Talented Genius

Chapter 2616: A tube of chili powder

"Ye Tianlong was sniped, the speedboat exploded, three dead and one injured."

"The Coast Guard was dispatched immediately and found the only living thing, Ye Tianlong."

"Ye Tianlong was seriously injured and unconscious, and the ambulance at Maria Hospital that happened to pass by, drove people away in time for rescue."

"Eight top experts rescued for eight hours to stop Ye Tianlong's injury, but he still did not survive the danger."

"All parties in Australia are shaking, and both black and white are doing their best to pursue the murderer."

"Director Mo, the Special Situation Division, personally intervened in this case..."

The next morning, Ye Tianlong's attack spread.

Although there is no major media intervention and no words can be found on the Internet, this matter is still circulating in the upper-level circles of black and white.

Many people are full of emotion when they hear this. Some are gloating, some are calculating future benefits, but more of them regret the attack on Ye Tianlong.

The guests who participated in the opening ceremony all saw Ye Tianlong's grace, and through Ye Tianlong he gave out Zhao Dongfeng's disgust, and they admired them very much.

Therefore, many people were very angry when they heard that he was on the front line of life and death. It was speculated that the Zhao Dongfeng family or the Mi Army retaliated and joined the ranks of the murderers.

The bounty changed from one billion to one billion.

At the same time, all parties in the Australian city launched a prayer activity in the Mazu Temple, praying that Ye Tianlong would survive the disaster.

Amidst the turmoil in the Australian city circle, at Maria Hospital where Ye Tianlong was rescued, a mixed-race physician was slowly walking into the doctor's office.

After he came to a table with a hoarse voice and talked with several young doctors, he picked up the duty form and checked it carefully.

Half an hour later, the mixed-race doctor took out a mask and put it on, and then personally pushed a cart to the eighth floor.

On the cart, there is a pile of potions for patients.

He inspected room by room, checked data from patient to patient, and then left professional opinions very seriously.

Soon, the mixed-blood physician came to the end ward, Ye Tianlong's intensive care unit.

Although Ye Tianlong has not survived the danger, the necessary rescue has been completed, so the eight major experts have gone to rest, and only one nurse is staring at the instrument.

At the door, there were more than a dozen students of Shendaomen and police guards.

The mixed-race doctor pushed the car forward, and a young police officer stepped forward to stop him: "Wait a minute, show your ID and work permit."

The mixed-blood doctor looked calm and happily took out his credentials: "Chief physician, Charlie."

The police officer took the ID and scanned, and then he said: "Take off the mask."

The mixed-race doctor took off the mask very cooperatively, revealing a kind and kind face.

The police officer made a detailed comparison, then gave it to his companions to check, and finally called to the duty room to check whether Dr. Charlie existed.

Confirm correct.

Then, the car was carefully inspected. It had no weapons or explosives and everything was safe.

Let go.

"Thank you!"

The mixed-race doctor smiled and put on a mask, and then pushed the car into Ye Tianlong's ward.

The nurse staring at the instrument stood up when he saw it: "Doctor Charlie, hello."

"Let me see the patient's condition."

Doctor Charlie smiled, and then picked up the form to check: "Change the potion for him by the way."

The nurse lowered her head slightly: "Is there anything I can help?"

"No, I'll take care of it. You can rest for ten minutes."

Dr. Charlie put down the form in his hand and muttered to himself: "The patient is seriously injured and the wound is deteriorating. He needs some anti-inflammatory syrup."

The nurse whispered back: "I'm troubled Mr. Charlie, I'll go to the bathroom."

Dr. Charlie nodded kindly: "Go."

The nurse thanked, then opened the door and left.

After the nurse left, Charlie glanced at the two monitors above his head and took out a few bottles from the car. Dangdang tossed for a while.

Then, he took the adjusted potion bottle to replace the empty bottle to be used up.

He quickly hung the potion bottle and adjusted the flow rate a little faster. At this moment, he felt a ray of light, as if it was emitting from Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Charlie frowned uncontrollably looking at Ye Tianlong who was bandaged into a mummy.

