Talented Genius

Chapter 2477: Heavy losses (four more)

When Huang Pu Ao received someone suppressing Guo's stock, Luo also frowned rarely.

At the beginning of the stock market today, Luo continued to organize a team to suppress the three companies of Ding's, and several rounds of roller coasters made Ding's share price fall off a cliff.

But just when Ding's stock price was about to fall below 20%, Qi's Group once again announced a capital injection, and the seven billion yuan reached Ding's company to form a large number of buy orders.

The announcement of the Qi Group and the real money not only stopped Ding's stock price from falling sharply, but also allowed it to recover more than a dozen points.

Many stockholders seeking wealth and wealth insurance have gritted their teeth and smashed into funds. This psychology quickly formed a chain reaction, and retail purchases made the stock price continue to rise.

Luo watched Ding's share price recover today's lost ground, stood at yesterday's closing price again, and then began to turn red...

Although the tens of billions of chips in his hand have not been used much, Luo is still very angry in the face of this phenomenon, which will affect his cost.

He was angry that Huang Pu Ao didn't frighten Qi Sanqiu, and then used the bought eyeliner to inquire about the situation of Ding and Qi.

Ding’s and Qi’s eyeliner replied one after another, Ding’s already burnt to death, Ding Liuyue’s hand was holding a billion dollars, and Qi’s eyeliner was also exhausted.

"It turned out to be a dying struggle."

Hearing the news from the eyeliner, Luo breathed a sigh of relief, Qi Sanqiu, an idiot, 80% of the circulating funds for normal operations also poured in.

And Ding Liuyue, as she had expected, after smashing out five billion yuan yesterday, there was only one billion that could be used to pay wages or payment.

Luo single-handedly speculated that Ding Liuyue 90% would not smash into this one billion, did not dare to fight back, and was reluctant to fight.

But even if the billions fell, Luo still believed in one hand that Ding Liuyue could not stop her aggressiveness.

"Listen to my instructions and throw out the chips in your hands."

Luo straightened his body with one hand, and gave instructions to the twenty-four people in the hall: "How hard is it, how hard it is. Anyway, smash it hard for me."

"It broke through the defense line of Ding's stock price in one go, and made it fall forever."

Luo waved vigorously with one hand, energetic.

Twenty-four companions in Huayi Lifu echoed in unison: "Yes!"

After that, they moved quickly and kept beating against the computer. A sum of money was like a hammer, constantly suppressing Ding's stock price.

Following Luo's move, Ding's stock price began to fluctuate again, dropping ten points again.

A good start.

Luo was triumphant, and determined that Qi's guard was ridiculous.

But at this moment, there were countless buying orders, totaling more than 3 billion, which stabilized Ding's stock, and then quickly rose, turning red again.

Luo frowned slightly, who would join in the fun? Could it be that the Qi family and the Ding family were selling iron?

While speculating on the back of the opponent, he was high-spirited and commanded his 24 companions to fight.

With the arrow that opened the bow, he couldn't turn his head back. What's more, Luo didn't think he would lose with one hand.

"What? Five billion?"

When Luo's first-hand team finally suppressed 3 billion, countless bills came out. This time, it was not 3 billion, but 5 billion.

Luo frowned on his brows, dispatching troops to fight, you come and I, Ding's stock price keeps fluctuating, Luo Yishou's mood is constantly changing.

He was full of disdain first, then full of confidence, then surprised, and finally, Luo was stunned.

The opposing trader's operations were veteran, seducing, ambushing, encircling, and flowing water, all the funds of Luo's first-hand team were plunged into it.

The most important thing is that the money in the other party's hands seems to be overwhelming.

The atmosphere is heavy.

"Buy high and sell low."

After the tens of billions of funds were smashed, Luo, who had no chips in his hand, could only hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, and constantly reverse manipulation.

Luo's palm hurts like a knife cut, but he can't stop. This fight to the present has not only competed with funds but also with experience, but also with will.

He hopes that a miracle will happen, that his opponent's chips are exhausted, and that he can breathe more than his opponent.

"Open the account of our team and put the money in the account."

Luo gritted his teeth with one hand, and put his many years of savings on his brain: "As long as we win, we can get back the profits."

After losing this battle and losing 10 billion, Guo Jimeng would skin him. Luo had no choice but to **** the entire team.

The twenty-four people hesitated for a while, and finally crushed their 20 billion.

It's just that Luo's smashing of the boat did not bring any miracles. The funds in the twenty-four trading accounts decreased like quicksand in the fingers.

The other party's inexhaustible funds slowly cannibalized Luo's funds.

The 20 billion yuan soon fell by more than half, but Ding's stock price was still strong, red, like a red flag of victory.

Luo was about to vomit blood with one hand.

"Mr. Luo, the other party is too powerful. There are 3 billion left. I'm afraid it will be difficult to work."

At this time, a beautiful woman looked up after scanning the bill and shouted anxiously to Luo: "If you want to come back, it is estimated that it will cost 50 billion."

"50 billion..."

Luo sighed lightly with one hand, then gritted his teeth: "The remaining 3 billion won't move, I'll contact Shao Guo before I talk..."

He took out the phone and was about to make a call to see if Guo Jimeng had financial support. At this time, the pretty woman's pretty face changed again and looked at the screen and shouted:

"Mr. Luo, it's not good, Guo's share price has been suppressed."

She almost cried out in tears: "It's down 30%, more than 300 billion is gone..."


Luo shook his body, his phone slammed to the ground, his face was pale, as if he was a teenager...

At the same time, Ye Tianlong was lying on the sofa, leaning on Ding Liuyue's thigh, playing with her pretty waist while looking at the screen on her head.

Seeing that Ding's stock price soared by 20 points, he recovered yesterday's loss in one fell swoop, while Guo's stock price fell smashingly, and the trillion-dollar group evaporated 30%.

Although most of the 300 billion that has evaporated were money from retail investors, it was still a heavy blow to the Guo family.

Ye Tianlong hugged Ding Liuyue's waist and said leisurely: "My dear, how happy is this battle?"

Ding Liuyue smiled sweetly: "Yes, I am so angry that I am a confidante, he is indeed my man."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "Are there any rewards?"

"Of course, but not now..."

Ding Liuyue kissed Ye Tianlong: "I will reward you when I come back tonight. Now, I will strike while the iron is hot and talk to Guo Jimeng."

Before the stock market today, Ding Liuyue contacted Guo Jimeng several times, but was refused to meet, unless she agreed to sign a 100 billion resale contract.

Now, Ding Liuyue decided that Guo Jimeng should not refuse to meet.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Why negotiate again? Just step on him."

"We have many projects in the new country."

Ding Liuyue slid her finger on Ye Tianlong's lips: "It's not a last resort, but I still have some leeway. Doing business is the most important thing."

"Even if the swordsmen meet in the end, but we are courteous, and after we finish what we should do, we will be able to silence others."

She sighed: "It can also make the new government sympathize with us."

Seeing that his idea had been decided, Ye Tianlong had no choice but to sigh: "Well, I will listen to you, but you must be safe."

Ding Liuyue pinched Ye Tianlong's nose: "Don't worry, there are enough bodyguards, and the mayor will mediate."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, he picked it up and took a look, then suddenly sat up from the sofa.

Qi Sanqiu's daughter has gone.

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