Talented Genius

Chapter 2374: Woman in black


Before the cold sweat of Ximen City shed their cold sweat, another bullet hit the glass, cracking dozens of marks on the hard glass.

The warhead was still embedded in the glass, filled with a touch of anxiety, completely shattering the shadows of the three people in Ximen City.


After being sluggish for half a second, the faces of several bodyguards changed drastically. With a roar, they moved their steps and directly threw the three of Dongmen Yangtze River to the ground.

Afterwards, they each hugged one person to dodge on both sides of the window, and quickly hid behind a load-bearing wall, no longer letting their bodies be exposed in front of the glass.

The three bodyguards protected Chen Huanghe and the others, and shouted at the same time: "Enemy attack, enemy attack."

The garden bodyguards screamed and ran over as if they had fried a pot.

More than 20 people lay by the window and door, blocking the gap where bullets might be shot. More than a dozen people raised their guns to the front, looking for the position of the sniper.

Seven or eight people poured into the hall, forming a human wall to protect the three of Chen Huanghe.

"Protect Old Cai!"

There was also a panic outside the door. More than fifty bodyguards brandished their guns and rushed to the convoy, surrounding a Cadillac in the middle.

The alarm roared.


At this time, the third sniper bullet shot over and hit the cracked glass.


This time, the bullet-proof glass collapsed, and countless fragments shot around, making the hall rattle and injuring four or five bodyguards.

At the same time, a biting cold stream poured in from outside, causing them to shiver subconsciously in Simon City.

However, although the bulletproof glass was broken, Mingyue's bodyguards were not afraid to build a human wall, and then closed the curtains to hide the sight from the window.

Several Ji Ling cronies even overturned sofas, tables and chairs, and added a simple bunker outside the human wall.

The huge body of the bodyguard blocked the front, giving Chen Huanghe and the others a little more sense of security, but the panic on his face still remained.

While they were angry that a sniper attacked them, they thanked the Americans for their bulletproof glass.

If the floor-to-ceiling windows were not hard enough, three people would be headshot 100% by bullets.

Dongmen Yangtze River and they secretly vowed that after tonight, they will replace all the glass of the entire manor with this brand, and even the car windows will be replaced.

At the same time, they once again realized the dangers of the arena.

Since their superiors became Mingyue Fifth Elders, Ximen City and the others have never experienced life or death again, and they have been smooth sailing for more than ten years.

Even if it was Kong Huaxiang's death, they were not experienced, and they couldn't empathize with that death. They believed that Kong Huaxiang was bad luck.

Now these two shots that are almost headshot have not only restored their former acumen, but also reduced their arrogance.

Chen Huanghe quickly woke up and shouted at the bodyguard who pulled out his weapon: "Hold your post, call for counter-terrorism support, call for counter-terrorism support."

The assailants dared to attack even them. It is no longer the ordinary police can deal with it. It is necessary to mobilize front-line combatants.

Ximen City also shouted: "Protect Lao Cai, protect Lao Cai."

Although they were very angry with the sniper's attack and wanted to take the opponent down, they knew that defense was better than search at the moment.

Now I know the enemy's darkness, and go out to find the enemy's whereabouts. Not only will I become a target, but I can also let the opponent enter and kill.

They wanted to protect their lives more than killing the enemy.

With their shouts in Simon City, the entire garden became noisy, and the chaotic and noisy sounds rang, like a pan with fried oil.

"Keep the entrance!"

"Cover Cai into the garage!"

"The sniper is on standby!"

Commands were issued one by one, shouting one after another, knives and guns pierced the ears in a hurry, and several maids screamed in fright.

The loyal Mingyue, who is the most daring to fight, rushed out of the building with agility, occupied all entrances and exits, armed with guns, and prepared to annihilate the enemy.

The Mingyue Gunner at the commanding heights also leaned down, firing his guns at all around him, trying to force out the hidden attackers.

Everyone's expression, apart from the flustered by the unexpected situation, is also unspeakably solemn. This is the first time they have experienced enemy sniping.

During the bullet shooting, many plants were broken, and the field of vision became wider.


When the Cai's convoy was driven to the garage under the protection of dozens of bodyguards, a dull gunshot sounded mercilessly, and a bullet broke through the air.

A Cai's bodyguard shook his body, and then his head blossomed. The whole figure fell out like a broken kite and plunged into the crowd behind.

Five or six people crowded together.

His face was bloody, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it to death, he was headshot.

Before the other bodyguards could react, there was a continuous shooting sound in the air, and five or six bullets poured out like rain.

The six bodyguards guarding Cadillac were all struck by lightning, and they fell to the ground when they shook, and their heads splashed blood without exception.

The human wall collapsed and the car windows exposed.


A bullet hit the car window with a click. The bullet did not go in, but it also opened the window to reveal the person sitting inside.


It's just that before the second bullet hit, the woman in black who got out of another car suddenly jumped up and blocked the window with her body.

The wet pretty face was endlessly frightened, but with a sense of determination:

"Protect Old Cai!"

The woman in black seemed to have discovered something, suddenly raised her head, and cast her gaze to the vegetation on the left...

In the scope, her face was as close as she could reach, and she breathed.

In the distance, the attacker saw the pretty face, his movements were slightly stagnant, and he recognized that it was an acquaintance.

She hesitated for a moment, and then the gun was deflected, exploding another Mingyue bodyguard who was blocking the fuel tank.

Looking at the surveillance in the Ximen City in the lobby, the old face yelled: "Be careful, be careful! Protect Lao Cai, protect Lao Cai!"

Seven or eight Chua slammed forward loyally, blocking the woman in black with their bodies, blocking the car window, and protecting the people in the car with their lives.

They also pulled the trigger into the distance.

"Boom boom!"

When Mingyue's bodyguards were shooting wildly, sniper bullets poured indifferently toward Cadillac at 11 o'clock.

The warhead pounced on Mingyue Elite like a crazy beast.

One after another Mingyue bodyguards fell in a pool of blood, and within half a minute, the more than 20 bodyguards of the convoy were torn to pieces by the attackers!

The blood splashed on Cadillac, bloody, cruel, and shocking.

During the period, two warheads passed through the body of the bodyguard, hitting the body as a sound, making them tense in Simon City.

Fortunately, Mingyue's bodyguards were loyal enough to make up for one dead one, and one for one dead pair, always protecting Cadillac with a human wall.

The woman in black was blocking the car window tightly, not giving the attacker a chance to shoot the person in the car.

In the distance, the crosshair on the scope fell on the forehead of the woman in black three times before and after, but it finally shifted...

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