Talented Genius

Chapter 2500: Is there a last word?


Following the instructions of Guo Dongzheng and Qi Sanqiu, the diehards of both sides attacked, carrying sharp knives, and charging forward like a torrent.

The two sides quickly contacted each other, and each took a sharp weapon and stabbed at the opponent.

The existence of the oil tanker prevented both sides from firing indiscriminately, so a close battle came directly.


The screams screamed, piercing the silence of the night.

Furious, like crazy!

Although the Guo family elite is stronger than the Qi family loyalty, there are many people who cannot stand the Qi family loyalty.

In the first meeting, the Guo family lost more than ten people. The blood was sprayed and the effect was huge. Qi's diehard also fell more than twenty people, groaning.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. In this open space, fighting is still the brave win.

A series of savage faces due to extreme excitement, a handful of sharp weapons shining with cold light and murderous intent, constituted a scene of blood soaring.

Qi Sanqiu also rushed to kill himself. At the moment when Guo's elite surrounded him, he jumped up like a cheetah, cutting out a knife in his hand.

"Swish swish-"

The light of the knife flashed across everyone's eyes like lightning.


Before the four enemies had time to react, their hideous faces froze, blood splashed, and a blood stain appeared on everyone's neck.

The four life machine goes out.


When the four of them shook their bodies to fall to the ground, Qi Sanqiu rushed forward, slamming his shoulders against the chests of two of them.

The two bodies were sprayed with scarlet blood and hit Guo Dongzheng's camp.


The crowd of enemies was smashed down, and the enemies who came up behind holding the machete were dumbfounded, and the speed at their feet was much slower.

Qi Sanqiu took the opportunity to rush into the enemy group, brandishing a knife to kill, and chopping down the slow enemy.

Whether it is hating the Guo family for kidnapping the youngest daughter or acting in front of Ye Tianlong, Qi Sanqiu is destined to take the lead tonight.

"Guo Dongzheng."

Qi Sanqiu stared at Guo Dongzheng who was not far away, and the knives went up and down to chop the besieging enemy to the ground, and knocked them over before he could take out the knife.

There were blood spots all around the body.

Seeing that Qi Sanqiu was so brave, Qi's elites made everybody desperate and followed him to kill the enemy.

Wherever he went, people turned their backs on their horses, and the fighting was extremely tragic.

Guo Dongzheng stepped back under the **** of his cronies, his old face was very gloomy: "Kill, kill, kill Qi Sanqiu and the others for me."

"Swish swish-"

The screams filled the sky over Guo's house instantly, mixed with the cold night breeze, many Qi family members raised their left sleeve arrows and cast them indifferently.

Many of the Guo family's elite with guns were overwhelmingly defensible, and the blood and flesh splashed by more than 30 people were unbearable.

Seeing the Qi clan's hand cast a cold arrow, the Guo's master also flashed a throwing knife or picked up a crossbow arrow, and poured into the Qi clan without mercy.

The scene was chaotic, and the fighting became fierce. During this meeting, more than a hundred people fell on both sides, and the floor was full of blood.

Then, the two sides wielded their weapons again to fight each other, and they all poured out murderous intentions. Some people were hitting arrows and some people were wounded by the knife.

Ten minutes later, the number of casualties on both sides approached two hundred.

Guo Dongzheng watched this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop moving, and then he turned his head slightly and gave an instruction: "Call for support, call for support."

One nodded and turned inside.

"Guo Wu, destroy their momentum."

Guo Dongzheng, who was protected by the master, remained calm and glanced at Ye Tianlong not far away, then tilted his head to a bald young man.


The bald young man gave a grinning smile, revealing a bloodthirsty face, and then joined the battle group with nine middle-aged men.

The bald young people are very brave, and when they come into contact with the crowd, they brazenly shoot, and the axe in their hands slams.

The strength is arrogant, the shot is ruthless, and it is difficult to resist wherever he goes.

