Talented Genius

Chapter 2248: Dig a hole

"Ah! Why is there someone in the trunk?"

Seeing a woman in black clothes falling out of the trunk of the car, Ye Tianlong yelled, then threw the car and turned around and ran into a shelter forest nearby.

The woman in black was full of pain. The impact just now not only made her head hit the car, but also knocked her shoulder blades and breastbone into the railing.

She felt her shoulder blades cracked and a broken rib.

The injury was not small, so she couldn't take the first shot when she fell out. She gritted her teeth to chase after Ye Tianlong panicked and rushed into the forest.

"Help, help—"

Ye Tianlong crawled along the road and fled, stomping on the grass and dirt along the way, and many stones hit the woman in black.

The black-clothed woman endured the pain and pursued her, her eyes locked Ye Tianlong tightly, trying to take him down and kill him, and finish the task early to heal his injuries.

The two constantly shuttled through the woods, using the dense trees, grass and rocks, to move forward like a snake.

The two were always separated by a distance of about ten meters, one running and the other chasing.

The black-clothed woman looked calm and didn't worry about whether there was a trap ahead.

The information she got in her hand, Ye Tianlong was just a piece of rubbish, and a hundred of them were not enough for her to wreak havoc.

Five minutes later, I finally approached the depths of the woods, my vision was getting worse and worse, only occasional road lights came in.

At this moment, the running figure of Ye Tianlong suddenly stopped, from extremely moving to extremely quiet, the transition was abrupt but harmonious, and his body control was amazing.

There was an extra branch in his hand, and Feng Qingyun pointed it out with his backhand.

Without warning, extremely fierce.


The black-clothed woman's face changed, and Ye Tianlong felt like a different person. She was lost in panic, and there was only unspeakable calmness on her face.

Moreover, the pierced branches are as fast as meteors, which is definitely a master's level.

In the face of this change, the black-clothed woman screamed, her body stretched, and backed with all her strength to avoid the sting of Ye Tianlong.

It's just this twisting that made her shoulder pain worse, and she took away a lot of strength, leaving only 50 to 60% of her usual.


But she was fine, taking advantage of Ye Tianlong's miss, her left foot swept away, the grass scraps flying, misty Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Then, the woman in black made a mistake with her hands, and six flying knives shot at Ye Tianlong.

At the same time, the seventh knife appeared in his right hand, and he followed and took Ye Tianlong's throat.


Faced with this fierce murderous intent, Ye Tianlong not only did not panic, nor did he back down, but instead smiled.

The branch in his hand shook, Ye Tianlong picked it up in the air, and instead of retreating, he pierced her lower abdomen.


As Ye Tianlong's branches stabbed, the six flying knives seemed to be struck by a whip, and one hand fell to the ground, not even half of Ye Tianlong's hair was injured.

When the black-clothed woman's pretty face changed, Ye Tianlong's branch had already hit her wrist, and the tremendous brute force made her wrist hurt and shocked.

The seventh knife landed.


The branch was cast unabated, pressed against the woman's arm in black, pierced her shoulder blades, and then pierced out from behind.


The black-clothed woman screamed, holding her shoulders and backing subconsciously, her eyes filled with indescribable shock and fear.

She had already discovered that the boy in front of her was not only a waste, but also a first-class master, and his strength should have broken through the eighth rank.

She couldn't believe that Ye Tianlong was so powerful, but the **** facts were in front of her. She tried her best to crack it easily by Ye Tianlong.

Finally, she was also pierced by Ye Tianlong's shoulder blades.

If a seventh-rank killer was defeated and seriously injured by one move, Ye Tianlong definitely had the strength above the eighth rank.

Thinking of the power of the eighth rank master, the black-clothed woman looked desperate, gritted her teeth and turned around and ran away, without the thought of fighting to the end.


It's just that although she ran fast, Ye Tianlong shot faster, patted the woman in black on the back with a fluttering palm, causing her to spray out more than ten meters with blood.

