Talented Genius

Chapter 2176: Raise your hand (five shifts)


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the villa where Ling San was crazy and their death regained calm amidst the falling snow, and also covered up the blood.

When a gust of wind came, five vans also arrived at the front door.

At this moment, in the midst of snowflakes flying, Song Sanpao and fifty men dressed in white quietly approached the villa.

After Song Sanpao's head slightly tilted, the six men rushed up quickly, and the six probes were immediately frozen.

The weather is cold and I can't hear much movement, but I can hear the silly strong saying "I want to study undergraduate". There is no doubt that silly strong is really inside.

Song Sanpao looked around again and found that seven or eight people were leaning on the trees, like guards of the garden.

Song Sanpao sneered, and his opponent made a gesture: "Kill them!"

The white-clothed man spread out like the wind, and merged with Shirayuki, and then shot out his left sleeve arrows in unison, knocking the eight capped guards to the ground.

The blood fell to the ground, like plum blossoms, and was soon covered by snow again.

Song Sanpao nodded. The fifty people he chose were really strong and powerful. With a wave of his left hand, the fifty people turned in like a phantom.

They passed through the bare trees and were well trained to approach the doors and windows of the villa.

These people wore white clothes, their shoes were white, even their masks and gloves were white, which was enough to confuse people.


Just as Song Sanpao and the others were about to rush into the hall, suddenly a group of gray-clothed men appeared around the corner, wearing masks and holding swords and guns in their hands.

Song Sanpao glanced, but with just one glance, he suddenly raised the gun in his hand.


He shot the person in front of him with one shot, and at the same time yelled: "Kill, kill, kill them for me."

These people are not guards, and they wear masks, so Song Sanpao can naturally guess their identity.

Song Donghua’s people.

The opponent was shot to death by Song Sanpao. The formation was slightly chaotic at first, but quickly stabilized, and a hoarse voice roared:

"Kill, kill them!"

The two sides quickly pulled the trigger and fired crossbow arrows. After knocking over one-third of the people, they each brandished cold weapons and slashed. The scene became chaotic.

It didn't take long for more than 20 corpses to fall on the ground, and the blood bleached the door red, making the villa appear noisy.

"Ye Shao, do we want to help?"

At almost the same moment, there were three more baby-sitter cars at the door, and the oriole activated a few cameras that had been buried long ago and turned on to watch the battle.

"No hurry, Song Sanpao can still hold it."

Ye Tianlong glanced at it and continued to play the mobile game: "You should shoot until you die, otherwise Song Sanpao won't know that life is precious."

The siskin smiled: "Understood."


I don't know how long it took, only to hear a loud noise coming from the iron gate.

When Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes to examine the battle situation, Song Sanpao, who fled in embarrassment, ignored his injuries, kicked out abruptly, and fired a strong man.

The latter fell to the ground with a scream and spurted blood from his mouth, making it difficult to get up and fight again.

The gray-clothed man was too strong, and with the fifty people who had been killed in it, they had already been wiped out. Song Sanpao felt that something was wrong and broke out alone.

It's just that he wants to leave, but the opponent didn't let him go and pursued all the way.


When Song San Pao was shot in the armor of his back with an arrow, he staggered, and then grasped the wrist of an enemy who was slashing with a knife.

Without waiting for the other party to react, Song Sanpao's fingers suddenly clenched.


The suffocating explosive force between the five fingers caused the opponent's wrist to make a chilling sound of bone cracking.

Song San Pao's grip is very abnormal.

When Ye Tianlong showed his appreciation, Song Sanpao caught the opponent's knife with one hand, and with a clean backhand wave, blood suddenly appeared.


An enemy who attacked from behind screamed and fell, with blood on his chest.

The enemy with a fractured wrist retreated five steps and made an earth-shattering howl, but the howl was very short, and then his throat was cut by a knife.

The enemy shot with blood, and fell to the ground, extinguishing his vitality.

"Swish swish!"

Song Sanpao made a fierce move, trying to add a few stab wounds, but also to kill his locked opponents, and after a while, at least six people were chopped down by him.

It's just that the number of the opponent is too much, at least ten people are entangled with Song Sanpao, the sword is shining, and the body quickly becomes bloody.

One of them fell on the back, with deep bones visible.


After another fight, Song Sanpao killed the two, but he was also cut in his abdomen with a knife, causing him to scream and fall out.


At this moment, two enemies flicked their blood-stained knives, and rushed towards Song San Pao without saying a word.

Song Sanpao was full of despair. He didn't expect someone to come to look for a silly strong, let alone that the opponent was so powerful that fifty brothers were not enough to wreak havoc.

Seeing the sword held high by the other party, Song San's cannon face was ashamed. He had no ability to fight anymore, and he was afraid that he would be dead today.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong waved his finger, and a van suddenly rushed out, like a beast, hitting two murderers.


The two assailants couldn't dodge, and fell off with a scream, and their sabers fell on the ground.

Tian Mo didn't care at all. He drove Song Sanpao's car and slammed on the accelerator. The car door drove out dozens of meters, knocking three or four people behind him to the ground.

When Tianmo got out of the van to clean up them, Ye Tianlong also stood in front of Song Sanpao, with a gentle smile as always:

"Sanpao, hello, meet again."

Song Sanpao was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatic, and endured the pain to get up: "Ye Shao, thank you, thank you for saving me."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You're welcome, it's easy."

Song Sanpao was very grateful: "No, no, this is not a matter of effort, it really saved my life, I will remember your great kindness."

"Don't talk, get in the car and bandage the sky. I also heard the wind."

Ye Tianlong helped Song Sanpao to the car: "Don't worry, I will take the silly strong, and I will find out what Song Young wants."

"And I can assure you that there will be a credit for you."

Song Sanpao was startled, and then he was ecstatic: "How ashamed of this? This is Ye Shao's record. I am a criminal who defeated the enemy..."

"It's okay, I can say it is our division of labor and cooperation."

Ye Tianlong's smile remained bright: "Mr. Song lured the enemy out, we beat him halfway through, and finally killed this evil group of people."

"That's it, you lie down."

Ye Tianlong turned to face the fighting place. At this moment, the whole situation was bright, and the gray-clothed men and the group were in a dead end.

The few remaining people rushed into the hall, and Tian Mo rushed in with the people, and it was another dangdang fight.


Before long, there were several screams in the hall, followed by a cloud of smoke, accompanied by fire.

Song Sanpao panicked: "What's wrong with this?"

If a fire can burn the villa and the corpse clean, Song Sanpao will be happily unable to sleep, but he is most afraid of not being burned clean and leaving something behind.

At this time, Tian Mo ran out with a few people, still coughing constantly.

Ye Tianlong asked, "What's wrong? Who set the fire?"

Tian Mo coughed again, and then shouted to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, the gray-clothed men rushed into the hall and killed them when they saw them, killing them all."

"They also set fire..."

"Fortunately, I grabbed something from the silly strong.

Tian Mo took out that black bag...

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