Charlie leaned down subconsciously and checked Ye Tianlong's eyes, wanting to see if the gaze just now came from Ye Tianlong's eyes.

curiosity kills the cat.


When Dr. Charlie was bent over, a piece of powder sprayed from Ye Tianlong's mouth and hit Dr. Charlie's eyes and nose severely.


Dr. Charlie's eyes were hot and his nose was extremely choking. With a scream, he stood upright and staggered back.

He tried to open his eyes, but it was so hot and painful that it was impossible to do anything, tears were still flowing, and the whole world became dark.

"who are you?"

Charlie was so shocked that he narrowed his eyes and shouted, "What did you do to me?"

Ye Tianlong sat up on the hospital bed and took out a wet tissue to wipe his lips: "Qingcheng chili powder is a cow fork. I'm almost choked to death."

"Adams, how about this chili powder? Nine dollars and nine, and free shipping."

Ye Tianlong looked at Dr. Charlie: "The damage is not worse than your sniper bullet, right?"

Charlie with red and swollen eyes yelled in the direction of the hospital bed: "Are you not dead? Are you okay?"

"Can I talk to you when I die?"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, and then gently jumped off the hospital bed: "Adams, you can remove the human skin mask on your face."

"Others can't see your clues, but I can see the flaws at a glance."

"Because I also have one..."

He tore off the acupuncture and imitation skin on his arm: "Gao Fang, 88, special for filming, also free shipping."

At the same time, the door was gently pushed open, and Canshou, Husha and Xue Yifeng stepped in, looking at Charlie with paprika indifferently.

"Ye Tianlong, are you okay? This is impossible!"

Adams trembled and roared: "I saw the speedboat blown over with my own eyes. No matter how patience you are, no matter how lucky you are, you can't be intact."

The speedboat exploded, it was a miracle to survive, and it was a fantasy.

"Actually, three people died and one was seriously injured on the speedboat."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "It's just that I'm not on the speedboat. You locked it, but it was Xiao Rihan who happened to be wearing my jacket."

"I knew that after the explosion, I guessed that you were sniping me. What you wanted was my life, but I accidentally shot Xiao Rihan by mistake."

"In order to lead the snake out of the cave, I fabricated the news that I was seriously injured and unconscious, and asked eight experts to rescue Xiao Rihan, who was only breathless."

He sighed softly: "Xiao Ri was dying, burns 80% of the area, and his face is even more serious."

The corner of Adams's mouth moved: "Xiao Rihan?"

"Yes, a little artist."

Ye Tianlong showed a touch of regret: "I can be regarded as his nemesis. I originally wanted to treat him better, but who knew he asked him to block a shot for me."

"He was burnt like that, even his sister couldn't recognize him, so no one can tell if it's me in the hospital bed."

"Eight experts mistakenly identified me and tried their best to rescue them, which took one night and left various surgical records."

"In fact, Xiao Rihan doesn't have much rescue meaning. The reason why so much manpower and material resources are spent is to lure you to show up."

"You are so powerful, if I don't kill you, I can't sleep."

Ye Tianlong smiled very playfully: "Unexpectedly, you really came."

"You are also considered smart. Not only did you secretly check the expert log to confirm my injury, but you also took Dr. Charlie to replace him on duty tonight."

"Unfortunately, no matter how you look like or how close you are, you can't stop the height gap."

"The real Dr. Charlie is 1.8 meters, and you die by 1.75 meters."

"Others may be busy for a while and have no clue, but for me, who monitors all contacts, I can see that you have a problem at a glance.

Ye Tianlong slammed Adams' confidence: "So I brought you a tube of chili powder."


Adams laughed loudly, mocking: "No wonder Mr. Zhao died in your hands. You are not only excelling, but also mean and shameless."

"Just, do you think you can kill me easily?"

Adams held his head up tall: "I don't have any confidence, do I dare to risk coming here?"

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