Talented Genius

Chapter 2099: Shot

At five o'clock in the afternoon, near the Big Buddha Temple.

Ye Tianlong drove the car around by himself. Although all the children of the 13th League died, Ye Tianlong took the time to participate.

Of course, this had a lot to do with Wu Ningbing's warning. He wanted to see if it was Master Lone Star's person, and after confirming it, he could make arrangements.

Although the other party washed away the restaurant and nearby surveillance, and killed everyone running at the back door, Red Arrow and Oriole still found clues.

From the traces of the escaping vehicle, the cardinal judged that it was a nanny car, and then Red Arrow checked the nanny car in the driveway based on the nanny car clues.

After locking the babysitter car, Red Arrow checked its traces all the way, delineating the area of ​​the Great Buddha Temple, and then the oriole intervened to track it.

Ye Tianlong heard that there was a general position, so he joined in and took a look.

"Ye Shao!"

On a remote street, Ye Tianlong stepped on the brakes and almost immediately stopped, the car door was pulled open, and the oriole got in.

Ye Tianlong asked: "How? Is Kong Xiaocui locked in?"

The oriole shook his head slightly: "No, this is the area of ​​the Great Buddha Temple. There are not only many temples, but also many homestays."

"The people who come and go are also very complicated. There are local residents and monks, as well as strange people and strangers from other places, so it takes a little time to lock up."

He pointed his finger at the crowd outside: "I also found a few Shaolin children just now."

Ye Tianlong showed a hint of approval: "Kong Xiaocui and the others are really smart."

"There are people coming and going around the Great Buddha Temple every day, and strange faces are like crucian carp crossing the river. It is really difficult to be locked in hiding here."

"It's just reasonable. They killed so many people. They should run away or return to Taicheng as soon as possible. What are they doing here?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "Are you going to hide for a few days, wait until the limelight is over, and then retaliate against the Prairie Restaurant?"

The oriole nodded: "It's possible that they will make a big deal and don't leave. They must have other purposes."

"Thirty Quetang children have taken Kong Xiaocui's photos to investigate. It is estimated that they can be found tonight."

The oriole glanced forward: "Shao Ye, stop ahead. I'll go to the east monastery to take a look."

"Tell everyone, be careful."

Ye Tianlong exhorted: "The force of Kong Xiaocui's group is amazing. If my guess is correct, 80% of them are from Master Lone Star."

Ye Tianlong was skeptical when he shot harshly and still used swords. He also remembered the old lady's reminder so far, and there was a touch of solemnity in his eyes.

The oriole smiled and said, "As long as the Lone Star Master is not here too..."

When the cardinal got out of the car door to continue tracking, Ye Tianlong also parked the car in a mobile parking space, then put on sunglasses and jumped off.

He is going to take a stroll to the west.

The Big Buddha Temple was built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The whole temple features grotto statues. The Buddha statues are magnificent and have a long history. There is a stone Maitreya Buddha with a history of two thousand years.

The Big Buddha Temple is also a large-scale, multi-functional and comprehensive scenic spot that integrates sightseeing and pilgrimage, geological science, folk custom experience, and Zen leisure.

So here is just like a large community, not only people come and go, but also business is developed, and there are accents of the world.

Ye Tianlong walked through the crowd while catching the shadow of Kong Xiaocui. He looked very carefully, and suspicious people would look at it.

Only after walking out a few hundred meters without seeing Kong Xiaocui, Ye Tianlong gently shook his head and penetrated into a beautiful and deep area at the end of the street.

There are 36 small wooden villas here, which not only have excellent views, but also have a quiet environment, which can be regarded as a quiet holy place in the middle of noisy.


When passing a deep mountain road, Ye Tianlong suddenly heard an exclamation, and then smelled an indescribable danger.

A breath of beast permeated.

Ye Tianlong's eyebrows raised quietly, and a slight alert flashed over his eyes


When Ye Tianlong moved his footsteps to lean over, he heard a low roar, accompanied by the rapid sound of palms trampling on the grass and dead branches.

It was definitely a beast weighing more than one hundred kilograms, and the whimper from the throat was obviously not kind.

Ye Tianlong leaned forward cautiously, his vision gradually clear, and soon saw a little boy confronting a huge Tibetan mastiff.

The boy was eleven or twelve years old, carrying a basket of mountain fruit and a pot of mountain spring water in his hands, his appearance was very green and thin.

Ye Tianlong also discovered that there was a small wooden sword in his sleeve, which seemed to be a martial artist.

Opposite him, a huge Tibetan mastiff stared at him. Its ferocious eyes and ferocious expression all showed that it was full of hostility to the teenager.

