Talented Genius

Chapter 1808: There is another truth

Chapter 1808

Mai had already prepared, and the sword flicked and pierced it from behind.

Jiang Canxue's pretty face changed slightly, her body turned, her right foot was a little bit, and the coffee table smashed toward Mai.

When Mai was swinging a sword to drop the coffee table, Jiang Canxue took advantage of this gap, kicked the wall, and rushed towards the window like a sharp arrow.


Shen Tianmei didn't give her a chance, and flung the sheets in his hand, tangling Jiang Canxue's calf.


With a crisp sound, the sheets wrapped around Zhong Jiang Canxue's ankle, Shen Tianmei pulled, Jiang Canxue was pulled back, and slammed against the wall.

Jiang Canxue was also quite good. When touching the wall, her hands turned back, her arms reached her back weirdly, and then she hit the wall and ejected.

She took advantage of her strength to pounce on Shen Tianmei.


Not only was Shen Tianmei not afraid when she saw this, she flicked the sheets and covered it.

Jiang Canxue's hands were wrong, and she lifted the sheets away and covered Mai Yi who was leaning over.

When the Mai long sword was lifted, the bed sheet cracked in half with a click.

In this gap, Jiang Canxue was already close to Shen Tianmei, her body suddenly stopped, and his fists burst into thunderous roar.

A right uppercut was punched like a rainbow.

Mai shouted to Shen Tianmei: "Be careful!"


Shen Tianmei remained as horizontal as she was. She didn't have a hard touch with Jiang Canxue, her slender body retreated to the side, and she cleverly flashed Jiang Canxue's punch.

With a missed punch, Jiang Canxue's eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't stop at the slightest, and kicked her left foot relentlessly.

Shen Tianmei seemed to have expected her move. She made a mistake in her feet and stepped back calmly, causing Jiang Canxue's foot to fail.


Jiang Canxue didn't have the slightest frustration. With a wrong foot, she chased after Shen Tianmei, wanting to capture the thief first, and then take Shen Tianmei to get away.

Mai did not make another move, but stepped back a few steps and handed the battlefield to the two women.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Canxue once again narrowed the distance between the two sides, and his fists blasted in front of Shen Tianmei like a storm.

The sharp breath spread rapidly around, and the sharpness made the back chill and solemn.

Looking at Jiang Canxue, who was suddenly full of murderous aura in front of him, Shen Tianmei moved the corner of her mouth and lifted her right hand with a smile.

She steadily took a forward lunge, firmly grounded, and her palms shot the sharpness of Jiang Canxue in succession.

"Boom boom!"

Jiang Canxue's fists burst out like a rainbow, and her palms shattered.

When Shen Tianmei withdrew five steps, Jiang Canxue hit Shen Tianmei's palm six times.

Seeing Shen Tianmei who had retreated to the wall, Jiang Canxue yelled and blasted the seventh punch.

However, this time, Shen Tianmei stepped on, and she also punched out.


When the fists collided, a surge of brute force came out, and the two women backed back together with a sullen grunt, with pain in their mouths.


Without pausing, Jiang Canxue jumped into the air again with a pause with her left foot.

His right leg was in the air like the core of a python spit, constantly turning over, kicking towards Shen Tianmei like a storm.

"Boom boom!"

Shen Tianmei only felt a threat of pressure, and there was still an unspeakable undercurrent.

But she didn't evade this time, and hit the leg that Jiang Canxue had swept over.

The clenched fist gave birth to a neigh that cut through the air.

With a muffled sound of fist and foot contact, Jiang Canxue staggered and took two steps back.

She felt that the attack she had just received was overwhelmed by a powerful force, and her heel tendons were tingling with the domineering force.

She looked at Shen Tianmei in front of her in surprise, but she didn't expect this woman to have this skill.


Jiang Canxue's pretty face sank, and her right leg swung again, kicking it out again and again.

Faced with the still dazzling legwork, Shen Tianmei didn't make any extra moves, and struck her with a vigorous sweep and kick.

It was as if the burning flame was suddenly extinguished by a scoop of water, and Jiang Canxue's imposing attack caused Shen Tianmei to hit her knee with one leg.


