Talented Genius

Chapter 1864: Imprison

The next morning, at the entrance of the Royal Sword Hall in Australia.

The entrance of this hall is located by the sea. It is a century-old building left by the Portuguese rule. The high gate compound looks unique and magnificent.

From the outside, this is undoubtedly a paradise, a place where many people dream of living.

This area is also a place where the wealthy of Australia gather for vacation. The environment is elegant, the air is fresh, and it is suitable for living. It is a place that many people admire.

Only in this quiet morning, the entrance of the imperial sword hall was not peaceful at all. Nearly a hundred guards got up early and were walking around inside and outside the manor.

Many patrol team members who passed by the main building would subconsciously look at the hall for a few moments, with fear, surprise, and even more uncontrollable anger.

This is because of the empty hall screen, throwing a charred corpse, an unrecognizable corpse.

Although everyone is facing a photo, it also reduces the pigmentation to reduce the conflict caused by vision, but it still makes people feel trembling.

The former enchanting Riko Nakajima turned into a half-baked corpse. How could Emperor Daohui feel better?

Therefore, the eight emperor swords in the hall will be the backbone, looking at the corpse on the screen with sullen expression, and the revenge light of wild beasts in their eyes.

On the luxurious imported sofa not far away, there was also a well-dressed figure sitting.

He was holding a glass of red wine in his hand, red as blood, looking calm, but his expression was uncertain, and the red wine had not been drunk for a long time.

It was Saburo Miyamoto.

Not knowing how long it took, Saburo Miyamoto leaned back on the comfortable sofa, looked away from the corpse, and looked at another Oriental woman:

"Yako Hara, tell me the matter again, I will sort it out slowly."

The Dongyang woman is twenty-five years old, with a baby face, but proudly protruding, it can be described as a childlike juao.

She wore a suspender skirt that fits and fits the body, covering her proud body, perfectly delineating a slender and drooling curve.

Hearing Saburo Miyamoto's question, she immediately responded respectfully: "Understood, Miyamoto-kun."

"Last night, we received an order from Miyamoto-kun and immediately took 30 brothers to the restaurant to see what happened."

"But when we arrived, the Australian City Police quickly alerted the scene. They put out the fire and cleaned up the bodies."

There was a wave of grief and anger in her eyes: "We have not seen the murderer of the bloodbath restaurant, only the raging fire and 15 corpses."

"I want to go in and take a look at the situation, but the police are very tightly guarded and we have no chance to get close."

"I can only glance at it with a telescope. The restaurant was burned beyond recognition, and there were traces of gasoline and detonated gas."

"I checked the nearby surveillance system through the relationship, and the surveillance saw the closed Nakajima and the others, and reopened the gate to welcome a truck."

Hara Sako said in a low voice, "I can tell from their expressions and lips, they all happily shouted the words'Kanako is back'."

Saburo Miyamoto narrowed his eyes slightly: "What then?"

"Then the monitoring went off, and the restaurant was gone."

Hara Sako sighed faintly: "All the nearby surveillance has been cut off, and some of the probes have been washed. Obviously it is the route for the murderer to evacuate.

"Thirty minutes ago, I bribed another police officer and got some internal photos."

She pointed her finger at the corpse on the screen: "It is inferred from the remaining ornaments of the deceased that this deceased is Riko Nakajima."

"I have dealt with Riko Nakajima many times, and I went to her to eat a lot of food. I know the jade ring on her middle finger."

Harako informed Saburo Miyamoto of her judgment and used a laser pointer to point out the ring of the corpse.

"I have zoomed in on the photo and compared it with a simple autopsy conducted by the police. It can be concluded that Riko Nakajima's trauma is almost nothing serious."

She magnified the head of the corpse: "Her fatal wound was a shot in the head, pierced from left to right, the headshot of a godless god."

"Lizi is really dead..."

Saburo Miyamoto shook his body when he heard this, and watched the corpse emerge in a struggle: "Fifteen people were killed with almost no resistance."

"If it weren't for someone stabbing the knife, how could the murderer kill so smoothly?"

