Talented Genius

Chapter 1981: What a big play (five shift)

"Red Arrow, immediately intruded into the surveillance of Pier 8 to check the'Westerly' cargo ship leading to Yanshan Island."

"Tianmo, you asked the Feng team to prepare fifteen speedboats and diving suits."

"Earth Kuangtian, you let the Dalmatians take 30 people to the pier, all armed with the guns of last night."

At half past nine, Ye Tianlong, who came out of the golf course, sat in his car and drove to the position Ma Feihua had told him, while issuing a series of instructions.

In any case, Ye Tianlong must intercept the "West Wind" before it reaches the island of Yanshan, otherwise it will be very troublesome to land on the island.

Yanshan Island is the recuperating place for General Wengsha, guarded by at least one battalion of troops, and countless heavy firepower, it is impossible to attack.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong could only intercept the "West Wind" on the way, and escape after Zhehua was rescued.

Under Ye Tianlong's instructions, Red Arrow, Tianmo, and Earth Kuangtian moved quickly.

During the period, Ma Feihua called twice, once to ask where Ye Tianlong was, to tell him not to be impulsive and let the police handle the matter.

The second time was Ye Tianlong's insistence. She wanted to send police officers to assist Ye Tianlong, so as not to rush herself into it.

Ye Tianlong was grateful for Ma Feihua's concern, but refused her help, not because she was worried about her making troubles, but instead she didn't want her to tear her face with Weng Sha.


Canshou stepped on the accelerator almost at full speed and drove on the coastal highway. Ye Tianlong took out his phone, called up the map, and scanned the environment of Yanshan Island.

When I took out my phone, the ‘Fusang’ medal fell off, and when Ye Tianlong was about to lean over to pick it up, his hand suddenly stopped.

A dog jumped out in front.


When the car's tires screamed and rubbed the ground and stopped, Ye Tianlong's head also hit the back of the seat and slammed his foot on the "Fusang" medal.

This kick was very powerful, almost a force against the sudden brake, so the medal was abruptly crushed by Ye Tianlong.

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, a dog in front of me sprang out."

Seeing Ye Tianlong hit his head, Can Shou apologized: "Have you been hurt?"

"It's okay, it's just a little red and swollen, it's okay, you continue to drive over."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and motioned to his candid hand to move on, then leaned over and picked up the broken medal: "It's just a pity for this medal."

Although he didn't want to be an instructor, Ma Fei spent a lot of time, and Ye Tianlong felt somewhat sad.

He wiped the medal, wondering whether it could be connected back, and as he wiped the crack, his eyes suddenly condensed into light.

He caught a red dot.

Ye Tianlong sat up straight, then slowly opened the medal, his face changed quickly, the medal was not entirely solid, there was a large space for a mobile phone card in the middle.

In this little space, there is an electronic component. Ye Tianlong doesn't need to look at it to know that this is a military implantable locator.

Many foreign soldiers use it to penetrate into the body to lock the position of their men.

"There is such a thing?"

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and then a hint of conspiracy spread in his heart, and his trust and gratitude to Ma Feihua instantly collapsed.

How can a person who is really good to himself use a locator to track himself?

This also made Ye Tianlong doubt this trip.

He made a joke, then picked up the phone and called the oriole: "Oriental, you stare at Ma Feihua yourself."

"I want her whereabouts today."

Ye Tianlong had another guess in his heart.

The oriole didn't ask much, but simply replied: "Understood."


Just after hanging up, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated again, opened the answer, and soon the voice of Red Arrow came:

"Ye Shao, I followed your instructions and turned on the monitor near Pier 8 and I did find a Westwind cargo ship."

Red Arrow made a report: "It is still parked at the pier, and will head to the island of Yanshan in five minutes."

"I checked the list of goods. They were for General Wengsha, including fresh water, chicken, canned food, etc."

Red Arrow added: "However, the weight of the cargo is different from the waterline displayed on the cargo ship, and the cargo ship should have weighed more than ten tons."

"It's just not clear what else is there."

Ye Tianlong asked: "There are a lot of cargo ships at Pier 8, have you locked it through surveillance so soon?"

When he was looking at the map just now, he found that it was a big wharf, and every day there were boats coming and going, a cargo ship carrying supplies was really insignificant.

No matter how powerful the Red Arrow is, it is impossible to find it all at once.

"There are indeed many cargo ships at Pier 8."

Red Arrow gave an answer: "I can easily lock it because it is docked in the most conspicuous place and there is a big banner."

"As long as you stand at the entrance of Pier 8 and look over, you can almost see the Westwind."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Stop in a conspicuous place? Is the flag new?"

Red Arrow was startled slightly: "Yes, how do you know?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "It seems that it is not that we can easily lock the Westerly, but that the Westerly was put in front of us specially."

"Ye Shao, what do you mean..."

Red Arrow's tone was puzzled, but halfway through, he gave another'Huh'.

Ye Tianlong asked: "What's wrong?"

Hong Jian hurriedly responded: "Ye Shao, I have implanted Zhehua and their mobile phone software has been activated, and the mobile phone has appeared where there is a signal."

"It's just that they are not on Pier 8."

"They're at another pier, Pier 4, five kilometers away, and a yacht association."

Hong Jian frowned: "Did someone stole Zhehua's phone?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "Either the phone will be destroyed in the first place, or it will be kept to squeeze the maximum value. It is impossible for a kidnapper to let others steal it."

"And if it was really stolen, the phone would have had a signal yesterday, and the thief would not put it on the signal shield."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment: "Now that it comes out, it means that someone has started to look at the phone, and it also means that they have confirmed that there is no tracker on Zhehua."

"This person must be closely related to Zhehua's kidnapping."

Red Arrow was a little confused: "Isn't Zhehua on the Westwind?"

"Red Arrow, change the plan!"

Ye Tianlong once again ordered: "You will stare at the location of Zhehua's phone with all your strength."

"At the same time, notify the Dalmatians to cancel the operation at Pier 8 and let them change to Pier 4, and all the brothers who guard King's Landing will withdraw."

Red Arrow shouted: "Understood."

At this time, the cardinal's call came in: "Ye Shao, Ma Feihua has left the golf course."

Ye Tianlong asked, "Should she go home or go to the police station?"

The Oriole shook her head slightly: "No, she went to the suburbs and also towards the pier, but it was not Pier 8 but Number 4..."

Ye Tianlong looked at the medal in his hand and smiled faintly: "What a big show."

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