Two of them were more vigorous. After the axe was broken, they picked up a corpse backhand and brandished it as a weapon. They were vigorous and lethal.

More than 30 members of the Qi family were beheaded to the ground.

Then, the bald youth led someone to Ye Tianlong's side. On the way, more than a dozen of the Qi elites who blocked him were cut to the ground one by one.

The combat effectiveness is not small.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and then gently waved his finger: "Old Han."


When the words fell, Han Qinhu sprang out from behind Ye Tianlong and rushed directly into the bald youth camp.

Han Qinhu's side, dodging the axe split by the bald young man, twisted his backhand and instantly grabbed the axe.



An axe struck the bald young man's neck, sprayed with blood, warm, bright red, a big head instantly flew up, landed in the crowd, and then kicked.

Then Han Qinhu turned his right hand, and the axe flew out at an angle.

In the distance, a middle-aged man who was about to cut down the elite of Qi's body was shaken and his neck was splashed with blood.

Han Qinhu's eyes are more ruthless, and without the usual wretched smile, enemies with strong combat power will die in his hands...

The axe light became brighter and brighter, without stagnation, without any progress.

kill! kill! kill!

When Han Qinhu and Qi Sanqiu's imposing aura surged, Ye Tianlong also moved forward under the protection of the children of the Dragon Division.

There was a wave of killings in front, and blood was everywhere.

Without such masters as Huang Pu'ao, Guo Xiaohua, and Guo Shuangqiang, the Guo's elite could not stop Han Qinhu and Qi Sanqiu from taking action.

Coupled with the fact that Qi's people are numerous and powerful, Guo's elite resisted for half an hour, and then they retreated steadily.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Seeing support for the future, Guo Dongzheng lost more than half of the guards and was far away from the tanker, so he couldn't help but call his men to shoot.

"Boom boom!"

Following Guo Dongzheng's instructions, more than 20 Guo gunmen dropped their machetes and took out their guns to shoot forward. The gunmen upstairs also shot bullets.

A burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and the sixty Qi clan elites who rushed to the stairs could not evade, and fell to the ground with groaning.

Although all sixty people were wearing armor, twenty-odd people died.


Seeing Guo Dongzheng and the others shooting, Han Qinhu made a gesture, and the hundred tiger masters from behind immediately squatted on the ground while throwing a short axe.

With a short axe flying, more than 30 Guo gunmen fell to the ground.

At the same time, the gunmen in the surrounding buildings were also killed by the oriole.

After this round, more than 500 Guos elites died, and only 50 people in the main building resisted.

Upon seeing this, Guo Dongzheng hurriedly led people back and wanted to leave through the back door, but found that the villa had already been surrounded.

He can only fight to the death while praying for support.

Ye Tianlong went unimpeded, and soon came to the door of the main building, and Guo Dongzheng's figure became clearer.

The overall situation gradually settled, and the Qi clan elites who had shrunk back from both sides gathered around Ye Tianlong and Qi Sanqiu.

Although the footsteps were slow, they advanced steadily. There were more than a thousand people covered in blood, and a crazy posture of black clouds pressing the city was born.

Ahead, Han Qinhu, Qi Sanqiu and others are blocking the entrance and exit of the main building, imposing like a rainbow on the last line of defense of the Guo family.

Ye Tianlong moved forward slowly, narrowing the distance between himself and Guo Dongzheng.

In five minutes, all of the Guo's masters fell to the ground, dripping with blood, and they were all hit with more than a dozen knives.

They shot many people and ended up being hacked to death.

Guo Dongzheng and a dozen cronies are left in the Guo family camp.

Guo Dongzheng's anger has been replaced by solemnity. He kept making calls, but none of them could get through.

The mountains are exhausted.

Ye Tianlong stepped into the hall, his figure gradually clear, and both sides looked at each other.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Holding a gun in his hand, Guo Dongzheng pointed at the heavy oil tanker with anger: "Do you believe it or not to die together?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Are there any last words?"

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