Talented Genius

Chapter 2736: Victory

"Mom, please, you must save me."

When Pu Zhongjian was notified of the meeting, in a small courtyard in the Wenjia Garden, Wen Zitao was clutching Jin Qiuliang's hand, begging:

"You must ask the doctor to save me, I don't want to die."

"I'm still young, I haven't had enough of anything, I really don't want to die."

Wenzi burst into tears, and his desire to survive made him regard his mother as the last straw: "Mom, you must ask the doctor to save me."

Mrs. Wen also had a pretty face with tears: "Zi Tao, listen to me, I have asked Nan Han's experts to consult and they will come up with a treatment plan as soon as possible."

"I also used all my relationships. I hired famous doctors from Switzerland and the United States. Dozens of top doctors around the world can definitely save you."

"If you lie down in bed for two days, at most two days, your toxins will be relieved."

Mrs. Wen comforted her son gently: "Believe mom, mom will never just watch you die."

Although Jin Qiuliang said categorically that a son would definitely be saved, she was very sad in her heart. She knew that the gods could not save him.

The doctor had given her a death notice. Several organs of Wen Zitao were slowly failing, and her lungs were beginning to become fibrotic. She died within three days at most.

Although this method of death was not painful, it was terrifying because he slowly felt the arrival of death.

As a result, Mrs. Wen hated Ye Tianlong. This **** not only ruined her, ruined the Jin family, but also ruined her most precious son.

Madam Wen was angry at Ye Tianlong's cruel heart, and secretly griefed Ye Tianlong's strength.

Qiu Xiaozi, the five elders, forty-eight shells, helicopters, such a brutal attack, Ye Tianlong did not die, it is incredible.

Moreover, after Ye Tianlong came alive, he swept most of the enemies within two days.

She and Yokota Taixiang's deeds of smearing each other were gradually suspected because of Ye Tianlong's re-blooming strength.

Knowing that Ye Tianlong was so tricky, Jin Qiuliang would temporarily hold back his anger and would not cooperate with Yokota Taixiang, but unfortunately there was no regret medicine.

She can only walk one way to the dark now.

Jin Qiuliang smiled forcefully in front of his son: "Your father won't let you have an accident."

"thanks Mom."

Wen Zitao felt a little relieved, and then coughed uncontrollably. The mouth and throat that were flowing through paraquat could no longer be used naturally.

"Mom, grandpa and uncle..."

Although he was forced to take poison, his spirit and consciousness were very clear, and he could hear a lot of news, so he asked.

Jin Qiuliang did not hide from his son: "Yes, something happened to your grandfather and uncle, and the situation is a bit pessimistic."

"But after all, we are a family with a solid foundation. As long as your dad and I don't have any trouble, the Jin family and the Wen family will always be top families."

"All crises and grievances will also be properly resolved."

A chill burst into her eyes: "Victory will ultimately belong to us."

Today's Mrs. Wen seems to be trying to give her son confidence, and her dress is very enchanting.

The tight-fitting black dress on the top reveals a snow-white attractive chest, and the bottom is a black miniskirt with two long legs wrapped in tube socks, which looks very nice.

When she straightened up slightly, the queen's demeanor was also exuded, giving herself and others confidence.

Wen Zitao also felt his mother's self-confidence, and inexplicably calmed down, but thinking of the knife light last night, he coughed again:

"Mom, but Ye Tianlong is terrifying, Uncle Bird and the others are almost unable to fight back..."

A dozen people didn't even hold on for five seconds. How could Wen Zitao not be afraid of Ye Tianlong?

"Child, don't worry, there are people outside, and there are heaven outside."

Jin Qiuliang comforted his son: "In addition to the Nanhan official, we also have the support of the world superpower, the United States."

"Furthermore, the mad dog Ye Tianlong bit people everywhere. Although the bite killed many people, he also aroused the disgust of countless people."

"Ye Tianlong is full of spirits now, but it is relying on his skill and luck. Once he is unlucky one day, he will definitely be skinned and broken."

