Talented Genius

Chapter 2612: Can't deal with Ye Tianlong


Zhao Dongfeng's head was splashed with blood, and he fell straight in front of Ye Tianlong.

His eyes were wide, with unwillingness, anger and dazedness that could not be said.

Zhao Dongfeng thought that the deterrence of the American consul was enough to leave him unharmed, but he would have killed him in turn.

But Ye Tianlong was unscathed and his hands were not stained with blood, which made his death completely meaningless.

This ending is far worse than if he smashed directly with Ye Tianlong, at least he could drag Ye Tianlong into the water. Now, he died in Chen Yaoyang's hands.

Zhao Dongfeng twitched twice and extinguished his vitality.

The audience was dumbfounded, and still unbelievable.

No one thought that Chen Yaoyang would be so courageous, completely ignoring the US consul who was about to rush, regardless of cruelty to Zhao Dongfeng.

Still shot a headshot in front of nearly a thousand people.

Zhao Chenchen didn't expect it either, so he couldn't react for a while, just staring at the blood on the ground dumbfounded.

The **** precipitation suddenly rose again, and the atmosphere was instantly solemn.

Compared with the shock of Liu Xiaoshi and other guests, Ye Tianlong was completely calm. He didn't even see Zhao Dongfeng who was dead, and everything seemed to be expected.

He quietly listened to Xie Zuiyi sing "My Motherland".


When Xie Zuiyi dropped the last word, Zhao Chenchen also reacted from Zhao Dongfeng's blood, staring at Ye Tianlong angrily and shouting:

"Didn't you hear the news? The US consul is coming, do you still dare to kill him?"

"He is Zhao Dongfeng, a military adviser to the U.S. Army, and the proud son of U.S., how dare you kill him?"

Zhao Chenchen was full of anger and hostility, hysterical, if he was handcuffed unless he was injured, he would have to fight Ye Tianlong and the others.

When several national policemen held her tightly, Liu Xiaoshi and the others found that Ye Tianlong was not flustered, and instead took a sip of tea.


At almost the same moment, the door was knocked open. Dozens of Western men and women and senior Australian officials showed up. The chubby consul was at the forefront.

They looked at Zhao Dongfeng who fell to the ground in shock, and obviously did not expect that Zhao Dongfeng had been headshot...

"Personal grievances, Chen Yaoyang will bear it alone."

Chen Yaoyang dropped his gun, raised his hands and knelt down: "Be willing to accept the law of the country."

Confucius looked at this scene and smiled and said, "Today's opening ceremony is really wonderful. It's a pity that I didn't fire the shot myself."

Baishikang smiled and replied: "You feel sorry, now you can go up and get a shot."

"The meaning is different."

Confucius shook his head lightly: "The first shot will remain a name forever. After the second shot, it will be superfluous."

"No matter what the final outcome of the guy who shot, he will be recorded in history for this shot."

He looked at Chen Yaoyang and exclaimed, "Life is a blessing."

"It makes sense."

Bai Shikang nodded slightly, then looked at Rong Xueli, who had been silent: "Young Master Rong, what do you think?"

"No idea."

Rong Xueli was as polite as ever: "I am only interested in Ye Shao now. What do you think he will do next?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tianlong took a sip of tea and stood up, facing the US consul bodyguard who surrounded Chen Yaoyang and shouted:

"Chen Yaoyang shot Zhao Dongfeng in public, with cruel methods, bad influence, and provoked the Australian city law."

"As the Global Inspector of maintaining world security, I have an obligation to stop the situation from continuing to expand."

"Captain Qin, I want you to immediately take Chen Yaoyang and accept the review. After the review is completed, follow the relevant legal agreements between the Australian City and the National Police..."

"According to the facts of the crime, it is transferred to each department or department."

"Anyone is not allowed to contact, deal with, or harm, but there are those who succumb to the law or avenge their personal avengers, and they will uphold the law's majesty on the spot."

Ye Tianlong's voice resounded throughout the hall, majestic and inviolable, and awe-inspiringly blocked all questions from the American consul.

Chen Yaoyang hugged his head and lay down and shouted:

"Chen Yaoyang pleaded guilty!"

With a wave of Qin Ziyi's left hand, several cronies stepped forward and handcuffed Chen Yaoyang.


Zhao Chenchen spit out a mouthful of blood. She knew very well in her heart that it seemed that Chen Yaoyang was working, but she was actually protected by Ye Tianlong...

The chubby U.S. consul rushed up and shouted: "Mr. Zhao is ours. The murderer should be judged by us."

"This is China, you have no law enforcement power."

Ye Tianlong looked at the chubby consul and faintly said, "Moreover, this is a case between the national police and the Australian police. The consul had better not hinder our law enforcement."

"I said the murderer is ours, and the murderer is ours."

The chubby consul yelled: "Come here, take the murderer down."

Five or six American bodyguards rushed forward like wolves and tigers, preparing to **** Chen Yaoyang from Qin Ziyi's hands.

"Boom boom!"

There was no nonsense at all, Qin Ziyi drew his gun and shot, six bullets were fired out, and six American hunks fell to the ground screaming, all with blood splashing in their calves.

They fell to the ground and groaned, with anger and aggrieved eyes in their eyes, but also a wave of fear.

Never thought that someone would dare to shoot at them, you know, they are Americans.

They have always been the only ones to bully others. How can others bully them? It was just a **** fact that shattered their deep-rooted cognition.

The chubby consul yelled, "Do you dare to hurt our people?"

"I will shoot anyone who dares to obstruct law enforcement."

Qin Ziyi yelled: "Chen Yaoyang is the murderer we won, and can only be tried by us or by the Australian city officials."

The chubby consul was speechless for a while: "You--"

"Don't take your own life for the dead."

Ye Tianlong stepped over Zhao Dongfeng's corpse, then came to the chubby consul, and patted him on the shoulder: "I can do it for myself."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong slowly walked outside.

Liu Xiaoshi and the others were dumbfounded. There were a thousand people in the audience. Only Ye Tianlong's back was in their eyes, watching him walk towards the door step by step.

Going farther and farther, unattainable...

Thirty minutes later, the Beijing, Rongjia and Rongshengli study rooms are warmly lit and the study room is warm.

Rong Shengli Long Feifengwu wrote a poem, and then put down his brush to appreciate it for himself.

At this moment, the door was knocked open gently, and Wang Gobi walked in with joy: "Lao Rong, there is an emergency call from Aocheng, and Ye Tianlong is in trouble."

Rong Shengli was taken aback for a moment: "What's the big disaster?"

"He killed Zhao Dongfeng..."

Wang Gebi quickly explained what he had received, and then watched Rong Shengli asked in a low voice: "Old Rong, what should we do now?"

"This is a good opportunity to take down or eradicate Ye Tianlong."

Wang Gebi revealed a touch of joy: "There is no such shop after passing this village."

"You can't deal with Ye Tianlong."

At this moment, the concealed door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman in white gauze stood at the door, unspeakably cold...

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