Talented Genius

Chapter 2261: A little stronger

Pu Ciqiu subconsciously drank, "Sister, you can't do this!"

"To shut up!"

Pu Ziyuan scolded her sister unceremoniously: "Today, I and Ye Tianlong must have a victory and a result."

Jin Zhenya snorted provocatively: "Sister Ziyuan, don't embarrass him, he hasn't practiced well yet."

At this time, Chen Tianting and the others also leaned over, and they all laughed when they learned about the incident. Ye Tianlong was really a rat in the street, everyone shouted and beat.

Ling Ruxin put her hands on her chest, staring at Ye Tianlong with contempt: "Don't you even have the courage to play? It's really not a man."

Chen Tianting is very good at being a human being, and smiled faintly: "Ye Tianlong, I don't mind if you play a game with Miss Pu."

"After the game, regardless of whether you win or lose, if you feel physically exhausted, I can postpone the game for one hour."

He smiled playfully: "You can even change it to tomorrow."

Piao Ziyuan approvingly looked at Chen Tianting, and felt that this kid was more interesting than Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong looked at Pu Ziyuan, and said lightly: "I don't like taking Ciqiu as a bet. This is disrespectful to her."

"Don't like it, or dare not fight with me?"

The corner of Pu Ziyuan's mouth evokes a joking: "You said so grandiosely, then I will make a bet."

"You win, I won't interfere with your relationship with Ciqiu, and at the same time, I owe you another favor."

She looked at Ye Tianlong coldly: "As long as it's not for letting me kill and set fire, which is against national interests, you can do whatever you ask me to do."

"If you lose, immediately drop out of Saints University, and then leave Taicheng, always keeping a hundred kilometers away from Ciqiu."

Pu Ziyuan was simply and neat.

Jin Zhenya agrees very much: "Yes, lose, stay away from Ciqiu, get out of Saints University."

Chen Tianting also smiled leisurely: "This condition is kind, Ye Tianlong, you have almost nothing to lose if you lose."

"Porcelain Qiu doesn't belong to you in the first place. You can only benefit and not hurt if you stay away."

"Getting out of Saints University is also cheaper for you, because you can't graduate originally, and getting out of Taicheng is the same, because the Ye family is about to go bankrupt."

Ling Ruxin, Lulu and the others also followed suit and let Ye Tianlong fight against Pu Ziyuan.

"Tianlong, don't bet with her."

Piao Ciqiu knew her sister's level, with a touch of care in her beautiful eyes: "My sister is very powerful, even higher than Chen Tianting."

"I have never won a game with her."

"Tianlong, you don't need to care about their excitement, let alone their ridicule, my business, who I am friends with, I can call the shots."

Her pretty face has toughness: "No matter what they say or do, I will not alienate you, so you don't have to bet with your sister about this."

"They can't hinder our communication."

Compared to a 100 million bet, Park Ciqiu cared more about the separation of the two, always a distance of 100 kilometers, which means that the two would never have to meet.

"Ciqiu, don't worry."

Ye Tianlong waved his club again and smiled brightly: "I practiced with you for a noon, now I am full of confidence."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong walked directly to the billiard table, picked up a cue casually, did not wear gloves, played a few times to sense the weight.

In the mocking eyes of everyone, Ye Tianlong stopped, and Park Ziyuan had a little club:

"That's it, how to play?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong entering the set, Pu Ziyuan sneered: "I'm not bullying you, didn't you practice the'Black Eight' with Ci Qiu at noon?"

"Let's fight black eight."

She has a pretty face with a touch of contempt: "In order to prevent Zi Qiu from saying that I bully you, let's play three rounds. As long as you win one round, then I lose."

Black eights, the simplest way to play billiards, is to play a ball from one to fifteen, and one to seven is a group to become a full-color ball.

Nine to fifteen are in a group, called the color ball.

The black number eight is independent.

Whoever puts seven **** from one group into the bag first, and then puts the black eight in, is the winner.

If one team accidentally hits the black eight ball into the pocket or knocks the black eight ball off the table in the middle of the game, the opponent wins the game.

And whoever hits which group of **** is chosen by the person who hits the ball first.

"Black Eight is good, the rules are simple and clear, and the winners are easy to distinguish. The most important thing is that there is no difficulty for Ye Tianlong."

Chen Tianting showed a smile: "Ye Tianlong, I think Black Eight is suitable for you. If I play against you, I will also recommend you to choose Black Eight."

Ye Tianlong was very happy: "Okay, it's black."

Chen Tianting waved his hand and several of his companions immediately moved forward, taking out the fifteen **** in a neat motion, placing them in place, and then placing the white **** in the circle.

Ye Tianlong looked at Pu Ziyuan and smiled: "Ladies first?"

Pu Ziyuan unceremoniously refused: "No, don't bully you, let you tee off first."

"Then it is better to be respectful than fate."

Ye Tianlong was not polite either, he laughed loudly, then stepped forward, leaned over, and stabbed the white ball with his cue.



There were short and powerful impacts.

Chen Tianting's body shook and their heads buzzed, as if firecrackers burst in their ears, they could not help but cried out that Ye Tianlong's shot was too arrogant and too powerful.

Afterwards, Pu Ziyuan and the others were all noncommittal. Billiards emphasized technique, and brute force could not solve the problem.

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "I'm sorry, I'm a little bit stronger."

In the disdain of Pu Ziyuan and the others, Bai Qiu looked like a lunatic, not only smashed fifteen balls, but also let it continue to shuttle back and forth.


With a crisp sound, a number one ball was hit by a white ball into the left pocket.

Ximen joked with them slightly: "I didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be a bit lucky."


While talking, the second ball also fell into the tail pocket during the impact.

Chen Tianting was slightly surprised, and subconsciously said: "This kid is lucky."

Ling Ruxin and the others also nodded: "It is indeed a bit lucky, but unfortunately, the strength is the final decision these years."

They don't believe that Ye Tianlong is Pu Ziyuan's opponent. Chen Tianting has just revealed that Pu Ziyuan was once the top five professional player of Nan Han.

Such a woman who makes people look up to, how can Ye Tianlong win?



As the mind turned, No. 3 and No. 4 **** were also pocketed one after another. Ye Tianlong had already scored four **** in the group of No. 1 to No. 7.

Lulu's eyelids twitched: "The ball is still spinning..."

Pu Ziyuan didn't care much at first, just adjusted her feel. Ye Tianlong's goal seemed to her to be a blind cat and a dead mouse.

When she saw everyone's surprised look, she realized that it was not good.

I don't know how much effort Ye Tianlong used in that shot. After scoring four goals, the white ball and the rest of the billiard **** were still colliding and rolling.


In the fiery eyes of Park Ciqiu, there were two collisions, and the two balls, No. 5 and No. 6, got into the two middle pockets.

Six **** into the pocket!

Chen Tianting and the others opened their mouths wide, my God, how is this possible? He scored six goals with one stick. Ye Tianlong's luck is too bad, right?


There was another crisp sound, and the number seven ball was arrested gorgeously.

At this point, all the panchromatic **** from one to seven have entered the net.

The audience opened their mouths subconsciously and looked at this scene in disbelief. They never expected that Ye Tianlong was so lucky to score a set of goals in one shot.

Ling Ruxin almost cried: "Still turning..."

Pu Ziyuan and the others found that even though they scored seven goals in a row, the white ball on the table was indeed still spinning, rolling like chicken blood.

Pu Ziyuan's heart trembled for the first time inexplicably.


The white ball hit the edge of the table and bounced back, and then hit the black eight at the corner.


A crisp sound, black eight, into the bag.


The audience was silent.

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