Talented Genius

Chapter 1866: Head blossoming (four more)


Saburo Miyamoto remained calm as if: "I know what you are, and I believe you will not do this, but in the end only you will survive."

"Failed to perform the mission, you survived, the restaurant was bloodbathed, and you survived again."

"Although you are caught in jail as suffering, it is still difficult to remove your suspicion of betrayal."

He said softly: "After all, no one can guarantee that you have been abandoned by the murderer and have nowhere to go, so you will get revenge if you come to prison to avoid the royal sword."

After speaking, he carefully examined the woman, and then the dim light caught the expression on her face to see if she was lying.

To his comfort, Kannako's expression was real and not unusual.

"Miyamoto-kun, it's not me, it's really not me."

Kannako argued hard: "I didn't sell the restaurant, I didn't kill Nakajima Riko, and I didn't betray you."

"We have been so many years, how could I hurt you?"

"That guy is Madam Feng's cousin. He kept me and didn't kill me because he wanted me to betray the Royal Sword Society, or make you misunderstand me and betray."

"This will leave me with nowhere to go and make me have to use it for him."

Then, she briefly recounted the events since performing the mission, and described in detail Ye Tianlong's call to Nakajima Riko.

Saburo Miyamoto digested the news, and then sneered: "It turned out to be that kid. As I guessed, Mrs. Feng is the biggest black hand."

He regretted letting Ye Tianlong go. He had known that he was a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and he should have killed it at any cost when he was cooking.

Then there will be no trouble today.

At the same time, Saburo Miyamoto also had a touch of self-blame. If he had known that Ye Tianlong would not be allowed to eat pufferfish, he would not make trouble for Ye Tianlong.

Afterwards, Saburo Miyamoto thought of a question, and looked at Kyanako who was in a relaxed mood.

"You said that Ye Tianlong wants to force you to have nowhere to go against you, so why did he abandon you after so much trouble?"

Kannako shook his head slightly: "I fainted at the time, and then I woke up in prison."

"I have no love in life, death and powerlessness, and no one believes in the defense. Because the gun has my fingerprints, I admit my life and wait for the blame."

"Ye Tianlong abandoned me, maybe he thinks the restaurant is so serious that he needs to blame someone for the crime..."

"It's also possible that he has already blooded the cooking restaurant, and the goal is achieved, plus my whole body is hurt, he feels that I am worthless, so he abandoned me."

Kannako let out a long breath: "Mr. Miyamoto, you have to be careful, that kid is too sinister..."


Saburo Miyamoto shook his head slightly: "If you didn't speak, he guessed that the restaurant is our stronghold, and he can abandon you then."

"As far as you describe his strength, even if you don't have to fool Riko Nakajima to open the door, he can still bloodbath the restaurant."

Saburo Miyamoto has a clear mind: "In other words, you are definitely not just tricking the restaurant into opening the door of Ye Tianlong."

"As for blaming the blame, it will be easier to kill you from the perspective of Ye Tianlong."

"After all, if you are alive and you still have a mouth, you will tell the truth to the police."

"In case you encounter a stubborn policeman, regardless of pressure to investigate the truth, that would be a time bomb for Ye Tianlong."

"No matter how big he is, and no matter how sheltered by the Feng family, he can't cover the sky with one hand and despise the law."

Saburo Miyamoto straightened his body: "Judging from Ye Tianlong's style, that kid is not such a firefighter. He will not allow time bombs."

Kannako was startled slightly: "You mean, my existence is worthwhile? So he doesn't kill me?"

Saburo Miyamoto nodded gently: "Yes, you are still alive, you are still worthwhile, and this value is better than the risk of him being caught..."

Kannako was at a loss: "I'm like this, what's the value?"


Saburo Miyamoto suddenly thought of something: "Tempt me to show up!"


At this moment, a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and the two burly bodyguards did not even scream, they were shot in the back and fell to the ground.

Saburo Miyamoto also suffered a pain in his thigh, fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, and rolled reflexively.

Kannako was shocked to find that a muzzle protruded from the opposite cell and shot at Saburo Miyamoto mercilessly.

She also recognized at a glance that this gun was one of Riko Nakajima's three guns, the Italian Beretta 92F pistol. "

"Pump pound!"

Another four or five bullets passed over, hitting the vicinity of Saburo Miyamoto, and two bullets were still rubbing bleeding marks on the back.


When Kannako screamed, Saburo Miyamoto, who moved toward the entrance, felt another pain in his calf, and blood sputtered out.

Saburo Miyamoto couldn't hold it anymore, and fell to the ground with a ‘plop’, with two long bloodstains behind him.

Saburo Miyamoto was about to open his mouth to shout for help, but saw a gun poked out from a cell next to him.

Saburo Miyamoto was locked tightly at the gun.

"Gao Shengjin!"

Saburo Miyamoto's eyes widened, and at a closer look, he immediately recognized who the opponent was, and then looked across from Kyanako, his face changed again:

"Master Bing!"

Then he yelled: "Dare you kill me?"

"Mr. Miyamoto, I'm sorry, we really don't want to kill you."

Bingye faced the two bodyguards on the ground with two more bullets, and gave them a shot in the head. Then the muzzle deflection also locked Miyamoto Saburo:

"It's just that we really can't do anything. If we let you go out alive tonight, we will not only sit in prison but also die for the whole family."

He smiled bitterly: "If you want to hate, hate Ye Tianlong, he wants your life."

Gao Shengjin also lost his previous posture of blasting the sky, holding a gun in his left hand and squeezing out: "Mr. Miyamoto, people are in the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself."


Saburo Miyamoto saw that he was locked at the gunpoint before and after, and knew that he had no way out, so he could only laugh wildly at the ceiling:

"Unexpectedly, Miyamoto has been swaying the world for so many years, but this time I let a kid make calculations."

He turned his head to look at the anguished Xanako: "Xinako, do you now know why Ye Tianlong let you live?"

"That's what he guessed, as long as you are alive and caught by the police, I will definitely come to you personally."

"Ask if you really betrayed the Royal Sword Society, and ask the reason for the failure of the Lord Sniper..."

"Just ask again, which force actually killed the restaurant and killed Mutoko and the others."

"That **** made a lot of questions in my heart, and you are the one who can let me confuse me. He took advantage of this and set up a killing game to kill me."

Saburo Miyamoto laughed wildly: "Curiosity killed the cat, curiosity killed the cat."

He had figured out Ye Tianlong's trap, but it was too late.

Although he has good skills, but in such a narrow space, he was shot in both legs, and he could not escape to the entrance and exit thirty meters away...

"Mr. Miyamoto, go all the way."

Gao Shengjin and Bingye pulled the trigger almost at the same time, and the bullets pounced at Saburo Miyamoto.

Saburo Miyamoto could instinctively roll and evade, but as soon as he rolled out two meters, he felt as if he was being slammed by a hammer, and he was very heavy.

His movements stopped instantly, and his strength also waned. Then, Saburo Miyamoto fell back to the ground with a plop.


Two bullets were shot into Miyamoto's head almost at the same time, and the blood soared two meters away. Saburo Miyamoto's head tilted, his eyes widened and he lost his breath.

Unwilling, angry, tragic, and helpless.

Kannako rolled down from the bed, climbed to the railing and screamed, "Miyamoto-kun, Miyamoto-kun..."

Bingye turned his gun and pulled the trigger at Kannako.


Anko's head is blooming.

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