Talented Genius

Chapter 2167: Two forces

"Ye Shao, are Song Chunqiu's words credible?"

On the way back from the food street to the entrance of the hall, the dinosaur handed a thermos over and asked in a low voice: "That guy is not very reliable."

"He said that the Thirteen League and Longmen peace talks were a conspiracy, but he didn't know the specific calculations. He felt that he was playing with us."

Ye Tianlong chuckled: "Oh, kidding us? How do you say?"

Dinosaur expressed his own guess: "He wants to provoke the Thirteen Leagues and Longmen, so that we can't make a peace talk, and continue to fight to make him profit."

"Otherwise, how could he betray the Thirteen League?"

The dinosaur was puzzled: "You know, he was **** to the Ling family so deeply, and he must have a good relationship with Zhao Wuji. How could he stabbed him?"

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat of the car, feeling the comfort of heating: "Song Chunqiu is indeed not very reliable, at least not superficially simple."

"However, he said that the Thirteen League peace talks were conspiracies, and 80% were not talking about it, nor was it to sow discord."

"As for he doesn't know that the Thirteen League plan is normal, no matter how good Zhao Wuji has a relationship with him, he will not tell him about life and death arrangements."

Ye Tianlong opened the thermos: "After all, they just take the cooperative relationship they need, and they are not in the subordinate position of living and dying together."

There was a trace of confusion in the dinosaur's eyes: "Even so, the relationship between him and Zhao Wuji is better than that between him and us."

After all, Ye Tianlong met Song Chunqiu for the first time.

"There are two reasons."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "First, Song Chunqiu didn't consider cooperating with me for the time being, but he was afraid of offending me and worried that I would support the other Song family members."

"So I reminded me that the Thirteen League conspiracy made me owe a favor, so that he would have a buffer before he decides whether to cooperate with me."

"Second, Song Chunqiu is a waste of the Song family. He has been buried and suppressed for too long. Now he is thirty years old. If he doesn't climb up, he will never have a chance."

"So he is like a drowning person now, he will pull whatever can pull him."

"In other words, he has no bottom line and no principles in his work. He will cooperate with whoever can benefit him."

Ye Tianlong hit the nail on the head: "So my value is greater than Zhao Wuji, Song Chunqiu will abandon him without hesitation."

The dinosaur suddenly realized: "So, I understand, Song Chunqiu now only has the upper ranks in his eyes. Other than that, nothing matters."

When Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded, the dinosaur changed his head: "Then we cooperate with him, and one day it loses value, does he also stabbed him?"

"This is inevitable, Song Chunqiu has done it."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of hot tea: "That's why I told him to help me destroy the Thirteen Leagues first, and then I will try my best to support him in the upper ranks."

The dinosaur was taken aback for a moment, then gave a thumbs up: "High."

"Stop in the alley ahead."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head to the dinosaur, staring at the shop selling oden in front, and said, "Buy something and go back."

He wanted to bring a snack to Shangguan Xiaozhi and the others.

Dinosaur smiled and parked the car at the door of the shop. Ye Tianlong put on a hat and a scarf, wrapped himself like a zongzi, and pushed the car door down.

He ordered ten oden in one breath, and then handed one of them to the dinosaur to eat.

The dinosaurs gobbled it up and ate very happily. In such a cold weather, it was really pleasant to eat a hot oden.


Just as Ye Tianlong put the remaining oden into an incubator, there was a sudden scream of women from the side, followed by a roar.

Some people kept yelling to stop and stop, and others yelled at what they were doing, what they were doing, and several trash cans fell to the ground, all in a mess.

Ye Tianlong looked sideways and saw that on the other side of the alley, a dozen passers-by were knocked down and fell to the ground screaming anger.

"Help, help—"

Then, Ye Tianlong saw that the silly Qiang screamed, and under the protection of a woman in yellow clothes, he sprang out of the fallen passers-by.


Because the speed is too fast, it is easy to give people the illusion that seems to appear instantaneously, and it also makes other passers-by avoid running away.

Only seeing Ye Tianlong and the dinosaurs did not escape like the others, the silly Qiang who rushed over instinctively stiffened his body when he saw someone blocking him.

Then he turned around subconsciously, he wanted to run in the other direction.

But the four men in black who ran out on the other end made him and the woman in yellow conditioned reflex to stop.

Finally, Shaqiang and the woman in yellow ran towards Ye Tianlong.

With this effort, all the four men in black came over, one by one with a fierce spirit, surrounding the dumb and strong like a hungry wolf.

"Catch him! Catch him!"

In the black-clothed man's scolding, silly Qiang ran even more madly, and the yellow-clothed woman kicked the trash can in the alley away to block the pursuers.

Shaqiang quickly narrowed the distance between him and Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong was able to recognize the stupid face, because of the strenuous exercise and excessively frightened face, it looked quite pale, like a frightened animal.

The silly strong hand danced: "Wow-help, help!"

When Ye Tianlong saw this chasing posture, it was clear that Shaqiang was in big trouble, and then he thought of the Ling family who had died one by one, and he understood the danger of Shaqiang.

He originally wanted to leave it alone, or the silly death would benefit him more than the disadvantages, after all, he had sent the silly family to a dead end.

But seeing Silly Qiang's stupid appearance and curious about the chasing soldiers, Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to hold Silly Qiang.

"Ah, help, help."

Shaqiang was pulled by Ye Tianlong and shouted like an electric shock. He didn't recognize who this tightly wrapped guy was.


At this moment, the sword light flashed, and a sword stabbed over unceremoniously, and the yellow-clothed woman attacked Ye Tianlong painfully.

Ye Tianlong didn't do anything to her, just let go of the silly strong, and easily avoided a sword, after all, the other party seemed to protect the silly strong.


When Ye Tianlong retreated, the woman in yellow grabbed Silly Qiang and pulled her back against the wall. At the same time, her sword swung to block the four people from rushing.

"Bitch, hand over the stupid force, or you will even cut it off."

The four men in black ignored Ye Tianlong and the dinosaurs, their eyes were just staring at the yellow-clothed woman, breathing quickly, and killing intent.

Silly Qiang shouted again and again: "I will not follow you, I will not follow you."

"I found the silly strong first. If you want to take him away from the four evils of Liaodong, you have to pass my level first."

The yellow-clothed woman yelled: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my master and the others will be here soon. If you don't leave, you will be dead later."

Ye Tianlong looked confused, four evils in Liaodong? Master? Shaqiang is so popular?

A man with triangular eyes looked cold: "Knowing that we are the four evils of Liaodong and dare to fight, you seem to be tired of living."

"Even if Old Monster Changbai comes over, we will kill her as well."

"Unexpectedly, the boss of Changbai, who considers himself upright and high-minded, has also begun to give his life to the five people, but he is robbing us, and he is still a little tender.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, five people? It seems that these are all five fighters.


There were blood on the five of them, and when the wind blew, it was very rich, and it seemed extra strange in this dark night, and it also made people seem crazy.

The woman in yellow grabbed a long sword and yelled: "Don't humiliate my master."

"We don't just humiliate her, we will kill you."

The Liaodong Four Evil sneered, shaken the sharp knife in their hands, and the four were one, alternating and rushing towards the woman in yellow.

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