Talented Genius

Chapter 2715: Fate War

Seeing Qiu Xiaozi's diagonal sword fighting, Ye Tianlong's eyes fell on Gu Jian, laughing:

"Ten holding swords? It seems that today is really a fateful duel."

The ten-handed sword, also known as the ten-fist sword, is the ancestor of all swords in the East.

In the "Gu Shi Ji" record, after using eight cups of wine to make the eight-headed snake fall asleep, he chopped it into segments with ten-handed swords!

When the tail in the middle was cut to the end, the Ten Grip Sword was suddenly broken into a gap!

Susano was very curious, so he pulled out the bones of the tail. It turned out to be a sword, and the sky was suddenly covered with clouds, like a jungle!

So this drawn sword was called the Kusuna Sword, that is to say, the gap of the ten-handed sword was cut back by the Kusnaru sword.

Ye Tianlong only now knows why the Kusanaru sword is so wary that he has met a fateful soldier!

He gently wiped his fingers from the blade, and the corners of his mouth showed a cold arrogance that was different from usual: "Qiu Xiaozi, don't you worry, I cut the ten-handed sword?"

"Weapons are only auxiliary, and victory is always in people."

Qiu Xiaozi kept calm: "Ye Tianlong, you are not as good as me, and you are not as good as me, you are still between madness."

"You have no chance of winning this battle."

Qiu Xiaozi said faintly: "No matter how good the sword is, you can't beat me."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a long laugh: "Qiu Xiaozi, you are a fatalist. You said so much, in fact, it just proves..."

"You are worried..."

He broke it.

Qiu Xiaozi stopped answering, but her right wrist shook gracefully.


With a crisp sound, the ten swords swayed in the air, and the sky was full of cold light in an instant, and the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, faintly revealing an aggressive force.

Many eyes in the video that paid attention to this battle were all moved by Qiu Xiaozi's bullying intent to kill.

Ye Tianlong also concealed all the warm smiles, and lightly flicked the sword with his fingers, and there was a clear light in his eyes that could not be seen through the world:

"Go ahead."

Five knives per person, standing against the wind!

Facing Ye Tianlong's overwhelming murderous aura, Qiu Xiaozi's eyes became as quiet as a bright moon.

In her sword, she seeks to return to the simple and true, from splendid to ordinary state.

The state of "sword is sword, I am me", "sword is not sword, I am not me".

That is also a realm of immortality and Buddha!

Qiu Xiaozi said softly: "Let you do it!"

"Thank you!"

Ye Tianlong laughed, not being polite, his toes hit the damp sand, and the whole figure bounced towards Qiu Xiaozi, who looked like a goshawk.

The blood in his whole body almost boiled under the urging of the Kusanaru Sword, and the powerful battle has improved Ye Tianlong's senses to the greatest extent.

Kusanaru sword slashed down.


Seeing Ye Tianlong attacking, Qiu Xiaozi shifted half a step, turning the ten-handed sword lightly, a sword drawn out, flashing the light of a crescent moon.

The sword light was not fast, as if seeing the moonlight, but when Ye Tianlong saw it, it had fallen on his chest.

He was surprised that Qiu Xiaozi's refined sword was not inferior to the original Lone Star Master.


Ye Tianlong didn't dare to be careless, and gently withdrew the Kusanaru sword back to his body, dangerously blocking the ten-handed sword that was about to pierce his body.

The two magic soldiers finally met again.


The dull metal crash sounded across the top of the mountain, like the roar of a liger in the forest, straight into the boundless sky!

Park Zhanjun looked at the screen nervously.

Yokota Taisang roared in his heart: Kill him! kill him!

He seemed to have seen that Ye Tianlong entered the palace with four knives on his back, killing the prince and the king.

Mrs. Wen didn't have much expression, she was always calm, as if everything was under her control.


When the two swords collided, Ye Tianlong took advantage of the strength to fly upside down and stood on the knees of a dilapidated Buddha statue.

The dullness in the chest and the soreness in the arms told Qiu Xiaozi that it was not easy. Just now, the ten swords almost touched her skin.

The erosion of the aura of death made Ye Tianlong more excited, and also made his eyes hot, and also made him fade the anxiety in his heart.

"Ye Tianlong, take me one more trick—"

Without waiting for Ye Tianlong to breathe, Qiu Xiaozi closely followed, like a bright moon shot out in the dark in vain.

The ten-handed swords turned into countless sword shadows, and the rays of light curved and rippled like a falling moon in the water, and they had vitality with the biting cold wind.

The light seemed to fluctuate, as if oscillating, and as if spreading.

"The master is the master, swordsmanship is invisible, murder is invisible!"

"Yokota-san, Master Qiu will be famous all over the world."

"A murderous fanatic is always a murderous fanatic, who will only fight fiercely. Fighting alone is not comparable to a martial arts genius."

The eyes behind the countless dual cameras showed emotion and admiration.

Taixiang Yokota was even more excited. According to Qiu Xiaozi's level, 500 moves were enough to kill Ye Tianlong two rounds.

What an elegant and bright sword!

The sword hadn't arrived yet, and the wind of swords had come, and Ye Tianlong also praised in his heart. For that, he was even more warfare, and his clothes fluttered with the wind.

When the opponent's sword was about to reach him, he did not retreat, but made a strange move. Kusanaru's sword shook with a stab and handed it to Qiu Xiaozi's sword-holding wrist.


The sword's edge suddenly appeared, and a splendid brilliance bloomed in the mountain breeze.

Qiu Xiaozi seemed to think that Ye Tianlong would have done this a long time ago, so the ten-handed sword drooped slightly and shook the grass naruto sword.


In the next second, a strange sound came on.

The ten-handed sword was pushed out quickly, and the body of the sword was trembling, and the tip of the sword was against Ye Tianlong's long sword, flashing towards Ye Tianlong's throat like a phantom.

Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly, he took a deep breath, and the Kusanaru sword flashed out.

Bacheng strength.

Qiu Xiaozi's eyes were cold, and she gave a soft cry, and she also pressed her nine successes.


The two swords collided.

After the impact, Ye Tianlong, who had slid out nearly ten meters to the side, had a bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

Each one is lifelike and fluttering in white.

Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that it was a figure left behind because of the speed.


Qiu Xiaozi's steps moved instantaneously, and the pace was far faster than before, and instantly slammed in front of Ye Tianlong without any cover.

Ten swords stab forward lightly like a phantom.

"Good job!"

Ye Tianlong laughed, and then waved his sword to block Qiu Xiaozi's thunderous blow.

Then, with a backhand, he stabbed Qiu Xiaozi who was in the air.

Fight with all your strength!

This sword was fast and cruel, and a long trace was drawn across the sky.

The stone under Ye Tianlong's feet was also crushed by him.

At the same time, the blood in his heart was overwhelmed, and the bright eyes flashed blood red...

"Ye Tianlong, you really passed the ninth rank."

Qiu Xiaozi smelled a breath of danger, and after five or six meters, he fell to the ground.

Then he rushed to Ye Tianlong again, piercing out with a sword.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You guessed wrong..."

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