Talented Genius

Chapter 174: Put a big pot of Zhu

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Four

The scared men shook their heads together, indicating that they did not yell.


When the wealthy party smiled faintly, Ye Tianlong rubbed his eyes, looked at Zhu Dapen and immediately smiled: "Officer Zhu, why are you here?"

"Should you let me out? Or tell me to have breakfast?"

Zhu Dapen held his nose and yelled at several cronies: "Move him to me."

Several cronies took out electric batons to step forward.

"Don't move him."

At this time, the rich party A suddenly said: "I promised him to protect him for one night. It's not dawn yet."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "Waiting, thank you."

As soon as these words came out, several police officers frowned and stared at the rich party A and shouted: "Protect him? What the **** are you?"

"Believe it or not we even beat you up?"

Zhu Dapen pulled the corner of his mouth, as if he was afraid of the rich party A, he hurriedly shouted to his men: "Shut up! Shut up! We are the police, not the gangsters."

"You can't involve the innocent."

Then he stared at the rich party A and said: "Old rich, this kid is my thorn in my eye, you want to protect him?"

The rich party A faintly replied: "Protect him for one night. Six o'clock is the standard. No one can move him before six o'clock. After that, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at six o'clock."

Zhu Dapen grinned: "I will give you a rich face."

He could afford to wait for ten minutes.


Zhu Dapen could afford to wait, but Ye Tianlong did not wait. He directly poke the electric baton he picked up on Zhu Dapen: "Officer Zhu, return the electric baton to you."


Zhu Dapen was electrocuted and jumped up, then he flew out, fell heavily in a low voice, with a sad expression.

Several cronies hurried to help.

Ye Tianlong also ran over: "Officer Zhu, what's wrong with you? You dropped this baton, why don't you let it go.?"


During the rampage, Ye Tianlong electrocuted several people again, and then poked Zhu Dapen's thigh again. Zhu Dapen screamed again.

The remaining confidants were very angry, and pulled out their weapons to clean up Ye Tianlong: "Asshole!"

Ye Tianlong shouted to the rich party A: "Outside the member, they want to beat me."

Several policemen looked at the rich party A, and the rich party A felt that he was about to cry. For the first time he felt exhausted when he considered himself to be a tyrant:

Nima! Where is it like this?

It's just that he can't turn back, so he can only squeeze out one sentence: "You can't move him before six o'clock."

Ye Tianlong yelled happily, "Have you heard? I can't be moved before six o'clock, and I can't be unjust."

The opponent can't move himself, but he can move the opponent, which feels really cool.

As he spoke, he took the electric baton and turned around, scared the scared man and they all bowed their heads, Zhu Dapen also endured the pain and backed away, feeling aggrieved:

Oh shit! Who is taking care of this?

"Boy, you wait."

Zhu Dapen gritted his teeth: "I must have abolished you."

He touched the gun bag with one hand, but the gun was exploded yesterday, and the new gun was not ready yet, so he could only wink at some of his cronies.

Several cronies understood what he meant, and stood up, touching the police gun.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong's ears trembled slightly, and he stopped moving.

As soon as six o'clock arrived, Zhu Dapen roared: "Take this kid down to me, dare to resist and shoot him on the spot."

"Fight, wound people, grab a gun, and if you dare to attack the police, no one can say about killing you."


Ye Tianlong threw away the electric baton with a smile, raised his hands and spoke slowly: "Officer Zhu, don't get angry, I surrender, I surrender."

"Take it down!"

Three cronies rushed up and bound Ye Tianlong's hands. Zhu Dapen roared forward and slapped Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong lowered his head and slapped his face. This slap slapped a police officer's face, making the latter's cheek red and five more fingerprints.

This also made the beaten police face depressed, but unable to attack.

"Asshole, dare to stop, don't you?"

Zhu Dapen was so angry that he waved his hand to bring a baton and made noises. The prisoners were scared to avoid the corner. Zhu Dapen grinned and said:

"Boy, I called you twice, I called you 20 times."

He licked his lips and poked the electric baton towards Ye Tianlong's armpit: "Just bear it."


As soon as the electric baton touched Ye Tianlong's clothes, Ye Tianlong let out a scream, then lifted his foot to kick Zhu Dapen out.


Zhu Dapen fell to the ground with a blue nose and swollen face, and then became even more angry. He grabbed the electric baton and rushed up again: "Dare to kick me, I will electrocute you, electrocuted you."


