Talented Genius

Chapter 1842: Order prohibition (four more)

The **** nodded: "That's right, three knives and six holes, the love is broken."

Zhu Tianao looked at Ye Tianlong with a cold voice: "Call me three knives and six holes? Are your brains flooded?"

"Oh, yes, let me tell you first, Gao Shengjin has asked me to take charge of the thousand children in the middle hall."

"Not only do I have two thousand children, and occupy 70% of the strength of the Sacred Sword Sect, I also have the Bao Family and the Emperor Sword Society behind me."

Zhu Tianao sneered: "You two are stupid, asking me to make three knives and six holes. Isn't it funny?"

When the voice fell, more than ten following and Dongyang women also laughed, with disdain on their faces, all felt that the **** and Ye Tianlong were overpowered.

"Don't say you have 70% strength, you are 90% strength, leaving the magic knife gate, the same three swords and six holes."

Ye Tianlong carried his hands on his back: "No one can violate this rule."

"If Hall Master Zhu doesn't dare to attack himself, I don't mind helping you."

Hall Master Xi's mouths moved, and they were shocked and unbelievable at Ye Tianlong's behavior. They didn't expect Ye Tianlong to dare to challenge him.

Zhu Tianao sneered: "Do you want to die?"

As soon as he did, his subordinates had already touched the knife and spear in his waist, ready to smash Ye Tianlong.

Hall Master Xi and the others unanimously were silent, no one came out to round the scene. Although the relationship between the few people was not in harmony, they still did not dare to act aggressively.

Armed force is always a powerful backing for dealings, and the attitudes of Hall Master Xi and their attitudes clearly expressed their position.

Ye Tianlong dealt with Zhu Tianao, they recognized his existence, Ye Tianlong couldn't handle him, so he rolled back wherever he came from, and the deputy gang leader was abandoned.

"I am the deputy gang leader and you are the hall leader. Do you want to commit the crime in front of so many brothers?"

Ye Tianlong completely ignored Zhu Tianao's increasingly gloomy eyes: "That's not three knives and six holes, but six knives and 12 holes."

"Boy, there is a kind."

Zhu Tianao laughed, and waved to stop the indignant subordinates rushing forward: "I told you, you made me angry."

Having said that, he looked back at more than ten elites behind him and shouted:

"Brothers, remember this kid for me. After going out of this door, I will kill you without mercy. If the Lord has anything to blame, I will carry it."

More than a dozen subordinates echoed together: "Understand."

The god's face changed slightly: "Hall Master Lin, Hugh is presumptuous, this is the benefactor of the magic sword."

"It's up to me?"

Zhu Tianao sneered: "I am going to leave the Sacred Sword Gate, so I don't care if it's your benefactor, and I don't need to give you face."

"God, I advise you to abdicate and close the door. The door of the sacred sword is already a joke. It is not worthy to carry shoes to the royal sword club."

Zhu Tianao didn't look at the gods at all, and pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong and said: "Boy, wait for the corpse on the street."

To the surprise of Hall Master Xi and the children of Shendaomen, Ye Tianlong was also in a posture of not caring about Feng accompany to the end:

"Hall Master Zhu Tiexin is going to betray the Sacred Sword Gate?"

The four hall masters glanced at each other, and they all saw the confusion in each other's eyes. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to still be so strong.

At the same time, they decided to remain silent, and it is best not to move until the situation is uncertain.

Otherwise, any action may cause major losses in the future. They are all human spirits who have been mixed for decades.

No matter what the appearance is, my heart is definitely smarter than anyone else.

"Betrayal of the Sword Gate?"

When Zhu Tianao heard Ye Tianlong's words, he shook his hair and smiled as if listening to a joke: "I betrayed, what's the matter? You bit me?"

An ignorant kid talking about the rules of the world is extremely ridiculous to Zhu Tianao!

Yigan's subordinates also laughed, with contempt, and several Oriental women also laughed, thinking that Ye Tianlong was a bit idiot.

