Talented Genius

Chapter 2052: Multiple crimes

Global inspector?

Hearing this word, the atmosphere fell silent for an instant. Not only Murong Jun and Qin Ziyi looked at Andrew in surprise, but Ye Tianlong also stayed.

Although the national police is not the zero and seven in film and television, it comes and goes freely in countries all over the world, and there are a lot of people to help, but it is also very important in the member states.

At least, he has law enforcement powers that other police officers cannot.

And Andrew invited Ye Tianlong to join the organization, not as an ordinary national police, but as a global inspector with prominent status and real power.

Before entering the door, Qin Ziyi had briefly said to Ye Tianlong that the global inspector could fight criminals externally and clean up worms internally, just like an imperial minister.

So Andrew's words made the whole audience silent.

For a long time, Murong Jun said with difficulty, "Minister, will this position be too heavy..."

"What's the weight?"

Andrew suddenly became majestic: "Without Mr. Ye, you are now dead, and the male and female robbers have also run away."

"And in accordance with the style of male and female robbers, they will definitely bloodbath the Southeast Asia branch as revenge."

"It's also because Mr. Ye unexpectedly killed the male and female thieves, allowing us to find seven or eight accounts on their mobile phones in time."

"Ten minutes ago, the world froze the accounts of male and female thieves, which amounted to more than five billion.

"In other words, Mr. Ye saved your life, saved the lives of hundreds of people here, and captured one of the world's top ten most wanted red criminals."

"Think about it, in order to win the male and female robbers, how many people have died and how many informants have been paid in the past ten years?"

He did not hesitate to praise Ye Tianlong: "Mr. Ye's skill, ability and character are sufficient to sit in the position of global inspector."

Murong Jun moved the corner of his mouth and finally nodded slightly. In the past ten years, dozens of colleagues have died chasing male and female robbers, costing more than one billion yuan.

Now that the male and female robbers have died, they have frozen more than five billion yuan. Even if the share to the countries is deducted, three billion yuan will be received.

Ye Tianlong is indeed a great accomplishment, at least greater than his contributions over the years, thinking of this, Murong Jun no longer said anything.

"Minister Andrew, thank you for your kindness, your words make Tianlong flattered."

Ye Tianlong also reacted at this time, and then he smiled:

"It's just that I have gotten used to it freely, and I don't like being restrained, and I'm not a just person, I'm more profitable."

He vocally declined Minister Andrew: "So I can only understand your kindness..."

He didn't want to be put on the hat of a good person, so that he would be afraid of doing bad things in the future.

But before he could finish speaking, Andrew laughed loudly, then pulled Ye Tianlong to a corner and said:

"Brother Ye, don't worry, we have two real goals in recruiting you."

"One is to appreciate you. Your future achievements are definitely not small. We invest in advance and hug your thighs."

He smiled very brightly: "The second is to pull you into the camp first, so that we will not become opponents in the future, and I can sleep better."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed. This fat man was a bit interesting, speaking straightforwardly, and would not cover up.

"As for the rest, you really don't have to worry."

Andrew's expression became serious: "We will not restrain you casually, let alone interfere with your legal behavior."

"On the contrary, we will give you a lot of resources. You will be named as a national policeman. Not only will it be convenient for you to enter and leave the country, but you also have certain law enforcement rights.

"When necessary, we can also support you so that you will not be alone."

"And your obligation is that when we need you to go out, you take a moment to help organize."

"Don't worry about it. We ask you to take action every three and five times, and the national police will still have two shots. I don't have any face to let you go."

Ye Tianlong didn't respond directly. Although Andrew said it was flirty, Ye Tianlong knew that there would be no free lunch in the world.

Once on the ship, it will be difficult to get off later.

When Ye Tianlong frowned and thought, Andrew brought out a killer:

"One more thing, you have been the global inspector, and you have a lot of power. If you are familiar with the minister and the residence, it will be much easier to promote Captain Qin in the future."

He patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder and smiled: "With your help, Captain Qin can at least fight for ten years less."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head with helplessness on his face, Qin Ziyi's future was moved out, what else could he say?

Even if he doesn't care about the global inspector, he still has to make way for Qin Ziyi, and Andrew is straightforward enough to believe that dealings will not be troublesome.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Tianlong nodded: "The Minister Andrew gave such a face, and Ye Tianlong would push it too much."

"Okay, from now on, I will be your pawn."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "When you need it, you scream and I'll come and help."


Andrew laughed again for a while, and then reached out to Ye Tianlong: "Inspector Ye, you are welcome to join."

Ye Tianlong shook his hand: "This is Ye Tianlong's honor!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

An hour later, Ye Tianlong was not only officially appointed, but he also had an additional certificate in his hand, which allowed access to one hundred and fifty member states.

Qin Ziyi also replaced Murong Jun as the head of the Southeast Asia region because of this record.

Murong Jun and they all congratulated.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Hilton Hotel, Presidential Suite.

The seven-point drunk Qin Ziyi dragged Ye Tianlong into the hot water of the bathtub, and before Ye Tianlong could react, it was a mad kiss.

Ye Tianlong's heart stopped beating.

"Ye Tianlong, you have been arrested!"

Qin Ziyi tore open Ye Tianlong's clothes, showing a rough and pungent style: "The charge is illegal possession of a gun."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly: "Team Qin, I'm the general manager, two levels higher than you..."

"Shut up! The emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people."

Qin Ziyi gave Ye Tianlong a white look: "According to Hua Ruyu and other women's accusations, you often hurt them with a gun illegally."

Ye Tianlong almost hit the wall. Miss sister is too bold today.

Qin Ziyi squeezed Ye Tianlong's chin: "For the safety of the good girl, the team leader decided to conduct a body check on you. You'd better hand in your gun honestly..."

Ye Tianlong said weakly: "Report to Team Qin, I did have a shot, but there was no bullet..."

Qin Ziyi snorted: "I don't believe it. According to intelligence, you have always had enough ammunition, dare you lie to me? Then I will hand in the gun myself!"

Ye Tianlong spread his hands: "You can pay."

"When I find the ammunition, I will punish you with multiple crimes and kill you."

Qin Ziyi didn't care about Ye Tianlong's expression or thoughts, and began to kiss Ye Tianlong's body jerky, inch by inch from top to bottom.

The wind of this night is like a lover's hand, very soft and intoxicating...

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