At this moment, the iron gate was kicked open, and Zhu Dapen, who was aggressive, was taken aback, and then saw a group of people pouring in.

There are men and women, as well as police officers. The police ranks are not low. Several leaders are full of style. Zhu Dapen recognized the heavyweights in the police station.

Lin Chenxue led a few people behind the three middle-aged inspectors, her pretty face was indescribably cold:

"Officer Zhu, what are you doing? Are you tortured to extract a confession?"

Zhu Dapen struck a sharp spirit, his palm was loosened, and the electric baton fell to the ground: "No, no..."

"Dear leaders, you just came here."

Ye Tianlong pointed to the electrical marks on his clothes: "Zhu Dapen humiliated me, beat me, and stabbed me with an electric baton. My heart almost stopped."

"Look at me. The three people pressed me just now, and Officer Zhu jabbed with an electric baton."

"You have to pay me justice, otherwise I have to complain to the police, I have to announce to the media."

"I have an Algerian passport. I can still complain to the embassy."

Hearing these words, and looking at the traces of Ye Tianlong's clothes, the faces of those inspectors became colder.

"He lied, he lied, and it was us who were injured. If you don't believe me, ask the prisoners if Ye Tianlong hit him and hit me."

Zhu Dapen hurriedly argued to himself: "I didn't get him power at all, but he gave me a few times instead."

He also shouted to the scared man and the rich party A: "Dynasty, old rich, just be fair."

The scared man hesitated, "Yes, yes, Officer Zhu is right."

The rich party slowly closed his eyes and ignored the matter.

"Dynasty is so small and can be a prison tyrant because he is a relative of Officer Zhu."

Ye Tianlong directly exposed the relationship between the two: "Can you believe what he said?"

Several inspectors glared at Zhu Dapen.

Zhu Dapen vigorously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead behind the crowd, and this time his uniform had to be stripped off.

He glanced at the leader of the room, and then at Ye Tianlong, who was scheming again and again. He felt more and more that he was like a clown. He was a bad guy and was not Ye Tianlong's opponent.

He regretted for the first time why he wanted to go to Baishizhou.

Lin Chenxue yelled: "Our Huayao Association will investigate this matter to the end."

"Lawyer, prepare to complain."

"Doctor, check the injury right away."

Upon hearing these words, a middle-aged police officer forced a smile: "Mr. Lin, there must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? What's the misunderstanding?"

Lin Chenxue didn't give the other side any face: "Hasn't the matter been checked out?"

"Police Officer Qin has already made a report. Yesterday, in the Baishizhou incident, Ye Tianlong did just that."

"Sister Feng and Zhu Fa-fa have also confessed. She is a relative of Zhu Dapen and has no alternative but to frame Ye Tianlong."

"The dinosaurs beat the police because Officer Zhu did not have legal documents, so they mistakenly thought they were fake police officers."

"Also, Officer Zhu's gunshot wound was also a blast."

"If you don't believe it, more than a thousand villagers can testify and the surveillance video can be restored."

"And Zhu Dapen tortured to extract a confession, you have seen with your own eyes, if we didn't rush in time, Ye Tianlong would not be afraid of peeling."

"You still want to practice favoritism, do you want me to complain to the mayor or Beijing?"

After a series of well-founded and sharp words were thrown out, a police officer with Guozilian immediately waved his hand anxiously:

"Don't, don't, Miss Lin, this little thing doesn't need to disturb the above, it's unnecessary."

Several police officers looked very ugly and gave Zhu Dapen a fierce look. Then the police officer with Guozilian smiled and said:

"Mr. Lin, rest assured, we will give you a satisfactory explanation, and who should be dealt with will be dealt with."

Lin Chenxue waved her fingers coldly on her pretty face. A mature, steady and sharp lawyer handed a pile of thick things to the middle-aged policeman:

"This is evidence of Zhu Dapen's criminal bribery. He received more than six million tea fees around Baishizhou."

"He also sold 50% of the seized electric cars to his refurbishment factory, and then sold them to the grassroots, and arrested them for blackmail on charges of stolen cars."

"At the beginning of the year, he molested three underage girls. The incident, witnesses, and testimony are all on it. I hope you will handle it fairly."

Lin Chenxue's tone does not contain any emotion:

"Within two days, if you can't give justice, I will publish these to the media and let the public opinion give you justice."

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