Talented Genius

Chapter 2393: No blood relationship (four more)


When the words fell, a young man beside Ximen City suddenly moved and shot out like a sharp sword, and the target took the standing Ye Tianlong.

I saw this young man leaping into the air, with his right elbow down, and hitting Ye Tianlong's forehead.

This action is straightforward and lightning fast. As long as he is hit, his head will blossom.

They wanted to take down Ye Tianlong in a sneak attack. In this way, when the appraisal report was presented later, Ye Tianlong would not have a chance to die.

Otherwise, he will do nothing at that time, which will put them in danger at Simon City.

It's just that before they waited for the smiles of Simon City, Emperor Ma Qing took a step forward and kicked out suddenly.

So, the young man who rose into the air flew out.


The young man was kicked seven or eight meters away and fell heavily to the ground. He wanted to struggle to get up, but he just pushed off the ground and fell to the ground with a bang.

He stretched out his hands and feet, lay there and didn't move again, not knowing whether to live or die.

Everyone instantly felt a sense of suffocation, and one by one felt a biting chill from the bottom of their hearts on their backs, shuddering.

Emperor Ma Qing was even more tyrannical than the rumors.

Dongmen Yangtze River narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, "Emperor Ma Qing, what are you doing? Are you an accomplice?"

Simon City waved his hand even more.


Following the gesture of Ximen City, one of his subordinates dialed the number. Soon, a harsh car roar sounded at the door and drove towards Ye's house.

After that, the two iron doors slammed into the air, and more than thirty black Ford cars drove in.

After the car stopped at the door and on both sides of the rostrum, more than a hundred heavily armed gunmen rushed out, and they acted neatly to guard the passage and entrance.

Then, fifteen vehicles drove outside, and more than 60 anti-terrorism team members emerged. The two sides spread out, occupying the commanding heights and surrounding all the guests.

There were a large number of people with live ammunition. As soon as they came in, they didn't hesitate at all, and aimed their guns at Ye Tianlong and the others.


Chen Taishi's face changed at that time, and the gun in his hand was invisibly squeezed.

When Ye Qiuqi's delicate body trembled, the other guests also opened their mouths. Unexpectedly, the Shouyan swordsmen would meet each other.

Chen Huanghe comforted everyone: "You don't need to panic. We mobilized our staff today just to take down the sinner Ye Tianlong."

The guests present were a little relieved when they heard the words, but they still took two steps to stay away from the center of the conflict so as not to hurt themselves.

Ye Qiuqi looked at Ye Weiguo, but found that Ye Weiguo was still calm, drinking red wine regardless of her own.

Ye Tianlong looked at Cai Jiujin as calm as he was, and they smiled and said, "Old Cai, you are really well prepared."

Cai Jiujin said faintly: "I just want you to know that Taicheng is not a place where you can go wild."

Ximen Cheng grinned: "Today, who would dare to resist, Ye Tianlong, if you can fight, can you win so many people and so many guns?"

Dongmen Yangtze River also sneered: "Ye Tianlong. We have prepared three thousand people today. Can you afford it?"

Chen Huanghe simply waved his hand: "Take Ye Tianlong."


When Mingyue's backbone was about to move forward with murderous aura, Emperor Ma Qing suddenly walked to the middle and screamed, "Go away all."

"Four elders, although you are the elders and are of high authority, Ye Tianlong is also my brother. Is it appropriate for you to find a woman to frame him?"

"I know that Ye Tianlong has a lot of grievances with Mingyue Group. You even suspect that he was responsible for the attack the day before yesterday. But should you give evidence for everything?"

"You said he is Mingjiang Ye Tianlong, he is Mingjiang Ye Tianlong?"

"I also suspect that the four of you have been replaced by imposters."

Emperor Ma Qing glanced at Sophie disdainfully: "One-sided words have too much moisture!"

This remark was justified and well-founded, and the anger of the guests was reduced, so calm down and think deeply, it is indeed a one-sided word...

Emperor Ma Qing struck the iron while it was hot: "Besides this woman is unidentified, who knows if she was bought by you?"

"If you allege that Ye Tianlong is an imposter, you'd better produce more solid and weighty evidence."

Emperor Ma Qing remained strong: "If you can't get it out, you will apologize to me in public and pay one billion in compensation."

Ximen City yelled: "Emperor Ma Qing, you really don't see the Yellow River, don't you give up?"

"I don't want you to frame my brother."

Emperor Ma Qing also revealed a bit cruel: "There is no evidence, you are all going to be unlucky."

With Emperor Ma Qing's head tilted, more than a dozen of the backbone of the Ma family rushed up, staring at Mingyue Fourth Lao's men with sharp eyes.

Chen Huanghe sneered: "To fight? Ma Qingdi, your mind is flooded, this person..."

Before finishing talking, an elite Majia made a call, and soon there was another roar of cars at the door.

Not long after, twenty or so military trucks drove over, murderously, and then divided into two batches, one batch stopped outside, and one batch drove in.

As soon as the car stopped, soldiers in military uniforms filed down from the back of the car, moving quickly, and as soon as they landed, they started to outflank the left and right sides.

They directly surrounded Simon City and their counter-terrorism team!

They are quiet and indifferent, but there is no lack of murderousness.

The scene was strange in an instant.

In an instant, 80% of the guests even suspected that a coup had taken place.

Their complexions changed drastically in Simon City, and they all shouted together, "Emperor Ma Qing, are you going to rebel?"

Emperor Ma Qing sneered: "I didn't rebel, I just protect myself and don't give you the opportunity to frame up."

"You brought three thousand people, and I prepared eight thousand people. In addition to these several hundred people, the 7,000 troops trained nearby can arrive in five minutes."

Emperor Ma Qing looked strongly at Cai Jiujin and the others: "So today, neither you nor Elder Cai can play Yin."

Ye Tianlong patted Ma Qingdi on the shoulder and sighed softly, "Ma Shao, thank you."

Ma Qingdi smiled: "It's okay, we are brothers, I won't let them wrong you."

"Ma Qingdi, for the sake of the Ma family, I will give you a chance to regret."

Cai Jiujin yelled: "Otherwise you will be finished with Ye Tianlong."

"If you want me to die, just come up with real evidence..."

Emperor Ma Qing went one way to the end: "One-sided words, with more deception and less concocting, it is not easy to work with me."

"I will never let you frame Tianlong and the Ye Family."

"Today, either I fell down with Ye Shao, or the four of you are finished."

Emperor Ma Qing pulled off a collar and roared, "Evidence!"

"Emperor Ma Qing knows that you do not live or die."

Cai Jiujin sneered: "Don't use your mind. If we can come here to attack, we must have enough evidence on hand."

"Come here, take out the appraisal that just came out."

Following her instruction, a middle-aged man quickly ran over and handed a report to Cai Jiujin.

At the same time, several Mingyue backbones acted neatly to deal with the large screen and projector on the birthday celebration stage.

Cai Jiujin picked up the report and went to the projector with a smug hung on the corner of his mouth:

"Ye Tianlong, I am not afraid to tell you that we took the hair and nails of your three Ye family for DNA identification."

"I came so late today, just waiting for these test results."


Cai Jiujin flipped to the last page of the report, and took it on the projector without looking at it:

"Ten minutes ago, the first genetic test report came out."

"Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong... have no blood relationship."

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