Talented Genius

Chapter 1914: People who shouldn't show up

Hearing Canshou's words, Ye Tianlong turned around and rushed towards the gate.

Half of the people in the Magic Sword Garden were taken away for training, and they planned to enter the six Fengjia casinos tomorrow. Tianmo accompanied Zhen to the open sea to interrogate Morita. He did not return...

Everyone has their own task to leave the garden today, but the strength to guard the garden is still strong.

More than sixty children of the sacred sword, ten tiger masters, more than ten gunmen at the commanding heights, and rested oriole are enough to fight the frontal enemy for one hour.

The two hundred tiger masters are only 20 minutes away from the Magic Sword Garden, so unless they encounter a powerful enemy, the Magic Sword Garden cannot be captured.

Once a breach occurs, it means that the situation is very bad.

There is no doubt that Daxiang Nakano's Jedi counterattack.

Ye Tianlong thought that Daxiang Nakano would do things, but he didn't expect him to be so fast, and 80% of them acted after discovering that Morita had completely lost contact.


When the British fat man was chasing out with a group of gamblers, Ye Tianlong had already got into the driver's seat and stepped on the accelerator to rush forward.

The speed was extremely fast, and the shadows disappeared after a few ups and downs, which made the British Fatty and they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The car ran wildly, surpassing one after another, and passing all the traffic lights. Ye Tianlong approached the Magic Sword Garden at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Zhan Shou called Han Qinhu and the others, asking them to immediately support the Magic Sword Garden.

Just after driving ten kilometers to the coastal passage leading to the Magic Sword Garden, Ye Tianlong heard the sudden roar behind him.

Three black Toyotas appeared, chasing them quickly, with unscrupulous and fierce arrogance.

"Damn! It's really anxious to jump over the wall."

Ye Tianlong didn't need to ask too much to know that it was an enemy. The emperor knife that was rubbed against the ground by him would be loyal to him.

He asked Canshou to open the drawer and took out the short guns he had obtained from Ouyang Xiong and the others.

Can Shou handed a bullet-loaded gun to Ye Tianlong, and then he also grabbed one to fight back.


In this gap, the first Toyota car to chase has opened its sunroof, drilled out an Oriental wearing a mask, and drew a silencer pistol from his arms.

He faced the rear wheel of Ye Tianlong's car and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With three pounces, the open road blown by the sea breeze, untimely gunshots sounded, thrilling, and the road splashed with sparks at the starting point.

Ye Tianlong firmly controlled the steering wheel with both hands, drove the car fast, streamlined the body doing weird snake-like movements back and forth.

He cleverly avoided the bullet.

The bullet seemed to hit the tire every time, but Ye Tianlong avoided it at the last moment, which didn't play a role at all.

The Toyota car was even more frantically approaching when it saw the situation. It smashed the neutron bullet of the gun in one breath, and the trunk of the car was completely unrecognizable without a tire hit.

Subsequently, the other two Toyota cars also stuck out their heads and shot Ye Tianlong with a silencer pistol.

"Pump pound!"

The continuous fire tongue of the muzzle was extremely dazzling, and the burning shells of the gun's chamber were constantly rolling down from the roof...

Tinker bells scattered on the road.

The bullet was fierce, but Ye Tianlong didn't give the opponent a chance to hit, and the corner of his mouth outlined an indifferent arc, quickly pulling the gearbox to the manual position.

After shifting gears one after another, in just three seconds, the car's engine speed almost reached its limit.

When Ye Tianlong's car suddenly accelerated and sprinted forward, the three Toyotas also slammed their throttles and rushed up like a rainbow.


When he rushed out more than 300 meters and was about to turn, Ye Tianlong stepped on the brakes and the car drifted.

The tires roared against the ground, turning half a circle directly across the roadside.

The Toyota car at the front also braked subconsciously, but the reaction was a little slower, and it rushed past Ye Tianlong and the others.


The man in the Toyota screamed, then slammed through the railing and fell into the rough sea with a plop.

There are more ills than good luck.

Seeing his companion crashed into the sea, the two cars behind slammed on the brakes and pulled the handbrake abruptly. The car quickly turned in a circle and gripped the ground.

