Talented Genius

Chapter 2293: Tian Heng Wubaishi

On the second day after Ye Tianlong finished the strategy meeting, it rained in Riyue Lake, and then the sun came out again.

Riyue Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Taicheng, with a length of about 50 kilometers, a maximum width of 15 kilometers from east to west, and an area of ​​500 square kilometers.

The reason why Sun Moon Lake is named is because "the sun, the moon and the stars are larger and more obvious than elsewhere".

If you go boating on the lake on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the moon is extraordinarily bright and round, and the scenery is fascinating and amazing.

In the middle of Riyue Lake, there is a small island of 500 meters above sea level, surrounded by blue waves, beautiful scenery, this is the mountain gate of Lone Star.

There are lots of buildings built on the mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, a total of seven districts have been built, which are also the grades of the Lone Star Mountain Gate.

The area at the bottom of the mountain is the bottom of the children. There are 1,000 people throughout the year. As you go up, the number gradually decreases. The last area is the core children.

There are a total of 3,000 people in the seven districts, plus the newcomers who come out from time to time to take refuge, the Lone Star Master's gate basically keeps around 3500 people.

It's just that the lively Lone Star Mountain Gate in the past is much deserted, not only rarely sees children coming in and out, but there is still lingering blood on the island.

And this bloodyness made the mountain gate seem more quiet, especially the closer you get to the top of the mountain, the more clear the silence becomes, like Guanghan Palace.


At the moment, at the top of the mountain gate, in one of the most remote places, a simple but sturdy log cabin is left alone, with a pool in front of the house and bamboo at the back.

There are countless grasses and flowers all around.

Against them, the wooden houses have a paradise-like beauty, which makes people feel peaceful.

"Swish swish--"

At this moment, when the mist of Mingyue Lake was vast, a man in gray was holding a sword and dancing in the courtyard.

The sword shadow is like a flower, and the sword light is like a moon, shining every inch of the sky.

The elegance of the sword and the elegance of the swordsman contrast with the surrounding scenery, giving people a picturesque and intoxicating feeling.

The morning breeze blows, the bamboo is swaying, and seven dead leaves are flying in the air like a butterfly with spirituality.


When the dead leaves were about to be blown away by the cold wind again, a sword pierced an arc through the seven dead leaves, and then a sword froze.

Extremely fast and extremely slow, the two are completely different in style, but the combination is seamless.

The seven dead leaves were all stabbed by the long sword, shaking slightly at the sharp point of the sword, making a sharp sound of autumn leaves.


The gray-clothed man shook his wrist, and the seven dead leaves shattered instantly, pouring down from mid-air, like rain flowers.



At this time, there was a round of applause, and a leisurely voice sounded: "I haven't seen you in a few months, and your swordsmanship has taken another step."

Ye Tianlong appeared leisurely, stretched out his hand, grasped the crushed dead leaves, and sniffed: "It's just that the blood is too strong."

"Kill one thousand two hundred and thirty-four people, can this sword be lifeless?"

Mai turned her wrist, and the long sword was sheathed quietly, without a sound: "But I don't have to kill anymore. This sword can rest for a few days."

"It seems that the rebel force is stronger than I thought."

Ye Tianlong dropped the crushed dead leaves on the ground: "I thought that if you kill about a hundred backbones, the rest will kneel down and submit."

"I didn't expect to kill more than a thousand people, almost half of Shanmen's children."

Ye Tianlong walked to the stone table in the courtyard and poured himself a glass of water: "It seems that Master Lone Star's disciple is still a bit arrogant."

There was not much expression on Mai's face, she turned around and went to the house and brought out a basket with more than a dozen kinds of wild fruits in it. Then she put it in front of Ye Tianlong:

"Actually, your guess is correct. Killing more than a hundred people can control the situation."

"But Zhou Zhiruo has killed the red eye and is addicted to killing. She wants to kill not only the opponents, but also the dissidents, the relatives and the deceased."

Mai handed a pear to Ye Tianlong: "So in the end more than a thousand people were killed. That woman is fiercer and crazier than I thought."

Ye Tianlong took Pear, then smiled faintly: "She is not crazy, she is scared."

"She was afraid that she would be leaked about her refuge in Longmen. She was afraid of the life and death of the same family. She was even more afraid that others would poke her back."

"So she has to get rid of all the noise, and all the shadows of Lone Star Master."

Ye Tianlong guessed Zhou Zhuangruo's psychology: "In this way, she sits firmly and at ease."

"But this is also a good thing for you and me."

He took a bite of the pear: "The more people she kills and the less there is to turn back, the stronger her reliance on us, and the more she will be devoted to allegiance."

"It makes sense."

There was a hint of compliment in Mai's eyes: "You can see it thoroughly. She really depends on me. She comes to me almost every day."

Ye Tianlong joked: "I don't mind if you take her down."

The corners of Mai's mouth moved a little, and she shook her head without hesitation: "I'm not interested in her."

Although Zhou Zhuangruo's appearance and temperament are not inferior to first-line stars, Mai has never had any evil thoughts, and there is only one woman in his heart.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky of Australia City...

Ye Tianlong knew what he was thinking, and he bit the pear with a click and persuaded:

"Don't hang on a tree, let go of obsession, life will be better."

At this time, Ye Tianlong also had a headache, and remembered the unsolved case that has not been resolved so far. Who did he fall into that night?

In the past few months, if someone has been recruited, this belly should be bigger too, right?

Perhaps Bailihua should have a check to see which body has obvious symptoms, Madam Feng, Feng Yuyan, Mo Yuge...

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Mai exhaled a long breath, and then came back to her senses, without entangled with the question just now, the conversation changed:

"You have worked so hard to find me, is there something serious?"

He was not surprised that Ye Tianlong was able to break through a series of levels to appear here, and for the 9th-Rank master, there is no difficulty in entering and exiting this Lone Star Master.

He was just curious about Ye Tianlong's purpose.

"There is indeed something big."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I want the identity of the five hundred people who died at the Lone Star Mountain Gate."

"Longmen is going to infiltrate into Taicheng, the kind that takes root and infiltrates, is large in scale, and resides for a long time."

"However, Taicheng is too strict with external cards. Whether it is funds or personnel, foreign entry is strictly monitored."

Ye Tianlong said his intentions: "So I want to be a dead child of Lone Star."

"The children who come here to practice martial arts, Jiucheng are helpless orphans. Whether they are alive or dead, few people pay attention."

"But their identities are true Taicheng natives."

He said calmly: "So I am going to let the five hundred Longmen children, after a slight facelift, fake these Lone Star children to practice martial arts at the Shanmen."

Mai did not talk nonsense: "This is no problem, I will arrange it, and I will pick out the 500 most inexistent Lone Star children for you."

"it is good."

Ye Tianlong finished eating the pears in his hands: "These Longmen children will stay at Lone Star Mountain for the first half or one year."

"The two purposes of staying for so long are to practice a little bit of Lone Star swordsmanship, and to better hide from the sky, and to make them gradually get used to the customs of Taicheng."

He smiled leisurely and said: "If the future operation is good, 500 people are likely to be only the first batch, and there may be additional staff later."

"give it to me."

Mai faintly said, "Tian Heng Five Hundred Shi."

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