Jiang Canxue snorted and backed away a few steps, her knees were tingling with soreness, which shows how overbearing Shen Tianmei's sweep and kick just now.

Before Jiang Canxue could stand still, Shen Tianmei shot it over.


Wave the pipa!

White crane spreads its wings!

Explore the horse!

Take the bird's tail!

Cross hands!


Shen Tianmei began to counterattack, using a single move of Tai Chi offensive, continuously using her slender hands.

Jiang Canxue gritted his teeth and regressed.

Cross hands!

Shen Tianmei hit Jiang Canxue with both hands.


Jiang Canxue shook her body and fell to the window.


Jiang Canxue spit out a mouthful of blood, eyes with helplessness, suffering, and a touch of unconcealed surprise.

Although the sword wound on her abdomen greatly reduced her body, she still did not expect that Shen Tianmei would be tyrannical to this point.

"you lose!"

Shen Tianmei smiled: "Forgot to tell you that although people call me a demon, I am also a beating girl."

"I was immersed in the army for eight years, and then became a closed disciple of Grandma's grandmother."

"Playing with guns may not be as good as you, but in close combat, you are definitely not as good as me. If I hadn't had twice, the undercover undercover who went north and south would have died."

Jiang Canxue coughed and spouted another mouthful of blood: "It seems that I underestimated you."

She regretted that Ye Tianlong was not there, killing Shen Tianmei was like killing a dog, so she didn't bring guns and explosives, only poison and smoke bombs.

If she had a gun in her hand, not only did she not need to face death, she could also blow Shen Tianmei with one shot to reverse the situation.

Unfortunately, everything can't be assumed, and now I can only get away from it.

At this moment, Shen Tianmei smiled and replied: "You really underestimated me, no, it should be said that you underestimated many people, including Jin Xuejun."

Jiang Canxue's eyes were cold: "What do you mean?"

Shen Tianmei said softly: "For the sake of your death, I am not afraid to tell you another secret."

"Do you really think that your father killed himself? You really thought he was trying to cover your life and commit suicide to confuse us?"

"I tell you, you are wrong."

Shen Tianmei was shocked: "He was killed by someone."

Jiang Canxue's body was shocked, and there was a shock in her eyes: "He was killed by someone? Who killed him?"

"Ye Tianlong has disappeared from the guitar box. It is speculated that you are still alive, so I took this speculation to see Jiang Taibao."

Shen Tianmei waved his hand to stop Ma Yi from stepping forward: "Jiang Taibao was shocked by Ye Tianlong's analysis and knew that your fraud was seen through."

"Like you, he began to fear Ye Tianlong's ability."

"After Ye Tianlong left, he thought for a long time, he wanted to protect you..."

"He is going to speak out about his cooperation with Jin Xuejun, in exchange for Ye Tianlong's promise that he will no longer pursue you."

"But just after he called the prison guards to find Ye Tianlong, he was cut through his throat with a tooth and committed suicide."

Shen Tianmei smiled: "Ye Tianlong let someone secretly report on his corpse. It was not a tooth that killed him, but a piece of poisoned glass."

"There was broken glass in the wound. After killing him, the murderer knocked off his teeth and pretended to be his suicide."

Shen Tianmei looked at Jiang Canxue with wide-eyed eyes and said, "Why did the authorities declare him suicide?"

"In addition to the powerful operation of the murderer, there is also the official not wanting to take responsibility for negligence."

"After all, Jiang Taibao at this moment is a mustache. When he is dead, he is dead. No one wants to be troublesome, and no one wants to give him a head."

"Including the spies you put in prison..."

The words are calm and calm, but they are cruel to Jiang Canxue.

Jiang Canxue spouted another mouthful of blood, and then stubbornly supported half of her body and shouted, "Who killed him?"

"Who killed him, you can guess for yourself."

Shen Tianmei's voice was particularly soft: "Who is so worried about Ye Tianlong getting your father's transaction content?"

Jiang Canxue's eyes froze, and he obviously had an answer in his heart, and roared, "Asshole!"

"You already know the result, you can die with peace of mind." zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

At this moment, Shen Tianmei suddenly deceived her body and blasted Jiang Canxue's head with a punch.

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