Saburo Miyamoto murmured to himself: "It seems that Kannako failed the mission, betrayed to survive, and even co-operated with the murderer to wash the restaurant."

He also corroborated his guess that Riko Nakajima was shot in the head by the murderer after calling herself.

A big man yelled, "Mr. Miyamoto, give me a team of people. I will destroy the magic sword door, cut off the god, and avenge Lizi and the others."

The other members of the Royal Sword Association also yelled: "Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge!"

Saburo Miyamoto looked around his hands coldly: "Do you think that the magic sword gate has the ability to let Mutoko and the others disappear, so that the chickens and dogs of the restaurant will not stay?"

"At the level of the god, even if there is the card of Kanako, it is impossible for Riko Nakajima and the others to be wiped out."

"Not to mention that the entire restaurant has no time to tell me and ask for help."

To get the final warning, Riko Nakajima needs to choose his life.

Harako asked softly: "What does Miyamoto-kun mean?"

"There are still people behind the magic sword gate."

Saburo Miyamoto's eyes gradually widened, and he spoke word by word: "And it's still a powerful force."

Yuan Saiko looked hesitantly and said, "Mrs. Feng?"

"Hard to say."

Thinking of the graceful and mature woman, Saburo Miyamoto's mouth became dry for a while, and then he drank the wine in the glass in one sip: "But she is most suspicious."

Yuan Shazi nodded gently:

"Inject a group of strong players into the magic sword gate, and then hit us hard under the guise of the magic sword gate, and then we can drive away our weakened strength."

Yuan Sazi sighed softly: "This is indeed a good way for the Feng family."

Then the conversation turned around: "Miyamoto-kun, what shall we do next? Do you want to kill Madam Feng directly by hitting the snake Qi Cun?"

"Not yet time."

Saburo Miyamoto's eyes flashed a ray of light: "Ms. Feng hasn't made plans to deal with us, and we are not ready to control Feng's house."

"Now that Mrs. Feng is killed, the entire Feng family is in chaos, and business will plummet. If it spreads to the top five gamblers, it will do us more harm than good."

"We still need some time."

"After we have negotiated with the Bao family and the Xue family, we will choose a good Feng family puppet, and the gambling saint Nakano Jun will come to help, and it will not be too late to turn our face with that woman."

Hearing that the gambling saint Nakano-kun, whether it is Harako or the surrounding backbone, his body is invisible and straight, and his face is more respectful.

Obviously they have a heartfelt respect for Nakano.

Saburo Miyamoto was not surprised by their expressions, and the conversation turned: "Moreover, I need to verify a little bit to prove that behind the Shendaomen is the Feng family."

"It's okay for the Feng Family to be behind the Sacred Sword Gate. If it weren't for the Feng Family, we would smash Mrs. Feng in advance. I am worried about making wedding dresses for others."

Saburo Miyamoto knew that the Emperor Sword would break with the Feng family sooner or later, but he didn't want to be instigated by others to be taken advantage of, so he wanted to be careful.

After all, too many people in the headquarters are staring at his position. If the mistakes are serious, they may be replaced.

This is also the main reason why he asked his good friend Taixiang Nakano to come and help.

Hara Saiko was taken aback when he heard the words: "You mean, besides Feng Family, other forces may also control the Sacred Sword Gate?"

"Hard to say."

Saburo Miyamoto bloomed a smirk: "Australia City is a colorful world, and the amount of money that gamblers invest in each year is equal to four Las Vegas."

"The Feng family exclusively owns the fattest and largest piece of meat."

"Who doesn't want to replace the Bao family and Xue family? Who doesn't want to be the leader of this land?"

Saburo Miyamoto showed his ambition: "If non-Orientians are not qualified to operate, I want to be the king of Australia by any means."


At this moment, Hara's cell phone rang and glanced at the phone number. She hurriedly put on earplugs to answer. After a while, her eyes lit up.

She walked to Saburo Miyamoto and said in a low voice: "We have news from our insider. The police have caught Kyanako who was abandoned by the murderer."

"Now detained in the heavy cell of the eighth prison in Australia."

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