Talented Genius

Chapter 2062: You have been transformed

"Of course it's different."

Ye Tianlong's voice is firm: "I will not sacrifice them or betray them. No matter what happens, I will fight side by side with them."

"No matter what predicament they are in, what price I have to pay, I will not hesitate."

He spoke word by word: "Even if they sacrifice themselves, I will try my best to save, not the strong man breaking his arm."

"For me, if a brother is in trouble and needs 100 billion in exchange for a life, I will smash the pot and sell the iron to make up the money."

Ye Tianlong pointed at the Buddha's heart: "For Rong Shengli, between 100 billion and you, he will abandon you mercilessly."

"Ye Tianlong, enough."

Lin Chenxue's pretty face changed: "I forbid you to slander Elder Rong like this. I'll say it again, I deserve it."

"I am not slandering, I am a fact."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were like a knife, and he hit Lin Chenxue unceremoniously:

"And I can tell you that once you take a real charge and become the culprit who killed Jin Xuejun, you will never die here."

"Jin Sanqian will definitely torture you and kill you by all means."

"If you don't clarify things now, wait until the charges are settled, and then turn back, no one will waste time on you."

He reminded: "Mr. Lin, think twice."

"Tenlong, I am an adult, and I am responsible for my actions. You don't need to advise me anymore."

Lin Chenxue has a stubbornness on her face: "No matter what the result is, I will be responsible for myself."

"You and I have no relationship, you don't have to worry about me anymore."

Lin Chenxue bit her lip: "Go, don't come to see me again."

Ye Tianlong coughed, his face was very helpless, he knew how Lin Chenxue's character was. No matter how unbearable the Rong family was, he would raise her for 18 years.

The Rong family can be unkind, she can't be unjust.

"Lin Chenxue, I am very disappointed in you."

Ye Tianlong stood up: "I'm doing my best today. It's not that I don't want to save you, but you want to die..."


At the end, Ye Tianlong's body trembled, then his expression became bitter, and there was still a warmth in his nose.

Before he could touch it, the nosebleed dripped...


Ye Tianlong screamed: The nosebleed is coming again.

"Tianlong, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

At this time, Lin Chenxue saw Ye Tianlong bleeding, her ashy face was instantly ruddy, and she supported Ye Tianlong with care:

"Why do you have a nosebleed?"

She hurriedly helped Ye Tianlong into the room, kicked off her slippers and ran to the bathroom. After a while, she got a hot towel back.

"Apply quickly!"

Feeling Lin Chenxue's true feelings, Ye Tianlong, who was originally annoyed, softened his heart and coughed to explain:

"I got sick, it started in the capital, but I checked several hospitals and found no problems."

Ye Tianlong took Lin Chenxue's hot towel: "I checked it several times and it was normal."

Lin Chenxue's body trembled, and then grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand: "How many times has this nosebleed flowed through?"

"Yeah? At least ten times."

Ye Tianlong did not conceal from Lin Chenxue: "Moreover, every time I have a nosebleed, I feel hostile and want to kill hundreds of people for fun."

Lin Chenxue was shocked by what he said, she pinched her fingers, then bit her lip and made a decision.

"Tianlong, there are some things that I didn't want to tell you so soon, I hope you will come to see the information I left to understand."

Lin Chenxue's eyelids jumped: "But your current situation has made me worry. I think I need to tell you something."

She was worried that Ye Tianlong would not have time to see the information she had left, and something happened to make her body out of control.

Ye Tianlong frowned: "What's the matter?"

He was a little unaccustomed to Lin Chenxue's panic expression, this was an emotion she had never had before.

Lin Chenxue did not immediately inform, but went out and looked around a few times, seemingly afraid of someone overheard.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tianlong took a long breath and shouted to Lin Chenxue:

"Today, there are only two of us in this small courtyard. No one will be staring outside, and I can feel someone approaching."

The passes of Confucius and Bai Shikang gave him and Lin Chenxue enough space, even if someone overheard, Ye Tianlong would be able to pull it out.

Lin Chenxue let out a long breath, walked back to Ye Tianlong, and grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand:

"Dragon, listen, what I said next is all true, don't take it as a joke, you have to remember every word."

"I checked your body in Tiandu, and accidentally discovered that your body indexes are in line with the ideal model after taking Tianyao No.1."

"It can be said that the ideal model of Tianyao No.1 is a person like you who transforms a body like you."

"I have deduced thousands of models, and have been trying to get close to perfect data."

"I also know the gap between theory and reality. I think Tianyao No.1 can eventually reach 70% of the perfect data, even if it is truly successful."

"It will make a qualitative leap in improving the physical fitness of China's citizens."

"I always thought that perfection only exists on the computer, so when I saw your physical data, I was confused at the time."

Lin Chenxue brought her shots: "I'm afraid it's an illusion, and I'm afraid it's a problem with the system, so I strongly requested you to have me another medical examination."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was a little surprised that Lin Chenxue said this, and at the same time felt the fantasy of what she said.

Lin Chenxue looked solemnly: "After Mingjiang checked you again, I can fully confirm that you are really the ideal model of Tianyao No.1."

Ye Tianlong squeezed out a smile: "You mean, I am a genius who is rare in a century, and I am born with perfect genes?"

"Do not!"

Lin Chenxue's breath became slightly thicker: "This is the second part of what I'm going to talk about next. At first I thought that your perfect body is born."

"But with my in-depth research, I found that your genes have changed."

Lin Chenxue said with words: "It can be said that your genes have been modified, and you are the one that has been successfully modified."

Ye Tianlong sat up straight, his mouth wide open: "What? I am a genetically modified person? What are you kidding me? How could I be a genetic warrior?"

"As long as I can remember, I've been rolling in Africa. I couldn't even afford to eat before, and I was often chased by people. Where can I have the money and time to modify my genes?"

Ye Tianlong retorted Lin Chenxue: "Besides, the genetic warriors are all cold, so how come I am so handsome and active."

He wanted to make a joke to ease the atmosphere, and also tested whether Lin Chenxue was joking, but he found that Lin Chenxue was serious.

This made Ye Tianlong feel hairy.

"I said, you are the perfect one."

Lin Chenxue's expression was very solemn: "It just changed the adaptability of the body, but the personality and style will not change."

She added the last sentence: "I believe my specialty, my medical skills may not be as good as you, but I know enough about the gene."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "Although you think you are complimenting me, as I remember, I really haven't reformed. Could it be that I am automatically reformed at night?

Lin Chenxue jokingly said, "How about you remember?"

"and also……"

Ye Tianlong didn't want to say anything, but he swallowed the words to his lips, thinking of the dry well dreams of these years, and thinking of the little boy No. 81 on the isolated island.

Cold sweat oozes from his forehead...

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