Talented Genius

Chapter 1854: see a visitor out

Ye Tianlong was very confused and embarrassed.

It's just that he couldn't figure out how, how could his own blue-smoke-smoking snake become a T-shaped inner inner? Could it be that the clerk made a mistake?

But it shouldn't be. Tricky gift shops sell gifts. There is no such underwear at all. How can the clerk put it wrong?

Ye Tianlong couldn't understand it, anyway, Mrs. Tricky Feng's gift tricked himself in, making him want to find a gap to get in.

"Ye Tianlong, you are so courageous, even I dare to molest."

Mrs. Feng recovered two minutes of calm, leaned back on the sofa and drank a sip of tea, concealing her shame: "It seems that you don't want to hang out in Australia."

Although Mrs. Feng had seen strong winds and waves, she was not a young girl of thirteen or fourteen, but she felt shocked when she saw such a gift.

After all, Ye Tianlong was a strange man to her.

How could there be no waves in Madam Feng's heart when a strange man gave her such a private thing?

"Madam, there is something strange about this!"

After his thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong coughed, then looked at the embarrassed Mrs. Feng and said, "I didn't really buy this thing..."

"Ye Tianlong!"

Mrs. Feng's Liu eyebrows were raised, and then he grabbed the box, opened the lid and took out a small ticket, and patted it in front of Ye Tianlong:

"What's this? This is a small ticket purchased. It has the date of your purchase and your signature. Didn't you buy it?"

"If you have the courage to give this kind of meeting gift, don't you have the courage to admit it?"

Madam Feng unceremoniously attacked Ye Tianlong: "Where did the courage to shoot me in the first place?"


Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, took the receipt and glanced at it, very surprised: "I really have a receipt, really has my name? How is this possible?"

The ink on the small ticket was still wet, and the credit card payment number and name were blurred, but his name was written on the counter, but Long Feifengwu was very clear.

Ye Tianlong is really incredible about this scene, is this too paradoxical?

"Madam, this is really wrong."

Ye Tianlong organized a language to defend himself: "I bought a tricky snake. I want to scare you and let you not put on airs like this."

"I gave three hundred cash at the time, and I didn't pay by credit card at all. The signature is not mine either..."

Ye Tianlong looked very struggling: "Please believe me, madam, how dare I trick you with this thing?"

Mrs. Feng snorted: "You have all gone to the tricky gift shop, and you said how dare you take things to tease me?"

"I didn't mean that, I mean..."

Ye Tianlong wanted to explain well, but when he was halfway through the conversation, he found that he couldn't explain it clearly, so he smiled bitterly: "I'm really wronged."

Madam Feng looked at Ye Tianlong playfully: "Do you believe your own words?"

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth, and finally shook his head. He couldn't figure out the matter, let alone convinced Mrs. Feng.

"Remember this in advance, I will return it to you sooner or later."

Mrs. Feng reached out and took the box out, and then stuffed it under the coffee table to avoid being seen by others: "Now tell me about your intentions."

Ye Tianlong suffered a dumb loss and was very depressed, but he was helpless, and then turned back to the topic: "Madam, I came to worship the mountain today."

Madam Feng's eyes were cold: "Way to the top of the mountain?"

With an interesting face, she stretched her body to outline the perfect curve of a woman, showing a unique **** charm all over her body.

She was like a ripe peach, which made her heart beating.

Ye Tianlong also instinctively looked at those slender legs. This movement was caught by Mrs. Feng, and his smile was a little more playful.


Ye Tianlong sat up straight: "I heard that to open a casino in Australia, not only do you have to get gambling cards from the official hands, but you also have to say hello to your wife."

"So I came here today mainly to tell Madam that I am going to open a casino in Caoji Street, and I will ask Madam to take care of it in the future."

He was two more solemn and serious, because he knew in his heart that he still needed words on the scene at this time, and the Feng family's face still had to be maintained.

"Casino? It turns out that you are the owner of the seventh card."

Madam Feng evoked a smile, and looked at Ye Tianlong's eyes, "I thought it was the official compensation for the Jin family who died of Jin Xuejun."

"It seems that the "First Ring of the Capital" really values ​​you, otherwise it won't give you Jinshan like this."

Mrs. Feng made a mistake in her legs and outlined a sultry arc: "It's just that I'm not optimistic about your opening a casino in Australia."

"In addition to your temperament being unable to steadily stabilize and do things, there is also the profit of the five big gamblers if you squeeze in."

"The big cake of the Australian city was just divided by the six big families, and the 21 casinos just saturated the market."

"You come to the Australian city to open a casino, and every penny you make comes from the bowls of the top five gambling kings, which is equivalent to grabbing cakes from them."

"Before you could eat ten bites of cake, now you have to divide your two bites, and you are them instead. Will you be happy in your heart?"

"So your casino is destined to be bumpy. I think you can go bankrupt after opening it for two or three years at most."

Mrs. Feng reminded Ye Tianlong: "Instead of investing a lot of money in the early days, you might as well rent out gambling cards and collect hundreds of millions of rents every year."

"I have already thought about the issues that the lady said."

Ye Tianlong poured a cup of tea for Mrs. Feng: "There must be difficulties, but there are not many opportunities."

"As long as I can clen my teeth and persist in the early stage, coupled with the support and care of my wife, I should be able to stand firm in Australia City."

Mrs. Feng joked: "Who told you that I will support and take care of you?"

"The madam just kept saying that I would touch the interests of the top five gambling kings, but didn't count the Feng family."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "This shows that Madam doesn't mind me grabbing the cake. It also shows that Madam is willing to support me in her heart."

"Ye Tianlong, you feel so good about yourself."

Madam Feng burst into a smile, and her red lips lightly attacked Ye Tianlong: "I didn't count the Feng's house, that means your arrival has no effect on me."

"The Feng family signed an agreement with the Australian city officials at the beginning. For every gambling card issued by the Feng family, the Feng family will occupy a certain amount of shares."

She exhaled: "This dry stock is five points, all collected by tax, and then transferred to Feng's account."

"In other words, no matter how much the Bao family and Xue family make, they pay five points to the Feng family every year."

"It's the same when you come in. Five o'clock a year is indispensable."

Mrs. Feng smiled: "You grab more cakes and earn more, so I take more, so your blending in will not affect the Feng family much."

Ye Tianlong was very surprised: "Give Feng's five points?"

Mrs. Feng gently tucked a few green silks: "Yes, five o'clock, and every year, if you don't believe it, ask the Bao family."

"Moreover, in view of your background and business ability, I will ask the Australian city government that your casino will pay a fixed amount of tribute for the first three years."

"For the sake of getting acquainted with each other, for the first three years, 300 million yuan a year."

She showed a shrewd posture: "If you haven't gone bankrupt during this period of time, and your sitting is strong, I will collect it at five more points."

"I approved your worship today, but you also have to remember that you have to prepare three hundred million in my account every year."

"If you don't pay the bill, I will ask the Australian City official to sue and ask them to block your casino."

Mrs. Feng rubbed her finger against the edge of the tea cup: "A gambling card is 20 billion. Would you not be willing to flop like this?"

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth wide, and then protested: "Madam, you are robbery."

This mountain is really expensive, just three hundred million, five points, or every year, the Feng family is simply grabbing money in broad daylight.

"You are wrong, it's better to grab it."

A smirk appeared at the corner of Madam Feng's mouth, "Could the person who called you to worship the mountaintop didn't tell you, is it for real money?"

"Do you really think that I'm a little girl, so I'll settle for a little inside?"

Mrs. Feng yelled: "Time is up, see off!"

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