She also told one thing: "I have asked your dad to contact all parties and participate in the Dragon Slaying Conference at 3pm to discuss how to deal with Ye Tianlong."

"No matter how tyrannical Ye Tianlong is, I will kill him to avenge your grandfather and uncle."

"I also give you a good breath."

"Hurry up and get better, then I will leave his head for you.;

She encouraged her son, hoping that he would have more confidence in fighting the poison, and even if he died slowly, he could die gracefully and calmly.

"Mom rest assured, I will try my best to live."

Wen Zitao's pale face showed a firmness, and a little confidence and courage made him gritted his teeth: "I want to kill Ye Tianlong by myself."

"Will do."

Mrs. Wen shook her son's hand: "Okay, take a break first. I'll go and ask the doctor to get you medicine. By the way, I will look at the content of the afternoon meeting."

Wen Zitao was very well-behaved and said, "Thank you mother."

A touch of distress passed in Jin Qiuliang's eyes, so many sensible children, why did Ye Tianlong's evil obstacle succeed?

After she left the room and closed the door, she soon came to the wide corridor, where several men and women in Chinese were already waiting.

Jin Qiuliang glanced at three men and one woman: "Are you ready?"

Three men and one woman respectfully replied: "All are ready."

Jin Qiuliang's eyes were cold: "Ye Tianlong killed so many people in one breath, and even my son was forced to poison, which shows that revenge hatred has reached its peak."

"Why didn't he do something to me?"

"It's not that he didn't have a chance to kill me, but that he wanted to leave me in the end and wreak havoc."

She gritted her teeth: "He wants to trample on me cruelly, humiliate me, to satisfy his vanity, and to vent his anger at being put on me."

A middle-aged man asked: "Madam, would you like to add more bodyguards?"

A woman also fits: "Yes, plus some manpower, although Ye Tianlong is powerful, but after all, he is a flesh and blood body, unable to hold bullets."

"no need!"

Jin Qiuliang's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "The Army A can't stop Ye Tianlong's attack, and the rest of the bodyguards are cannon fodder. There is no need to add more people."

"Moreover, many bodyguards can protect me for a while, but they cannot protect me for the rest of my life. I can't be led by the nose."

She doesn't want to live with fear every day.

"Ye Tianlong will find me sooner or later, slowly torturing me, killing me, and I can hardly stop him from attacking and killing me."

"Instead of being attacked by him all day, so scared that he can't eat well and sleep well, it's better to just be a bit more, and I will give him the best chance to get a face."

She stared at a fat man: "At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Wen family held a dragon slaying conference to discuss how to deal with Ye Tianlong."

"You must spread it to me throughout Nan Han."

Jin Qiuliang has a sharp voice: "Do you understand?"

The four confidants said in unison: "Understand."

Afterwards, the fat man asked, "Madam, do you want me to put more pressure to let more families attend the meeting?"

"No need to."

Mrs. Wen sneered: "My real goal is not guests. For me, no matter how many people come, it is just a dispensable number."

"My real goal is actually Ye Tianlong's life."

Jin Qiuliang was very proud: "Once Ye Tianlong hears it, he will definitely go to the Dragon Slaying Conference to make trouble, and kill me at the conference by the way."

"So you must have enough manpower and weapons to deal with Ye Tianlong."

"At the same time, bury the explosives for me at the entire dragon slaying conference, and it's best to cover them in a radius of ten miles."

She clenched her fist and her expression was indescribably crazy: "If Ye Tianlong dares to come to the scene to make trouble, I will let him come back and forth."

The father is dead, the brother is dead, the sister is dead, and the son is about to die. He lives in fear, and Jin Qiuliang prepares for the worst.

Is this going to die together? Three men and one woman changed their expressions: "Madam—"

"Stop talking nonsense, go and execute the order."

Mrs. Wen straightened her body and her eyes were cold: "Changbai Mountain has not been killed by the forty-eight shells. God has enough love for Ye Tianlong."

"It's okay..."

"In this round, I want to win the half son!"

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