Talented Genius

Chapter 2376: Centenary birthday (three shifts)

"Yes, this matter must be investigated to the end."

Chen Huanghe also bit his cigar, thinking about the danger just now: "These **** have no bottom line, no rules, and they must be eliminated mercilessly."

"They attacked us and broke the rule of ‘not to be sentenced to a doctor’. They must not be condoned."

"Otherwise, who will be the boss in the future, and who will be the leader of the party?"

In Chen Huanghe's bones, people who have reached their position have the status of exemption gold medals. No matter how evil they are, they cannot be headshot.

Over the past ten years, they have indeed been given such preferential treatment, no matter how many enemies they are, they are just intrigue, dead people under their hands, and a little money wasted.

They were unscathed from start to finish.

But now, Kong Huaxiang had his head exploded, and they almost died today, which made them very uncomfortable in Simon City and they had to kill the murderer behind the scenes.

Otherwise, you won't be able to eat and sleep in peace.

Dongmen Yangtze River also straightened up: "There is almost no need to investigate this matter. Ninety-nine percent of it was done by Ye Tianlong."

"Lao Cai, I have the same opinion as Ximen and Huang He. We must take severe actions to punish those behind the scenes, otherwise the entire Taicheng city will be in chaos."

He looked at the white-clothed woman: "Let's just focus on today's affairs, make trouble, and then dispatch the military and police to kill Ye Tianlong."

"Ye Tianlong is lawless, let's kill with thunder."

"The Ma family dare to intervene, so they will be accused of today's incident. The Ma family definitely does not want to be tainted by political assassins."

The East Gate Yangtze River showed confidence: "And as long as we kill Ye Tianlong iron-heartedly, Emperor Ma Qing can't kill us for him."

Chen Huanghe and Ximencheng nodded together, patted the table and said: "Follow him, **** him, Ye Tianlong is not dead, it is not enough for the common people to be angry."

Cai Jiujin did not speak, but just picked up the teacup, taking a sip without hesitation, his eyes thoughtful.

Chen Huanghe looked at her: "Cai Lao, don't hesitate, our site and our identity are actually attacked by snipers."

"Freshly mad, shameful and shameful."

His voice sank: "The murderer must be severely punished, and the blood must be paid."

Ximen City stood up and said, "Lao Cai, give the order, surround the Ye family and take down Ye Tianlong."

"As long as you give an order, I am willing to personally lead the team to arrest people."

Ximen City is powerful: "Dare to resist and rectify the law on the spot."

"I have no objection to dealing with Ye Tianlong. Through this life and death crisis, I am also in favor of eradicating the nail of the Ye family in one fell swoop."

Cai Jiujin drank a sip of tea, and then spoke out unhurriedly: "But I want to confirm, how sure are you to take Ye Tianlong?"

"Today's attack has shown that Ye Tianlong has lost his mind, otherwise he would not attack us like this."

"So to eradicate Ye Tianlong, you must be foolproof."

Cai Jiujin reminded them of Dongmen Yangtze River: "Otherwise, he will be even more crazy holding us to death."

Chen Huanghe and the others were silent subconsciously, and they all tried to catch people, because Cai Jiujin made sense, and Ye Tianlong was already crazy...

They only have one chance to deal with Ye Tianlong. If they can't kill him this time, Ye Tianlong will ignore his revenge.

"I will bring four backbones with 1,000 people, and I will order two anti-terrorist teams and a battalion fighter, equipped with the latest rice weapons."

After a long time, Ximen City slapped the table and made up his mind: "Two thousand people started, enough to kill Ye Tianlong."

"Boom boom boom——"

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked heavily, and with an indescribable rush, they frowned in Ximen City, wondering who doesn't understand the rules so much?

Chen Huanghe put his finger on the table, a video opened, and a bald man stood at the door, his confidant.

Chen Huanghe glanced across the corridor again and found that the guards were not unusual, so he opened the Qianjin steel door.

As soon as the steel door opened, the bald-headed man ran in, with a panic expression: "Old Cai, Old Chen..."

"Don't know we are in a meeting?"

Chen Huanghe's face sank: "Furried, what happened?"

Although Chen Huanghe's face was haggard, but the majesty of many years was still there, his eyes sternly swept over this reckless subordinate, and he did not forget to shout.

The bald man jumped his eyelids and fell on his knees with a plop: "Old Chen, there is a middle-aged man outside with a cane and his name is Chen Taishi."

"He said it was sent by Ye Tianlong and came to invite the four old schools."

He finished with a dry mouth: "Ye Weiguo's invitation to his 100th birthday..."

"We searched his whole body and scanned his body. There are no guns and explosives. It's safe."

These words stunned Chen Huanghe and the others, the messenger of the Ye Family? at this time?

When several Chua's bodyguards heard this sentence, they all fry the pot instantly, and they all pulled out their guns to shout and scream.

Come from the Ye family?

Dongmen Yangtze River, Chen Huanghe, and Ximen City looked at each other with disbelief.

The corners of Cai Jiujin's mouth twitched slightly, but he still didn't speak, just drinking tea calmly.

Chen Huanghe's fist first tightened and then loosened, and then he shouted to the bald man: "Go, go out with me, I want to see what the Ye Family messenger is!"

"Slaying dozens of Mingyue bodyguards in the morning, and coming over in the afternoon to post a birthday invitation... It's a leopard daring!"

Ximen City also stood up: "Go, let's go and have a look."

Dongmen Yangtze River also put out the cigar in the ashtray, and then looked at Cai Jiujin in the middle and said:

"Lao Cai, although this Chen Taishi didn't carry a murder weapon, for safety's sake, you still don't show up, we will deal with it."

He also turned on several monitors so that Cai Jiujin could see the situation outside.

Cai Jiujin nodded: "You be careful."

They patted their clothes in Ximen City, and then walked out of the study. Nearly a hundred Mingyue bodyguards followed, pulling out their guns one by one, murderous.

Many people knew in their hearts that Ye Tianlong was responsible for 80% of the attack, so they were all filled with outrage when they saw him sending invitations after the attack.


At the gate of Mingyue Garden, surrounded by more than a dozen Mingyue gunmen, Chen Taishi stood with a cane and an umbrella with an indifferent expression.

He seems to have merged with the wind and rain, because no one can see his emotions, and that stability makes people feel that the sky will not shake when it falls.

Nearly a hundred Mingyue children surrounded Chen Taishi in the partial head of Ximen City, raising their muzzles all together in a gesture of shooting at any time.


At the same time, the two helicopters began to hover around, and the attackers were not given a chance to shoot cold shots. The snipers on the roof also re-examined the surrounding environment.

Simon City walked to the front and looked at Chen Taishi and screamed, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"My name is Chen Taishi, Ye Shao, who came here today to send an invitation to Mingyue Si Lao."

Chen Taishi ignored the people around him, and a touch of contempt arose from the corner of his mouth: "Lao Ye will be a hundred years old the day after tomorrow, and I hope that the four old men will enjoy the banquet."

"Feast? Big birthday?"

Chen Huanghe's face sank: "Are you getting water in your head? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Ye Tianlong instigated the murderer to attack us, killed dozens of our bodyguards, and almost killed us. He wants us to show our faces to a banquet?"

Dongmen Yangtze River is also an old face: "Is Ye Tianlong too arrogant and ignorant, or are you too stupid and naive?"

"Believe it or not, I gave an order to let someone chop you into meat sauce?"

Ximen City's eyes were even colder: "We are going to arrest Ye Tianlong and bring him to justice to comfort the dead."

"You, an accomplice, came to the door. It happened to be handcuffed together."

"Come on, take it."

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