Talented Genius

Chapter 2011: Go to the door (five shifts)

Without Ye Tianlong's order, the Dalmatians led 36 vicious dogs into seven teams, pushing forward indifferently and fiercely.

The Killer Bee overwhelmed three hundred people, and Ye Tianlong passed through the pass and killed another seventy or eighty people, so less than a hundred people remained in the Chu Garden.

Almost all of these people put on masks and protective clothing, and came out with a fire tube to destroy the killer bees. They did not find Dalmatians approaching.

When they felt something was wrong, they immediately noticed a black shadow pressing on their faces, and immediately felt their throat tighten.

A stream of uncontrollable blood spurted out, rising the smell of blood in the mountain breeze.


A scream cut through the air, like a cuckoo crying in blood.

The fresh lives disappeared in the hands of the Dalmatians, and a touch of blood was flying all over the sky under the saber.

Even Chu Zifeng and the others, who were far away in the study, could vaguely feel the killing intent of the men like a wolf and a tiger from the howl of the sword.

In the cold mountain breeze, the light of the knife flickered, and the spear stabbed like electricity!

With the killing and the blowing of the mountain breeze, Chu Zifeng and the others could smell the rich blood, and the screams slammed into their eardrums more like a hammer.

The three daughters of Shen Manyun, who were **** near the water room, also raised their weak and pretty faces, staring at everything in front of them dumbfounded.

They did not expect that Ye Tianlong and the others would enter the Apollo Manor.


After four or five minutes of fighting, they began to roar and clash with weapons, and it was obvious that the Chu family's elite made the final counterattack.

These fighting sounds are intertwined like twine, pushing the entire killing scene to a climax.

In Ye Tianlong's gesture, Zhan Shou, Tian Mo, and Di Kuang Tian joined the battle group and destroyed the enemies blocking the Dalmatians.

"Miao Tiannu is really a talent, this killer bee is really a mess."

Zhehua walked beside Ye Tianlong, scanning the chaotic manor: "After killing the enemy and letting him help, no matter how strong the firepower is, it will be killed."

"This is just like being an old godfather. One bottle sells for 100,000. If I make 100 million bottles, I will have 10 trillion. The richest man in the world."

Ye Tianlong joked: "These killer bees also need manpower, material resources and mental training, not Miao Tiannu can raise them easily."

"A basket of three hundred killer bees, eighteen, that is five thousand four hundred."

"The cost of growing a killer bee is not less than five thousand yuan, which is not even the salary of eighteen breeders."

"In other words, in this battle, this batch of killer bees is worth tens of millions. After the first battle, it is a miracle that killer bees can recover 30%."

"Moreover, it takes almost half a year to cultivate these bees and insects. The power of bees is also related to the breeder's ability."

"A killer bee cultivated by a seedling, and a killer bee cultivated by Miao Tiannu, has a fighting power difference of tens of thousands of miles."

"And Miao Tiannu is also a generation of Miao kings. It can be regarded as a great deal of wisdom. It is a waste of talent to let him feed poison every day."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "So letting the killer bee kill the enemy at every turn is too expensive and uneconomical."

When he was in Tiandu, he also thought about using poison as a weapon, but he finally lost his thoughts after considering the issues of cost, breeding, and preservation.

"It turns out it's so difficult to cultivate killer bees."

A touch of astonishment flashed across Zhehua's face, and then a wry smile: "I thought I could raise it by just finding someone. It seems difficult to copy."

Ye Tianlong said: "It's okay, if you like, when Miao Tiannu is free one day, let him make a batch for you."

While speaking, there was no fighting in the seven villas, and there was only resistance in front of the Crescent Villa, where Chu Zifeng was located.

Zhehua found that there were many corpses lying down in the Manor of Lost Opportunity, with blood stains, bullet cases and machetes scattered everywhere.

Although the members of the Chu family awakened in time to shrink the front, the speed at which the Dalmatians and others rushed was beyond their imagination.

