Talented Genius

Chapter 1906: Container shock

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the deep factory building in the east bank dock, Morita was angrily overturning things around him.

The tables, chairs, sofas, fish tanks, and fishing gear were all overturned, and several of his men were also beaten by him, leaving the rest of them to watch from a distance, not daring to get too close.

"I want to kill Ye Tianlong, I want to kill Ye Tianlong!"

Morita's eyes stared like a gong, blood red and blood red was very scary, he drew out the katana and swished a few swords at a plastic bucket.

In the light of the knife, the bucket was torn apart, and several five-pound fishes slipped out and fluttered on the ground, splashing water.

"Swish swish!"

Morita wielded the katana again fiercely, and the fish was chopped indiscriminately. The three fish were chopped into pieces instantly, **** and pungent.

Then he slashed on the tire and yelled at Tianlong: "I want to kill Ye Tianlong!"

Ten backbones with high positions, as well as more than twenty elites, were all killed by the magic knife gate, some of whom were old friends of Morita.

Seeing the scenes on the screen and the tragic condition of the corpse, Morita was very angry. This was what he did before, why has it changed to Ye Tianlong now?

In the past ten years, Morita has killed many enemies, and every one of them has been tortured horribly by him. Many women have even collapsed in his madness.

Including the undercover of the Australian city police.

After learning about her identity from Ouyang Xiong, Morita used the methods of the Eastern Army half a century ago on the beautiful female undercover.

For three whole days and three nights, he completely destroyed the latter's mind and body, gave him great satisfaction and pleasure, and made him start to pervert.

Morita likes to ravage others, but he doesn't like his own people to ravage, so Ye Tianlong's method makes Morita want to cut Ye Tianlong's neck with a slash.

It's just that he can't get out at all now. In addition to Nakano and Ouyang Xiong who let him hide, there is also a **** who bought his head for 100 million.

In the past, when the Emperor Sword would rule the king, maybe Morita didn't have to worry about someone moving himself.

But now that the eight gangs are destroyed and the Emperor Sword will be hit hard, the forces that originally stared at the Sacred Sword Gate have all stared back at the Emperor Sword Society, ready to move.

As long as Morita shows his face in public in Australia, 800 people will deal with him without a thousand, so he can only hide here to avoid the limelight for the time being.

Just as his anger was slightly reduced, a young man with a flat head walked over quickly, holding the phone that he had just hung up in his hand:

"Morita-kun, Nakano-kun just called again."

His attitude is very respectful: "The situation is getting more and more severe. The Australian city gangs are looking for you. For 100 million, they even search the toilet."

"It will soon become insecure. Nakano hopes you'd better leave Australia City."

"A three-motor speedboat is prepared behind the dock, along with food, clean water and cash."

The flat-headed youth whispered: "If you can..."


Before he finished speaking, Morita stepped forward and kicked him, and then roared angrily: "Leave? This is for me to be a turtle!"

"With so many brothers dead, not only can I not avenge them, but I have to run away?"

"Is this the spirit of my royal sword club? Is this the style of my **** swordsman?"

"Tell me Mr. Nakano that I would never leave Australia City without personally cutting off Ye Tianlong's head."

"The gangsters of the Australian city gang, if you have the ability, come to the door, come one, I cut one, come two, I cut a pair."

Morita drew a sharp katana again, and slashed at the surrounding debris: "Kill kill, I will kill them, kill Ye Tianlong."

The flat-headed young man frowned, but in the end he gave his advice:

"Mr. Morita, there are more than 3,000 children from the Swordsman Sect. There are also 7,000 or 8,000 people in the other big and small gangs. Now tens of thousands are looking for you for 100 million..."

"You think we'd better avoid it first, and when this craze has passed, let's get back to the carbine."

He worked hard to do his own thing: "Morita-kun, let's go."

Morita rushed over, kicked him over again, and then snarled viciously, "Takahashi, you disappointed me too much."

"You were once a brave warrior, a kamikaze member who was stabbed 19 times by others."

"Why do you become so cowardly today? So humble? Is it because they are so crowded, are you scared?"

Morita exuded murderous aura, he stubbornly made a decision: "Tell you, as long as you kill a batch, everyone else will kneel down."

"Back then, thousands of our ancestors scared hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops and fled. Ten Oriental soldiers can conquer a Huaxia county town..."

Morita looked unbelievable: "Today, we can also make the entire Australian underworld surrender."

Takahashi slapped his body straight up: "Morita-kun, I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want you to make unnecessary sacrifices..."

"You needn't say much, I will definitely stay in Australia City."

Morita waved off Takahashi's words: "Go, you go, I won't cut off Ye Tianlong's head, I will never leave."

At this moment, a black-clothed woman rushed over with her mobile phone and shouted: "Morita-kun, the spies in front found three container trucks..."

"This is the terminal. It's normal for container trucks to appear. What's all the fuss about?"

Morita's face sank: "Are you all scared off by Ye Tianlong?"


Almost as the words fell, there was a heavy noise outside, and the heavy iron gate at the entrance instantly collapsed inward.

The engines of the three container trucks roared at the same time, and they rushed into the dock without hesitation.

They also turned on the remodeled headlights, and the lights were shining, even in the daytime, they couldn't be seen.


The eyes of the seven or eight Orientals were dull and white, temporarily losing their agility, and all their movements stopped.

"Boom boom!"

The container truck violently knocked over three obstacles in the Kamikaze team, and knocked into the air four guards who could not dodge, blood flew all over, and screamed again and again.

When the rest of the Easterners saw this, they screamed, bowing their heads to avoid the headlights, and issuing warnings to their companions.

The few people in Morita who rushed out were also illuminated by the bright light, and their brains went blank for a second. Fortunately, Morita reacted well and immediately got down.

At this time, there were more than 20 holes in the iron plates on both sides of the container truck, and a silencer pistol protruded from the hole, shooting mercilessly at the surrounding Oriental people.

"Pump pound!"

In a series of intensive gunshots, more than a dozen Orientals twisted and fell to the ground screaming, with seven or eight bullet holes on their bodies.

Blood is flowing.

Morita, who rushed out, saw with his own eyes that the two kamikaze backbones dodged three times in a row, but in the end they were still headshot by flying bullets.

Morita was anxious and angrily: "Block them! Block them!"

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