Talented Genius

Chapter 2480: Win over

Ye Tianlong and his team quickly left the dock, and before leaving, he sent a message to Murong Jun.

He asked Murong Jun to come to the dock to wash the ground.

In the driving car, Ye Tianlong hummed a nursery rhyme while bringing the powdered milk prepared by the cardinals, and chuckled and fed the crying baby.

In Ye Tianlong's efforts to comfort him, the little baby gradually stopped crying hysterically, biting his pacifier and looking at Ye Tianlong curiously.

"What a good boy."

Ye Tianlong teased the baby in his arms, and when she was completely stable, he raised his head and gave instructions to the oriole:

"Tell Qi Sanqiu that an ultimatum will be issued to the Guo family in an hour."

He looked very serious: "Limit them to hand over the baby before six o'clock, or they will go to full-scale war against the Guo family."

"Hand over the baby?"

The oriole was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "Understood."

The Qi family not only set off a big storm in the arena, but also suppressed all public opinion with the excuse of a baby.

The Guo family kidnapped a full-moon baby, and it is still unknown whether Qi Sanqiu's behavior is crazy, but it is just a father's instinctive reaction.

"Tell Han Qinhu and Canshou to clear the list of Guos listed by Bailihua."

Ye Tianlong's voice is low: "Anyway, before twelve o'clock tonight, I want Guo Jimeng to have no one to use."


The oriole nodded, and turned around: "Do you want to get rid of Guo Jimeng too?"

"Not urgent."

Ye Tianlong smiled playfully: "You killed Guo Jimeng too early, who will pay us compensation?"

As far as Ye Tianlong was concerned, the Ding's group was stumbling, and the Ding's loss was not small. Guo Jimeng had to compensate for all losses before he could die.

The oriole smiled, showing that he understood Ye Tianlong's meaning.

The convoy drove forward quickly and was divided into three batches at the crossroads. Han Qinhu took Hu Shi back to the secret stronghold, and Canshou left with the baby.

The siskin and Ye Tianlong go to the Hilton Hotel.

"By the way, Shao Ye."

The oriole suddenly remembered something: “During the stock market war in the morning, Red Arrow tracked down the source of Guo’s funds and the trader behind the scenes.”

"Luo Yishou, a stock market sniper, is known as the strongest trader in Southeast Asia."

"The classic battle is to make the boss of Qingyuan Group the richest man."

"Now it is used by Guo Jimeng."

"In the morning's stock market contest, in addition to Guo's capital injection of 10 billion to suppress, there was also 17 billion from Luo's first-hand team."

He added: "The money came out of thirty accounts, and it was crazily suppressed in the last hour, but it was a pity that they were all swallowed by Lin Rudao."

"Use your team's money?"

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes slightly: "This is not in line with the rules, is it that Guo Jimeng only gave Luo 10 billion?"

"When he couldn't hold it, Luo worried about Guo Jimeng's punishment, so he took his own money to fight back?"

"If this is the case, it can only be said that Guo Jimeng is too arrogant and wants a snake to swallow an elephant for 10 billion. It also shows that Luo is too unlucky."

"Not only did he lose the First World War, but he also laid down his blood. Guo Jimeng will never compensate him for his loss."

He smiled faintly: "It seems that Luo is going to live on the street..."

"Red Arrow also found his whereabouts."

The cardinal said softly: "They are hiding near the pier and maneuvering, probably on a luxury yacht."

"Leave him alone."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Whether it is Luo first hand or Luo second hand, it is difficult for the Ding family to do anything..."


Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged man suddenly fell out on the road next to him, staggered, with blood on his body, wet clothes, and a desperate expression.

If the non-Phoenix member stepped on the brakes in time, the middle-aged man would have been knocked tens of meters away, and that was it, he fell to the ground with a bang.

The oriole pulled out the gun: "Shao Ye, don't move in the car, I will go down and take a look."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand, pushed the car door, and looked around without killing him. He took the first two steps and scanned the fallen middle-aged man.

See if it was the one who touched porcelain, killed people, or really hit people.


After falling to the ground, the middle-aged man didn't scream again and again, but bit his lip abruptly to resist the pain, and then got up while holding the front bumper.

The body shook, but his expression was tenacious.

There was a lot of blood on his body and a gunshot wound on his back. At first glance, he knew that he was chased and killed.

Ye Tianlong said, "Are you okay?"

When the members of the Feng group stared at each other warily, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and then squeezed out:

"sorry Sorry……"

After saying these three words, he hummed and continued to move forward, wanting to leave across the road, but after a few steps, he fell to the ground shaking again.

Four feet upright.

After looking around at the surrounding environment, the oriole took a step forward and glanced, and fell out in surprise after seeing the face of the opponent: "Luo Yishou?"

He raised his gun subconsciously.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "He is Luo Yiyi?"

The oriole nodded, then took out the phone and showed Ye Tianlong the photos from Red Arrow, confirming that the middle-aged man was Luo Yi.

"Unexpectedly you are catching up..."

At this time, when he heard the oriole yelling his name, he took the gun to him again, Luo's face was ashamed, no longer struggling, just looking at the sky:

"I have lost my reputation, my wealth, and all my friends."

"Nothing! Ten years of hard work has been wasted like this, ten years ago I had nothing, ten years later I still have nothing!"

"I don't need money, and I don't need career. Why do I want to be a loyal master and sacrifice me like a **** in the end?"

"Why? Why is God doing this to me?"

He yelled up to the sky, almost crazy: "The biggest mistake in my life is to keep following the wrong people, Li Qingyuan, Guo Jimeng..."

"Kill me, kill me."

Luo Yi handed out to the oriole: "Let me die happy."

His financial team has been lost, his beliefs have been destroyed, his loyalty has been trampled on, and he can't escape from Wuzhishan, and he is completely irresistible...

"Sorry, I am not from the Guo family, and I have nothing to do with Guo Jimeng."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile and slowly stepped forward and looked at Luo Yi's hand: "But I can help you, and only I can help you in your life."

Luo, who closed his eyes and waited to die, was startled when he heard the words, then coughed loudly and sneered for a long time: "I don't need any charity, any pity."

"I didn't need it before, and I don't need it now."

There is sadness in his eyes: "I just want to be a dog, and I also want to be a free dog, with dignity and pride..."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "Being a dog, and also a fierce dog."

"You can't even eat dogs and wolves. What about freedom and pride?"

"And I am not charity, I am working with you, a win-win cooperation."

"I make money through you, and you make a comeback through me."

"China's great designer still has three failures, what do you do if you fail twice?"

Ye Tianlong took out a paper towel and slowly placed it in Luo Yi's hand.

"Cooperation? Win-win?"

Luo laughed again with one hand, with a touch of arrogance on his face. The despair and pride formed a huge contrast:

"How much can you spend to cooperate with me?"

He jokingly looked at Ye Tianlong: "Do you know how much money I have in and out of?"

He thinks that Ye Tianlong is the rich second generation who is full of food, and he wants to buy it when he knows himself. This rich second generation can spend 100 million yuan.

Ye Tianlong raised a finger: "I will give you 100 billion."

"One hundred billion?"

Luo's joking stopped for an instant, all disdain and contempt turned into shock: "Who are you?"

"Ye Tianlong!"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "The man behind Ding Liuyue..."

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