Talented Genius

Chapter 1849: His mother, his son (five watch)

Lei Jiu pointed at the lady in glamour and did not move.

Although separated by a car, even though it has been separated for many years, Lei Jiuzhi can still recognize who she is at a glance.

The woman who had missed day and night, the woman who had been deeply loved, the woman who had stabbed him to become someone else's bride.

Lei Jiuzhi thought he was already indifferent and thought he could face it calmly, but seeing the familiar face filled his heart with discomfort.

The fingers he held the handle trembled slightly, but he lost all energy when he wanted to get out of the car, so he could only look through the car window like this...

From the look of Lei Jiuzhi, Ye Tianlong quickly judged the identity of the lady in Chinese clothes, Mrs. Xue family, and Li Xin.

The graceful and luxurious woman stood at the front, her tall figure was overwhelming, and her sharp aura was suffocating: "What is going on?"

A few Chinese-clothed young girls immediately jumped into the light, stunned and shouted: "Hello Auntie."


At this moment, when the blond boy saw the lady in rich clothes, his ferocious appearance instantly disappeared, turning into a little sheep, and he was aggrieved:

"A bad woman bullied me, not only drove in my way and broke the Ferrari you bought me, but also dared to kick me."

The blond boy was about to shed tears: "Mom, are you going to be the master for me?"

"No, it's this woman!"

The blond boy pointed at Jiang Ziran: "She doesn't look at our Xue family at all."

Ye Tianlong didn't have much emotional ups and downs. He quietly watched the development of the situation. Li Xin was related to Lei Jiuzhi, and Ye Tianlong could not ignore it.

The gorgeous lady followed the blond boy's fingers and looked at Jiang Ziran's neither humble nor humble face.

Although Li Xin didn't speak, but the unangered and prestigious momentum pressed Jiang Ziran.

Several bodyguards also raised their necks and spread out to block Jiang Ziran's path.

Jiang Ziran almost died of anger, watching the blond boy cursing: "Asshole, it's hateful for you to be unreasonable, now you dare to distort the facts?"

The blond boy panicked and stepped back: "Mom, look, she is so fierce, she still scolds me as a bastard, this is the face of Xue Jia."

Several of the Xue family bodyguards and companions glared with anger, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Jiang Ziran's challenge.

Li Xin stretched out his hand and hugged her son into her arms, then looked at Jiang Ziran coldly and said, "This lady, please be respectful."

"Swearing as a bastard, you will only appear to be uncultivated."

She said coldly: "If you hit my son, it will make you look bad."

"Come here, apologize to the rich and honorable, and slap myself, I think it didn't happen."

Li Xin reveals the superiority of the upper class: "Otherwise, you will definitely not be pleased with what happened today."

"I'm not educated? Poor character? Apologize? Slap yourself?"

Jiang Ziran didn't give face anymore: "This lady, look at you with a bright dress and a handsome face, so why are you unreasonable?"

"Obviously your precious son changed lanes randomly, crashed my car, smashed my car lights, and even beat me."

She snorted: "I kicked him, just to teach him to be a man, let him know, don't bully people at every turn."

Jiang Ziran was surprised just now, why Xue Fugui was so unreasonable. She knew Li Xin's short-term appearance.

Ye Tianlong, who got out of the car door, also shook his head: If you have a mother, you have a son.

"It doesn't matter if he hits or you hit, he is a minor and you are an adult."

Li Xin's pretty face was cold, and he was not angry and majestic: "If you do something with a child, it is your fault."

"Also, the Xue family's nephew has the Xue family's own guard, and it is not your turn to be an outsider to make any comments."

She also looked at Ye Tianlong along the way, with a bit of sharpness and coercion.

Ye Tianlong looked back calmly.

It seemed that he didn't expect this young man to have the courage to look at him, and Li Xin's eyes were cold.

Jiang Ziran could see that Li Xin was rich or expensive, and vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, but she didn't care much, and she sneered noncommittal:

"Who has time to discipline your son? If it weren't for him to hit my car, I wouldn't even look at him."

She glanced at the angry Xue Fugui: "But if he provokes me, I will let him know that not everyone is his mother."


Li Xin squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and took his son towards Rolls-Royce with a sweet snort: "Son, let's go, don't argue with such people."

"That will reduce our status."

Li Xin shouted to a bodyguard again: "Sambo, give her two slaps to let her know that my son is not something she can beat."

Several bodyguards with big waists rounded up to Jiang Ziran.

Jiang Ziran's eyes were cold, and he sneered: "It's really a barbarian. He beats people without reason."

"It's just that if you want to knock me down, you have to see if you are capable."

Jiang Ziran is also a militant.

When Ye Tianlong twisted his neck, Lei Jiuzhi suddenly pushed open the car door and shouted: "Mrs. Xue, this is a misunderstanding."

Mrs. Xue, who was stuffing Xue Fugui into the car, shook her head when she heard the voice of Lei Jiuzhi.

When he saw the real Lei Nine Fingers, he trembled again.

Her pretty face also turned pale instantly, a little shocked, a little uneasy, a little dazed, and a touch of guilt.

"Madam, I can testify about this, because the son changed lanes and crashed the car first."

Lei Jiuzhi glanced at Ye Tianlong, as if worried that he would take action, then said aloud:

"Wrong, it's really not with us, I hope this matter can be resolved properly."

Several Xue family bodyguards stopped and turned to look at the emotional Li Xin.

Lei Jiuzhi took a few steps forward, came near Rolls Royce, and spoke softly to Li Xin:

"However, I am willing to say sorry for hurting the son, and I am willing to make compensation."

Lei Jiu pointed to a calming posture: "I hope that Mrs. Xue will have a large number of people, and that major issues will be reduced to small and trivial matters. This is also good for the reputation of the Xue family."

Sambo first looked at Lei Jiuzhi coldly, vaguely feeling that he was familiar with his wife, and then landed on his hand with one finger missing.

"Damn! Asshole, what are you?"

At this moment, Xue Fugui poked his head out and yelled at Lei Jiuzhi: "If you say you misunderstand, you will misunderstand? Believe it or not, I will kill him?"

"Mom, don't believe his words, it's completely their fault, this guy belongs to them."

He was very angry at Lei Jiuzhi's nosy: "Let Sambo teach them severely."

"To shut up!"

Li Xin yelled at his son, then fixedly looked at Lei Jiuzhi, trying to say something, but finally squeezed out:

"This matter ends here!"


After speaking, she got into the Rolls Royce, slowly closed the car window, isolated the outside world, isolated Lei Jiuzhi...

Also isolated the sight of Xue Fugui and Lei Jiuzhi.

At the same time, the bodyguard named Sanbao took out his cell phone, retreated to an inconspicuous place, and dialed a number:

"Mr. Xue, Lei Jiuzhi has come to Australia..."

The other end of the phone was silent at first, and then there was a quiet voice:

"Tell Xue Shuang's men that he was the murderer who killed Xue Shuang."

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