Talented Genius

Chapter 2200: The last battle (four more)

"What? Lord, are you going to the Red Cross Hospital?"

Hearing that Zhao Wuji was about to go to the hospital, Shentu was startled slightly and hurriedly exhorted: "The situation outside is uncertain. It would be dangerous to leave here."

Ximen also nodded: "Yes, the leader should sit in the middle palace at this time, in order to remain unchanged and cope with all changes, so that he can get through the predicament calmly."

"Sit down."

Zhao Wuji straightened his body, an angry expression on his face:

"I will stay here and sit here again. Without Ye Tianlong or the black hand behind the scenes, the Song family will use the topic to kill me."

"Even though Song Donghua asked to come to Harbin, it was based on the Song Sanpao intelligence I reported, and he would fly over from Beijing."

"So Song Donghua is equivalent to calling me over. He has something wrong with his life and death. If I don't visit him, what will the Song family think?"

He pointed his finger outside the door: "The Song family will only think that I am cold-blooded and ruthless, and that Zhao Wuji is not worthy of deep friendship."

"Once the Song family determines that I am not a reliable ally, then all the anger and blame of Song Donghua's attack will be poured out on me."

"Also, Fat Dog is the backbone of the 13th League, and Song Sanpao disappeared again. I didn't take the initiative to explain. Afterwards, Master Song Jiaxing asked the crime, how could I deal with it?"

"Single Song Three Cannons, I can't argue."

Zhao Wuji's whole body was hot and dry: "The Song family can kill him in one bite. I didn't catch Song San Pao at all, I just trapped Song Donghua on purpose."

"Why kill Song Donghua? If the Song family finds out that Song Chunqiu and I are on the phone, they will think that I am removing obstacles to Song Chunqiu's superiority."

He is well aware of the sinister hearts of the people under power: "Interfere in the internal affairs of the Song family and try to support the puppets. Ten I will be killed by the Song family."

"So instead of being slowly driven into desperation by the Song family, I might as well take the initiative to go to the hospital to confess."

Zhao Wuji knew very well that his attitude was very important at this time. A visit to the hospital might not reduce the Song family's anger, but it would make them feel cold.

Shentu and Ximen looked at each other, and they both saw each other's helplessness, but they also understood Zhao Wuji's approach. After all, the matter was related to the Thirteen Leagues.

Moreover, Song Sanpao was rescued, so it is better to say in advance than the Song family to find out.

"Leader, you are determined to visit the hospital, and we won't stop it."

Shentu thought for a while, then looked at Zhao Wuji and said:

"I just hope you bring a little more people, preferably five hundred people to follow, and at the same time arm everyone with a pistol, so that safety is guaranteed."

He reminded: "Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years."

"I went to the hospital to visit Song Donghua, while explaining to the Song family."

Zhao Wuji shook his head: "Take five hundred people over and bring five hundred guns. Is it a rebellion or murder?"

"This kind of battle will make the Song family even more resentful, and I will feel that Zhao Wuji, my life and death, will not protect Song Donghua who came to Harbin."

"When the police see so many firearms, they will trace the source of the firearms."

Zhao Wuji made a decision: "I will bring thirty guards and five guns will do."

"Song Donghua was attacked and martial law began in the city. Ninety-nine percent of the murderer ran away. How could he stay and deal with me?"

"Even if you deal with me, thirty people can support it for half an hour. Hacheng is our site again, and it can be supported in ten minutes. There is no need to worry."

He waved to Shentu: "Go and prepare."

Shentu frowned: "Leader, thirty people are too few, right?"

Ximen also echoed: "Yes, the number is too small. Let's move a few death teams forward."

Seeing the two people worrying about him, Zhao Wuji nodded helplessly: "Then transfer another death team to protect, the ninety, that's enough."

Shentu nodded this time: "I understand, I will make arrangements right away."

At six o'clock in the evening, the snowflakes in Hacheng became tighter, blowing the bitterly cold on the body, not only making the road white, but also blurring the vision.

It was also at this time that Zhao Wuji's motorcade slowly left the base camp and drove towards the Red Cross Hospital, ten kilometers away.

Snow flicked on the window of the car and couldn't distinguish everything. In the limited field of vision, the children of the 13th League drove very slowly.

The length of time has added to the anxiety in the hearts of the children of the Thirteen League. The usual 15-minute drive takes at least half an hour at this speed.

Especially when the traffic police put up a car accident sign in front and diverted them to another side road, the children of the 13th League even grumbled that it was disadvantageous to go out.

However, Zhao Wuji quietly deliberated on what happened in the past few days.

Ximen and the Scared Man sitting beside them did not speak either, but quietly looked at the road ahead, hoping to arrive at the Red Cross Hospital sooner.


When the car entered a street, Zhao Wuji suddenly thought of a key issue, his eyes became clear, and he asked Ximen Shu:

"You said the murderer who fired the rocket avoided the Song family master's tracking and helicopter search?"

Zhao Wuji always felt that something was wrong.

"Yes, according to the information from the Song family and the others, the murderer wore a mask and evacuated immediately after he bombed a rocket."

Ximen replied aloud: "Not only is he very familiar with the terrain, but he is also quite skilled, so he forcibly avoided the Song family masters and military police from searching.

"Until now there is no sign of him."

Zhao Wuji asked, "So, this person is good at it?"

Ximen nodded: "It's really good, at least it's a quasi-rank 8 skill."

Zhao Wuji asked again: "For the Taxiong rocket, at a distance of 100 meters, where is almost any part of the Rolls Royce?"

"Yes, it is an improved rocket with very high accuracy."

Ximen told what he knew: "A hundred meters away is a bit far for people, but very close to the rocket."

"It's almost equivalent to poke the computer screen in front of you with your finger. You can poke where you want to, and the error is no more than five centimeters."

Zhao Wuji muttered to himself: "The opponent is a master, and the rockets are so accurate. Why do they hit the front of the car instead of the center of the car?"

"If you want to kill Song Donghua, there is absolutely no way out of the body."

Ximen smiled and said, "It may be nervous..."

Speaking of the last word, Ximen Shut down the words, the other party was an ambush in advance, and can still avoid the master of the big search, how can he make nervous mistakes?

His face changed: "The leader meant that the murderer didn't want to kill Song Shao, but just wanted to cause him to be hit hard?"

"But what's the point?"

Ximen was puzzled: "Seriously wounding Song Shao and killing Song Shao, the consequences are almost serious, and the Song family will never let him go."

"For the Song family and the murderer, the result is indeed the same."

Zhao Wuji's eyes narrowed: "But for me, it's quite different."

Ximen was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Song Donghua is dead, I will definitely not go to the hospital in a hurry..."

Zhao Wuji suddenly guessed something, his body shook, he sat upright and yelled: "Turn around, go back!"

Arms, Fat Dog, Song Sanpao, Song Chunqiu, Song Donghua, this is the opponent's serial game, the ultimate goal is to let him leave the Zhao family.

Murderous, Zhao Wuji smelled the murderous, smelled the breath of death, he shouted again: "Withdraw, withdraw."


Just when Simon Shu was slightly taken aback, a sharp noise was already heard from the sky.

A three-meter-long iron spear shot out.

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