"Hall Master Zhu thinks about it before answering."

Ye Tianlong leaped off the railing, his smile still calm: "Although the grievances of the rivers and lakes are not as good as their wives and children, but they are all for the betrayers."

Not only did Ye Tianlong's words not irritate Zhu Tianao, but instead made him laugh on his back: "Destroy me?"

"My eldest wife and son are in the U.S., and my little wife and daughter are on Purang Street. You have the ability and kind to move them."

Zhu Tianao glanced at Ye Tianlong contemptuously: "Come, take out the pen, and I will write you a detailed address?"

Endless madness.

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong nodded sincerely in the joking smiles of the Dongyang women, and then approached Zhu Tianao while touching his pockets.

It seems to take out paper and pen.

When the four hall masters felt that Ye Tianlong's mind was really flooded, Ye Tianlong got close to Zhu Tianao and took out something.

The faces of the gods and their stunned change dramatically, and Ye Tianlong has an extra dagger in his hand.

The moment the light passed, the dagger stabbed Zhu Tianao's chest, the latter's body shook and wanted to get out, but it was too late.


The tip of the knife pierced Zhu Tianao's chest, and a burst of blood shot out.

Ye Tianlong didn't stand still, holding his neck, pounced again and stabbed eighteen times in one breath.

Zhu Tianao, like a cut-throat cock, first struggled desperately, trying to escape the dagger, but he couldn't get away no matter how hard he struggled.

He could only watch the dagger and poke blood holes one after another in his chest.

Blocking can't be blocked.

When the dagger was pulled back from the heart, Ye Tianlong let go of the soft Zhu Tianao.

"Pump pound!"

More than a dozen strands of blood rushed out of Zhu Tianao's chest, sprayed all over the ground, and his body was constantly shaking.

Killing pigs is nothing more than that.

Zhu Tianao was shocked, unbelievable, unwilling, and never expected that Ye Tianlong really stabbed himself.

Ye Tianlong stood in front of him, looked at his angry face and smiled: "Now you know, who is the fool?"

He raised his right hand and the dagger was driven into Zhu Tianao's throat.

The vitality goes out!

The gods were stunned, and Hall Master Xi and the others were also stunned, and the children of Shendaomen also looked dull, and the corners of their mouths twitched constantly.

madman! madman! Madman!

Ye Tianlong's actions have subverted their ideas these years, and the fierce stabbing of the knife made them cold all over.


At the same time, the axe flashed and there were screams. More than a dozen of Zhu Tianao's subordinates and Dongyang women all fell in a pool of blood, their feet upright.

Everyone lost their vitality with the axe in the neck. A dozen tiger masters stepped forward and took the axe back, then nodded slightly to Ye Tianlong and left.

Kill decisively.

The whole audience subconsciously held their breath, feeling that their blood seemed to be frozen for it, and a heart was beating in the cavity.

The god, who was about to sit down, also stood up unknowingly and moved away from the center.

Ye Tianlong walked to Hall Master Xi and the others, and wiped his blood-stained hands on their expensive clothes:

"Gao Shengjin and Zhu Tianao's site, you four hall masters are divided, you each hand over 100 million, is there any problem?"

The four of them shook their bodies: "No problem."

Ye Tianlong turned back to the railing of the wooden building, facing nearly a hundred of the children of the Swordsman, and said loudly:

"The sacred sword has been useless for ten years, and it's time to show your fangs."

"In the coming days, I will help the gods to take charge of you and make you the strongest and bloodiest son in Australia."

"For you, I only have one condition!"

"Order is forbidden!"

Ye Tianlong screamed: "Those who don't follow the order will be killed without mercy!"

The words were awe-inspiring and decisive, but everyone heard it, the murderous spirit and the strong smell of blood.

Nearly a hundred people kneeled at the same time: "Order is forbidden!"

Absolutely respectful!

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