Talented Genius

Chapter 2297: Give another gift

Ye Tianlong, who has been neglected, is as happy as if he has picked up a treasure, making the **** scene a bit more paradoxical.

The black-clothed old man was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Tianlong like a silly fork. He had actually seen Ye Tianlong long ago.

But he just treated Ye Tianlong as a small character, thinking that it would be more exciting to keep him watching a good show next to him, but he didn't expect to run out to die.

"You go!"

At this time, Lin Fang and Lu Jia regained some strength, and rushed over again with a sweet voice, without forgetting to ask Ye Tianlong to run.

"No one can run today."

The black-clothed old man sneered, and shot the two women directly with his bow left and right. This time, his strength was a little bigger.


Lin Fang and Lu Jia fell in front of Ye Tianlong, and vomited a mouthful of black blood again, their pretty faces showing despair, and they were going to be finished today.

"Why are you still not leaving?"

Lin Fang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground, then looked at Ye Tianlong who was silent and cursed, "You run quickly?"

Lu Jia was also ashamed: "What an idiot..."

"Go? Why are you leaving? I haven't taken any action yet."

Ye Tianlong smiled very brightly, and looked at the black-clothed old man and said: "The rich man? The 16th cave Jiangyang robber? You seem to be rich?"

The funds of the Six Kings cannot enter Taicheng within two or three months, so the pauper Ye Tianlong has an unspeakable enthusiasm for money.

Especially for people like the rich, Ye Tianlong was excited just hearing the name:

"How much money do you have?"

Hearing this sentence, the black-clothed old man sneered. This kid, idiot, was about to die, and asked how much money he had?

"You are looking for death, he is Jiang Yang thief, he is not something you can deal with."

"Even we are not opponents, you just slapped it up."

"Don't be aggressive, run away..."

Seeing Ye Tianlong provoking the black-clothed old man, Lin Fang and Lu Jia were anxious and angry one by one, they were really stunned.

"Yes, I am rich, what's the matter?"

The black-clothed old man looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile, and then his fist turned, which contained the power of thunder.

Unless you want to stay to blackmail the target or the woman, the black-clothed old man will use amazing skills to kill the other enemies in one fell swoop for comfort.

His tightly packed fist was as strong as a cannonball, and it also contained amazing power. He pursued a one-shot kill without giving Ye Tianlong any chance.

Both Lu Jia and Lin Fang felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Hurry up!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong still standing, Lin Fang couldn't stand it anymore. He knew Ye Tianlong was so stunned and he would kick out of the mountain as soon as he said anything.

Lu Jia and the other four women also felt that Ye Tianlong was done.

But at this moment, a majestic aura radiated from Ye Tianlong's body, completely suppressing the black-clothed old man like Mount Tai:

"It's fine if you have money, I'm short of money recently, and you happen to have money..."

Ye Tianlong was very excited: "Do you know what is common prosperity?"

"go to hell!"

The black-clothed old man didn't talk nonsense with Ye Tianlong. He screamed and rushed over when he screamed and irritated everyone's ears.

The image of his body is a mountain, pressing straight against the locked Ye Tianlong.

When approaching three meters, the black-clothed old man suddenly lifted his right foot, and then swept out at Ye Tianlong.

"Good job."

Ye Tianlong moved his footsteps, instead of retreating to greet him, he also blasted out.

The arch of the foot is like the wind.

In the horrified eyes of Lin Fang and Lu Jia's six daughters, Ye Tianlong hit the old man in black on the soles of his feet.


A dull sound exploded.

The airflow was strong, and the dust was splashing everywhere. Lin Fang and the others subconsciously turned their heads to avoid them. When they looked back, they saw that the winner was divided.

Ye Tianlong stood still, but the rich man backed away.

Ye Tianlong's power came out, the soles of the black-clothed old man's shoes snapped to pieces, the meridians of his feet broke instantly, and blood spurted from his toenails.


The black-clothed old man screamed, his face was pale and fell out of seven or eight meters, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he looked at Ye Tianlong in horror.


Lin Fang and Lu Jia were all dull...

The six girls couldn't believe it, Ye Tianlong easily settled the rich man, still a very simple move head-on.

They didn't want to believe it, but the facts were in front of them. The rich man fell to the ground severely injured and Ye Tianlong was intact.

Lu Jia and the others realized that Ye Tianlong had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and they were all ashamed when they thought of the reprimanding Ye Tianlong just now.


At this moment, before the old man in black was struggling, Ye Tianlong stepped on it again.

The black-clothed old man made a mistake with his hands and tried to hold Ye Tianlong's foot, but he was slow for a while, and Ye Tianlong slammed his chest.


There was a crisp sound, two ribs broke, the black-clothed old man screamed again, and blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

He grabbed a sword to throw it, but saw the sword light flashing, and the half-cut sword flew over and nailed into his shoulder.

The palm of the sword fell.


The black-clothed old man screamed, and blood burst out, painfully unable to resist.

Seeing Ye Tianlong walking slowly over, the old man in black felt a pressure invisibly: "Who are you?"

He didn't know Ye Tianlong, but he could feel that Ye Tianlong was even more terrifying than the Lone Star Master Tai.

Master Lone Star injured him with a sword back then, and Ye Tianlong was also a move today, but that feeling was completely different, and his frustration was also extremely different.

You know, he is not the one he was thirty years ago. He has been tempering for thirty years, but still can't hold Ye Tianlong's move. How can he not vomit blood?

So he stared sharply at Ye Tianlong and shouted, "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong said: "Me? Robber."


The black-clothed old man was anxious and fainted.

"Hey, don't die, don't pretend to be dead."

Ye Tianlong was shocked, and rushed over to grab the opponent: "Where is the money? Where is the bank card? Where is the gold?"

The old man in black did not respond.


Ye Tianlong slapped him twice and yelled into his ears: "Give me the money quickly, or I will tear the ticket."

Hearing the word torn ticket, the rich man instinctively trembled, and then woke up strangely from his coma...


Seeing that he was not dead, Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a palm shot, knocking out the ‘big rich man’ again...

Then, Ye Tianlong made another gesture, and two people flashed out from the yard. They were extremely fast, hands up and down, and directly knocked out the six women.

Tianmo and oriole.

"Take him away."

Ye Tianlong threw the rich man to the oriole: "Dig out all the money in his hand..."

"But he must live."

Ye Tianlong's smile became profound: "It's time to give another gift to the Ma family..."

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