The two cars collided with each other for three or four rounds just like the bumper cars, and then they ran across the gap in the railing.


The airbag exploded, and the two drivers were firmly suppressed. The others also smashed their heads and grumbled.


Ye Tianlong and Canshou reached out their guns and pulled the trigger at the Oriental who had almost overturned, and the bullets poured over like rain.

The eight people in the car screamed again and again, and their bodies shook, spattering blood.


Ye Tianlong didn't stop. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the car. With a bang, he directly slammed the two cars out.

The two Toyotas suddenly lost control. After rushing out of the gap in the railing, they overturned more than ten meters in the air and plunged into the sea.

The dead cannot die again.


Ye Tianlong didn't even see the life and death of these killers, turned the steering wheel to keep the car away from the place of right and wrong, and continued to rush towards the magic sword garden like a sharp arrow.

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong and Han Qinhu arrived at the gate of the Magic Sword Garden almost simultaneously.

In the sun, Ye Tianlong and the others who got out of the car door stood there incredible.

Seeing everything in front of me, everyone's heart is like hell.

The former peace and tranquility of the Magic Sword Garden was almost turned into a land of fire, with broken bricks and shingles everywhere, and many blood-stained corpses.

The Magic Sword Garden at this moment appeared to be as if it had been hit by an earthquake, which made people unable to imagine what happened.


In the sea of ​​flames and thick smoke, there was still a blood flowing in the sky, no matter how dense it could not be turned, the garden jumped into a sharp death.

On the way from the gate to the various buildings, there were more than fifty corpses, including the children of the godsword, the Orientals, and several servants.

The corpses curled up on the ground, with the look of struggle and hatred when they were dying, made people feel their death.

Scattered on the grass and around the road are traces of blood like red plum petals, and the blood stains have been spreading from bottom to top.

It extends to the door of each building, and then extends to the bamboo building, and the commanding height cliff.

During the period, Ye Tianlong also keenly discovered that there were many half-bitten egg tarts at the scene.

Many guards held one in their hands, and almost none of these people's weapons were drawn...

The sea breeze came and screamed, but there was not the slightest chill. On the contrary, people couldn't help feeling a kind of indescribable fear and heat.

"Fight the fire, find someone!"

Ye Tianlong roared, and then rushed inside first:

"God! Oriole! Sister Jiang! Old Lei!"

Han Qinhu quickly dispersed with the Tiger Master, while extinguishing the fire, while looking for the gods and the others, as for the enemy, no one was thinking about it for the time being.

"God! Oriole! Sister Jiang! Old Lei!"

More than a hundred people rushed into the garden, clutching their noses and mouths and shouting around, hoping to find them.

Ye Tianlong drove straight ahead, following a ray of blood straight behind, the garden was in danger, the gods and the others would definitely run to the commanding heights.

Han Qinhu followed with a dozen people, worried that Ye Tianlong would be in danger.

"Sorrel! God! Ziran! Old Lei!"

Ye Tianlong came near the wooden building and yelled at the sky again: "Are you there?"


When the voice fell, a gunshot suddenly sounded on the mountain.

Ye Tianlong and the others struck a sharp spirit, and then rushed towards the back mountain, Han Qinhu and their axes also flashed out on the way.

Soon, in their vision, they saw a figure holding a gun, it was a black oriole.

Han Qinhu yelled: "Oriental, it's us!"


The oriole clearly saw Ye Tianlong and the others, and shot the sky again to celebrate the new life.

Then, one person after another rose from the mountain, Lei Jiuzhi, God, Jiang Ziran...

Everyone looked tired, their clothes were messy and stained with blood, the ears of the gods even disappeared, and Jiang Ziran also had a **** mouth.

Lei Jiu's fingers kept coughing, hoarse, and blood came out from the corners of his mouth.

There were originally ninety people guarding the Magic Sword Garden, but at this moment, there were only more than a dozen tiger masters and the children of the Sword.

But with every figure that stood up, Han Qinhu couldn't help but cheer.

"Just stay alive, just stay alive—"

Ye Tianlong also laughed, with a trace of tears, and then his eyes became sharper, and he saw a figure that shouldn't have appeared.

Uncle Everbright.

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