Talented Genius

Chapter 2634: sorry to keep you waiting

At six o'clock in the evening, the medical staff in Majia Hospital left work on time, and the guards began to handover.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

When the guards were handed over, the thirteen buildings of the hospital caught fire at the same time. Although the fire was not very bright, the smoke was heavy and pungent.

This incident instantly made the guards look dignified. Their first reaction was to set out a team to fight the fire, and then sent additional guards to the place where Emperor Ma Qing was located.

Well-trained, panic but not chaotic, demonstrates the quality of the Majia elite!

Ma Jiarui knows that all the medical staff or guards in this hospital have received professional training, and their awareness of fire prevention is better than ordinary people.

And there are many patrol officers in the hospital.

Therefore, a fire is unlikely to occur in a hospital under normal circumstances, and even a fire can be quickly discovered, rather than such a silent burning.

The most important point is that it was not a fire in one place, but the burning of various buildings, there were as many as 13 places.

This means that someone set the fire deliberately, rather than an ordinary fire.

Therefore, they quickly responded that an enemy had sneaked in, and guessed that the enemy was coming for Emperor Ma Qing, so they made the safety of Emperor Ma Qing his priority.

More than forty people arrived at Ma Qingdi’s No. 7 building.

It is just the excessive concentration of guards and the off-duty of medical staff, which to a certain extent leads to insufficient firefighting personnel.

Although many people tried to fight the fire, the tongue of fire still rose and jumped and twisted and stretched with the wind, gradually sweeping the entire Majia Hospital.

The smell of smoke and dust gradually became stronger, and it was difficult to dispel the smell even if it rained.

What frightened Ma Jia's elite most was that the three sundries rooms in the No. 7 building were burning, still accompanied by a large amount of alcohol.

Thick smoke filled the three corridors.

Ma Jiarui had a solemn expression, and while yelling, he pulled out his hands to save, and took out the phone to call for support.

At the same time, Uncle Bai took a dozen of his cronies into Building 7 from the outside.

Although he is a close friend of Emperor Ma Qing, he has not been allowed to enter Building 7 these days, nor is he allowed to visit him, he can only be protected in the outer building.

There was a fire in the hospital at the scene, and he had a grand cause


When Uncle Bai and the others stepped into Building 7, several guards raised their guns and pointed them at them, yelling at Uncle Bai and the others to stop.

Although Building No. 7 was also burning and there were still many guards fighting the fire, there were still enough manpower to guard it, so Uncle Bai was discovered immediately after he appeared.

"Go away!"

Uncle Bai is not angry and prestigious: "I'm here to protect Shao Ma."

The guards remained unmoved, still pointing their guns at Uncle Bai, and then one of them shouted: "You can't enter here casually."

"If you want to go in, take out Mr. Ma's warrant, or Master Ma allows it to pass."

He plausibly said: "Otherwise no one can enter."

Uncle Bai's eyes protruded: "On the contrary! I'm Uncle Bai, I'm a trusted friend of Shao Ma, not a bad person, why can't I get in?"

"This is an extraordinary period, and Shao Ma must be very protected."

Uncle Bai tried his best: "You can't even look good at fire, so how can you protect Shao Ma?"

The corners of the guards' mouths moved, and they didn't know how to answer. One gritted his teeth, still blocking Uncle Bai, but took the walkie-talkie to report.

Soon, seven or eight people walked downstairs. The leader was a short and chubby young man. When he saw that it was Uncle Bai, he coldly shouted:

"Who asked you to come here?"

He was very rude to Uncle Bai: "Hurry back and stick to your post, or help put out the fire."

Uncle Bai also said with a deep expression, "Ma Jindiao, now the hospital is on fire and enemies have sneaked in. I must protect Ma Shao."

"We will protect Ma Qingdi, without your intervention."

Ma Jindiao's eyes were cold: "Moreover, there is a fire here. In order to prevent the enemy from entering, all idlers are not allowed to enter."

"Hurry up!"

He looked at Uncle Bai with contempt: "If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame my bullet for not recognizing people."

"Presumptuous! Is Lao Tzu a busy person waiting? I am a veteran of the Ma family, a cronent of Shao Ma, and I am older than your father."

Uncle Bai shouted sharply, "What qualifications do you have to say that I am waiting for someone?"

Ma Jindiao was taken aback for a moment. It was surprising that Uncle Bai was strong today, and then he became angry and shouted: "Old guy, don't be okay."

"No one can contact Ma Shao without my father's instructions."

He slapped the gun in his waist and shouted impatiently, "Hurry up, or I will pack you."

"What can't you touch?"

Uncle Bai speaks sternly: "If there is a fire here, you must move. Do you want Ma Shao to burn to death?"

Ma Jindiao raised his muzzle and pointed to Uncle Bai's head and shouted, "I said that I don't need to be transferred, but I don't need to be transferred. If you don't go, I will shoot."

"You are irresponsible."

Uncle Bai directly buttoned his hat: "You want to kill Ma Shao."

Ma Jindiao sneered: "I'm just irresponsible, what can you do?"

Then he poked his gun in the chest of Uncle Bai: "Get out!"


Uncle Bai kicked the Pegasus golden eagle and yelled: "I'm Uncle Bai, you dare to poke me with a gun, and you dare to scold me old guy, I'm never ending with you..."

After speaking, he rushed over again, kicked Ma Jindiao to the ground, and stomped a few words like a furious lion.

These few feet sinking vigorously, the kicking Ma Jindiao screamed and left a dozen guards stunned. It was unexpected that Uncle Bai made a big fight.

Ma Jindiao rolled and cursed, "I'm not dead, you dare to hit me...Oh, stop him, stop him."

A dozen subordinates rushed up quickly, hurriedly blocking Uncle Bai.

The cronies led by Uncle Bai acted accordingly and also called to charge to protect Uncle Bai.

There was a mess...

When Building No. 7 was messy, on the top of the church opposite, a man wrapped in a black raincoat was looking ahead with a telescope.

There was a long and narrow box beside him. The box had a sniper rifle, a remote control, and two small explosives.

His vision was firmly locked in Building 7, watching Uncle Bai and Ma Jindiao fighting together on the first floor, and fell into deep thought.

Undetectable doubts flashed across his face, but he quickly returned to his cold calm, the stereotyped zombie face was dripping.

It's just that a pair of concealed murderous eyes appear more gloomy, and only he knows what he is thinking.

"Are you waiting for me to appear in Building 7?"

Just as the black-clothed man twisted his neck and looked at Building 7 quietly, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind him:

"The wind is heavy and the rain is heavy. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time."

Ye Tianlong held a black umbrella with a gentle smile: "But it's better to come than not to come, right?"

The man in the raincoat shook his body, but he recovered his calm in an instant, slowly lowered his binoculars, and looked sideways at Ye Tianlong who was coming.

He did not touch the gun, he felt the danger, as long as he moved, Ye Tianlong would attack with thunder.

Ye Tianlong clenched his clothes tightly and smiled always warmly:

"What should I call you? Fireball? Or Simon Driver?"

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