The black-clothed woman fell heavily to the ground, no longer able to fight, bleeding from her mouth and nose, and gasping for breath.

Seeing Ye Tianlong approaching slowly, she struggled to squeeze out: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Of course I am Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong smiled, then took out a tissue to wipe her pretty face: "I answered you so honestly, should you cooperate with me too?"

"Can you tell me, who are you? Who sent you to kill me?"

He has a soft tone, like a good neighbor: "You answer me happily, I will give you a life, if you don't say, I won't torture you."

"You have a good skill, at least Rank 7, a character like you will definitely not be silent."

"Plus you have the local accent of Taicheng, it will never be too difficult for me to dig out your identity."

Ye Tianlong looked calm: "It's just that after I dug up your details, not only you will die, but your employer will die, and all your relatives will die."

"Don't think that I am cruel and inhuman, this is my usual style of being a bad person."

"And I won't have any guilt, because it was not me who made them die, but you. You killed them with silence."

"Don't think that I am incapable. An 8-Rank master, killing your blood relatives is just like playing."

Ye Tianlong said casually, but the content of the words was cruel to the extreme.

The black-clothed woman's eyes suddenly widened, her body trembling, and her whole person, as if being showered by a bucket of ice water, was cold from the sky to the bottom of her feet.

She did a good job of seeing death as home, doing a good job of carrying it to the end, but she did not expect that Ye Tianlong directly destroyed her psychology.

However, she bit her lip, her face gloomy, tangled, defending the last bit of dignity.

"Don't tell me? Very good, I like your backbone."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, then took out her mobile phone, opened it, and glanced at the address book, a joke was conjured up at the corner of his mouth:

"Sure enough, as I expected, you didn't care about the task of killing me tonight."

"Do you think it's safe to kill me, so you didn't even change your phone, otherwise, how come there are so many daily contacts?"

"Person Thirty-two...Yes...find out these people, kill them one by one, let them accompany you down."

Ye Tianlong made a copy of the address book, and then passed it to his mobile phone: "It's time to say goodbye."

"My name is Guan Siying, nicknamed Seven Knives, Jiangmen Master's general."

The black-clothed woman closed her eyes: "You have offended Ximen Chong. He wants your life and is inconvenient to do it by himself, so let the Lord Jiangmen do you."

"I am the executor, Jiangmen mainly I will take action against you..."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest surprise, instead he smiled playfully: "Ximen rushed to them, as expected, I just waited for this head."

Guan Siying was slightly at a loss: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, you keep talking."

Ye Tianlong turned his attention back, but did not tell the other party that he stimulated Ximen Chong and Dongmenfeng in the morning in order to wait for them to kill.

Guan Siying coughed: "I thought you were just a trash, so I didn't prepare much, and didn't even hide with a gun."

"I hid in the trunk of your car, ready to climb out while you wait for the traffic lights, and then kill you with a single blow."

She has a touch of regret: "Who knows, you drifted, exposed me, and hurt me seriously."

"Have you discovered that I was hidden in the trunk of the car early?"

Suddenly, Guan Siying thought of a question, her eyes condensed into light and stared at Ye Tianlong: "Drifting is your intention?"


Ye Tianlong didn't conceal: "When I was in the parking lot, I knew there was someone in the car. Although you are less than 100 catties, the body will still sink."

"In addition to the smell of dog blood and disinfectant, there is also a hint of jasmine perfume in the car. I guess someone has hidden it in the trunk."

Ye Tianlong added: "So I gave you a drift, and then I will lead you here to solve it."

Guan Siying was silent at first, then squeezed out: "It seems that I am not wronged."

"Of course not injustice, because you will soon find out that your Jiangmen Master and Ximen Chong will fall one by one."

Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and opened the video with a smile: "You are very honest, I will save your life, but you have to repeat what you just said."

"At the same time, change Ximenchong's name to Dongmenfeng."

"You have to say, it was Dongmen Peak who went to Jiangmen Master and bought the murderer to kill me..."

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