One group unscrupulously purged forward, one group continued to make up for it, and another group suppressed the remnant enemy's counterattack.

Some fish that slipped through the net were also extinguished in the golden warriors who protected Zhehua!

But the Dalmatians also stopped 20 meters away from the Crescent Villa.

In addition to more than a dozen masters of the Chu clan fighting stubbornly, Chu Zifeng put away the only suspension bridge.

The 15-meter suspension bridge was put away, and the Crescent Villa became independent, and the surrounding ground slowly sank, like a moat, exposing sharp knives and iron nets.

The masters of Chu were unable to retreat into the Crescent Villa, and it was difficult for the Dalmatians to rush in.

The fifteen-meter knife hill and the power grid became the final difficulty of victory.

"Pump pound!"

At this time, the first few dull gunshots sounded, and several ‘bad dogs’ fell on the assault road, one dead and two wounded, as if by snipers.

Ye Tianlong glanced, then stretched out his hand, and handed a spear into his hand.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong took two steps forward and shot three shots at the height of Crescent Villa. After the gunshots, two snipers and a deputy fell off.

Then, he turned around and pulled the trigger in front of a reflective spot.

The bullet shot out with a swish, penetrated an enemy's scope, and blasted his head.

Without stopping, Ye Tianlong moved, bang! A bullet hit the hard ground into rocks from where he was standing.


Ye Tianlong didn't hesitate to raise the gun, the trigger was pulled, and the bullet followed the opponent's trajectory and shot back.

There was a scream in the distance, and the last sniper fell out.

Ye Tianlong didn't stop there, his muzzle was deflected again, and three consecutive shots were shot into the throats of three mercenaries wearing chemical protective suits.

They all had a light machine gun in their hands, and they obviously wanted to build heavy firepower to suppress Ye Tianlong.

But he didn't expect Ye Tianlong's marksmanship to be so precise, he was shot in the throat as soon as he emerged.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong fired, and after the gunfire, the three enemies who went to pick up the machine gun screamed and fell to the ground.


The audience was quiet subconsciously, no one dared to shoot anymore, all were deterred by Ye Tianlong's marksmanship, and the remaining enemies were all shocked.

Zhehua was also full of surprise, Ye Tianlong's marksmanship was really abnormal, that feel, that sense of danger, was like a god.

Ye Tianlong threw the spear to Zhe Hua, then walked through the crowd to the Crescent Gate, facing the thirteen Chu masters alone.


As if unable to withstand Ye Tianlong's coercion, a leader of the Chu clan roared and slashed at Ye Tianlong with a knife.


Ye Tianlong didn't even look at it. With a kick with his left foot, a sharp knife flew out from the ground, and the blade of the knife flew out of the air.

Afterwards, the sharp knife penetrated the chest of a leader of the Chu family, and flew out with his thin body, and finally crashed into the moat.

Countless sharp blades passed through his body, blood staining the tip of the knife around him.

The power grid is also buzzing.

The latter held the saber on his chest, his eyes were filled with unbelievable fear, and he didn't seem to expect that he would be killed by Ye Tianlong in this way.

Do not look down.


Taking advantage of this gap, the Chu family's elite surrounded Ye Tianlong, twelve sharp knives brilliance flowed, the stars flashed, and the murderous aura immediately enveloped Ye Tianlong.

With a grasp of Ye Tianlong's right hand and a wave, a blade of light suddenly appeared, like a shocking light, like a Changhong shaking the sky, and the sky is full of swords.

Afterwards, there was a burst of "dang, dang, dang" sound, the knife light disappeared.

The only thing left is a knife.

The knife that Ye Tianlong snatched.

All eleven knives were severed by Ye Tianlong, and all twelve people fell to the ground with blood splashing.

Ye Tianlong raised his right hand, and a sharp knife flew out, smashing the Crescent Gate with a ‘bang’.

"It is said that Apollo is good at defense, and Tianlong is willing to be the first person to break the park."

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