted his imagination: "Just like in the movie, he gambled on the high seas to attract big customers."

"The specific information will not be clear until we arrive in Lancheng."

Although he described it very well and there are reasons for it, but Ye Tianlong didn't believe it. Zhao Ditian asked himself to buy a ship back for the business of the casino.

Zhao Ditian has no interest in casinos. The reason why he is so active must have a deeper plan.

The oriole has a scheming look: "I guess there is something in it, and there are many things in it."


Just as the oriole was whispering to Ye Tianlong, suddenly a clear slap in the face sounded from the aisle seat in the left area.

Then, a body shook twice and fell to the ground with a loud noise.

A mixed-race young man in his twenties, lying upright next to the oriole, his face was distorted and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, as if he had suffered some pain.

"Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you—"

Seeing the mixed-race youth fell to the ground, the surrounding passengers shrank their feet subconsciously. Only one girl burst into tears and hurriedly helped the young man up.

Her passport fell to the ground.

The youth struggled and squeezed out: "Linlin, I'm fine..."

Ye Tianlong picked up the girl's passport, gave it back to her calmly, and glanced at the name on it, Wang Linlin.

Wang Linlin nodded and thanked Ye Tianlong, and then focused on the young man's face: "I said it was all right, the corners of her mouth were bleeding..."

"Fuck your uncle, **** your uncle!"

On the other side of the girl, two black men, one fat and one thin, were rolling their sleeves and cursing, scornfully staring at Xiao Jun and Wang Linlin from time to time.

Those who don't know must think that this couple provoke the black people.

But Ye Tianlong, who was observing all directions, knew that it was the fat black man who touched the girl's chest with his elbow and lifted her skirt intentionally or unintentionally.

And not once or twice, at least five or six moves.

The girl named Wang Linlin couldn't bear it and scolded the fat black for a little respect, but was seduced by the black ridiculing girl.

The young man called Xiao Jun was so angry that he stood up and argued with the opponent, but was knocked down by the opponent's slap.

"How can you do this? Two big men bully the little couple, are you sorry?"

"A lot of people eat tofu and beat people. Are you not afraid of sitting in prison?"

"You do this, do your parents know?"

Many passengers around saw the ins and outs of the incident, so they accused the two black men of being shameless.

What everyone did not expect was that after hearing the news, the blond flight attendant communicated with the captain, and unexpectedly affected the flight with Xiao Jun and Linlin and wanted to return.

Those passengers were immediately confused and halfway through the flight. Whoever wanted to return home would not dare to criticize again.

Xiao Jun and Linlin were afraid of hurting everyone, so in the end they had to swallow.

The blacks and the blacks had to make an inch of it. Along the way, they kept talking pornographic jokes and insulted Xiao Jun and Linlin.

The flight attendant and stewardess turned a blind eye to this, and were obviously partial to their shameless compatriots.

Xiao Jun wanted to change seats with Wang Linlin and tried his best to protect the girl, but Wang Linlin refused to agree, worrying that her boyfriend would be beaten.

It's just that although she buffered the man from being beaten, she was harassed several times by blacks.

Fat Hei smiled and approached her, either leaning back, or stretching out his legs and feet, and occasionally pretending to sleep and stretching, just as wretched as she was.

These few times, Wang Linlin didn't dare to speak out again, worried that Xiao Jun's anger would cause trouble, but tried hard to avoid the fat and black touch and silently endured the violation.

Ye Tianlong looked at this scene and shook his head gently.

The Oriole leaned forward and whispered to Ye Tianlong: "Look at the sign on the back of their hands. They are members of the Beast Organization, a notorious gang in Uzbekistan."


Ye Tianlong smiled upon hearing the words: "Very vivid, indeed like a beast."

Then he sighed: "King Chu is dead, but this business is not dead..."

Ye Tianlong shook his head, then closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the plane to arrive at the destination.

"Asshole, you deceive people too much."

When the plane arrived over Uzbekistan, Xiao Jun saw the black hairy legs and feet, passing through the middle of his girlfriend's calves intentionally or unintentionally.

And his girlfriend not only had bruises on her calf, but also some redness and swelling on her arm. There was no doubt that it was caused by fat and black.

"Asshole, wait, I'll call the police later."

Xiao Jun was angrily: "I want to accuse you, I want you to sit in prison."

Fat Hei raised his head and shouted: "Bad son, what are you talking about? Sue me? Do you still want to be beaten? Do you know who I am Johnson?"

Shou Hei also yelled: "That's right, Brother Johnson playing with your woman is a blessing you cultivated in your last life. You even called the police and killed you, believe it?"

Feeling their ferocity, Wang Linlin grabbed Xiao Jun and shook her head to advise: "Xiao Jun, forget it, I'm fine, I'm about to land..."

"It's my fault."

Xiao Jun believed that his girlfriend was humiliated because he was not strong enough, so he thought about it and decided: "We must call the police and bring them to justice."

"The alarm is troublesome, and it's Uzbekistan."

Wang Linlin whispered: "I think, let's just forget it, and we'll be bitten by a bad dog, and it's making a lot of trouble, adding to your grandfather's old man..."

Seeing Wang Linlin begging to herself, and thinking of her grandfather who is already old, and the tasks of this trip, Xiao Jun's face flashed helplessly, and he nodded hard:

"Well, listen to you..."

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