"Don't come over, don't come over."

Although the white-clothed boy is a little skillful, he is a eleven or twelve-year-old child, and his temperament is not as mature as an adult, and he instinctively fears the beast.

And even though he saw the Tibetan mastiff full of hostility, the young man in white still did not throw away his things and drew out the wooden sword against the enemy. He clung to the basket and the kettle.

It seems that he can lose his life, but he can't throw away the basket and kettle.

"You go, you go—"

But even though the white-clothed boy urged the Tibetan Mastiff not to come over, the Tibetan Mastiff still moved forward slowly, revealing its fierce light, and posing as if he wanted to fight at any time.

Seeing the broken collar on the neck of the Tibetan Mastiff, Ye Tianlong guessed which rich man came out of his house, and it seemed a bit hungry at the moment.

This place is relatively secluded and few people pass by, so the situation of the teenager in white is very dangerous.


Just when the white-clothed boy shouted again not to come over, he stepped on a branch and staggered, kneeling on the ground with a plop.

It was this action that caused the Tibetan Mastiff to roar suddenly, and in the next second, its huge body rushed out to hit the white-clothed boy in the field of vision.


The white-clothed boy who was half-kneeling on the ground had a pale face, facing the Tibetan Mastiff quickly and violently, he could not confront and evade at all.

Moreover, the big mouth of the Tibetan Mastiff made his whole body tremble, as if a mouse met a cat and lost the idea of ​​resistance.

He bit his lip, closed his eyes subconsciously, and waited for death...


At this moment, Ye Tianlong had rushed over and kicked the lower jaw of the Tibetan Mastiff.


With a loud noise, the Tibetan Mastiff was kicked by Ye Tianlong, screamed, and fell straight back.

The huge body hit a rock, and with a click, the Tibetan mastiff spurted blood from his mouth and nose, then rolled down, hitting the ground and raising a cloud of smoke.

After that, he knocked down countless flowers and trees, and then he didn't stand up again, lying on the ground dying.

Beating two hundred catties of Tibetan Mastiff with one foot makes it impossible to stand up, and its power is simply appalling.

"Little brother, don't be afraid, the Tibetan Mastiff was defeated by me."

Ye Tianlong saw that the Tibetan Mastiff had lost his resistance, so he ignored him, and went to the white-clothed boy to help him: "Are you okay?"

The white-clothed young man waiting to die with his eyes closed was shocked. He opened his eyes, thinking that he was bound to die, and he was immediately happy when he saw the Tibetan mastiff fall down.

He bit his lip to confirm that he was still alive, and then looked at Ye Tianlong with great gratitude: "Brother, thank you, thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome, it's easy."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and helped him carry the basket and water bottle: "You broke your leg, where do you live? I'll give you a ride."

"Zhao Junbao! Zhao Junbao!"

Before the white-clothed boy responded to Ye Tianlong, he saw a woman in Tsing Yi at the corner with a long sword in her hand and a sharp face.

Hearing the shout, the boy in white shook his body, and hurriedly responded: "Sister Guo, Senior Sister Guo, I am here."

Ye Tianlong clearly felt that there was fear on the face of the boy in white, as if the woman in Tsing Yi was more terrifying than the Tibetan mastiff.

The woman in Tsing Yi heard the sound and walked over, and saw the boy in white yell:

"How to buy some mountain fruit and mountain spring for so long?"

"I wonder if the master is waiting for it?"

"You can't do a small thing, what's the use of keeping it?"

After speaking, she slapped her hand to the white-clothed boy.


Two crisp sounds made the white-clothed boy two more red marks on his cheeks, and a touch of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I'll go back right away."

The white-clothed boy explained: "I was delayed because I met a Tibetan mastiff. I was almost killed by the Tibetan mastiff. This brother saved me."

"He's kind enough to send me back."

He took the basket and the spring from Ye Tianlong: "Brother, thank you, I can go by myself, thank you."

Ye Tianlong wanted to say something, but finally decided not to interfere with other family affairs.

"He saved you? Did he hurt the Tibetan Mastiff?"

The woman in Tsing Yi glanced at the Tibetan mastiff in the distance, and then stared at Ye Tianlong in front of him: "I want to send you back?"

The boy in white nodded repeatedly: "Yes, he is a good man..."

Ye Tianlong smiled politely: "You're welcome, it's easy, two people, I have something to do, let's go."

He could see that the women in Tsing Yi were not good at stubborn and didn't want to deal with too much.


When Ye Tianlong was about to turn around, the woman in Tsing Yi suddenly drew her sword and pierced Ye Tianlong's heart...

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