Talented Genius

Chapter 1720: Brother, I got into trouble

Canshou drove the car very fast, trying to reach Ditianju as soon as possible before 12:30.

Only at the penultimate intersection, the car was stopped by a traffic policeman's cavalry and told the traffic control ahead that it would take ten minutes.

More than a dozen pedestrians who were about to cross the road were also stopped, all of which had to wait for cars to pass.

"What is the control at noon?"

Ye Tianlong didn't take out his credentials, but dropped down the car window and looked ahead: "Could it be that which big guy puts full moon wine?"

"What's wrong? Stopped?"

The car stopped, and Shen Tianmei woke up from her sleep, then sat up straight and gathered her hair: "Have you arrived at Ditianju?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and pinched a piece of her hair: "No, traffic control ahead."

"Traffic control?"

Shen Tianmei was taken aback for a moment: "What are the controls at this time? Normally, big bosses and foreign guests won't choose to travel at this time."

Ye Tianlong put his arms around the woman's small waist: "I don't know, but control it. Anyway, it will take ten minutes. I can afford it."

Shen Tianmei gently squeezed Ye Tianlong's hand away, then took out a bottle of soda, and poured it grumblingly.

She has been tired and thirsty these days, so she has to sleep and hydrate.

After drinking only a half, Shen Tianmei was about to twist the lid, Ye Tianlong took it, and drank the rest of the water.

Then, he twisted the lid of the bottle and handed it out from the car window with a smile: "Grandma, here you are."

Shen Tianmei was taken aback, looked up, and saw an old woman standing outside the car window, in her seventies or eighties, carrying a snakeskin bag, the bag was a bit rotten.

The bag contains many bottles and cans, just like a scavenger.

The old woman smiled and took the bottle, and bowed to Ye Tianlong: "Young man, thank you."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "You're welcome."

While grandma thanked her for leaving, Shen Tianmei watched Ye Tianlong express her appreciation. No matter how ridiculous this guy was, she always had a good bottom line in her heart.


As the thoughts were turning, two police cars roared past in front of them, and then ten Mercedes-Benz cars approached from far away, stable, atmospheric, luxurious and restrained.

After the Mercedes-Benz drove past, Ye Tianlong thought it was possible to pass, but the traffic police shook his head again and waited.

Before long, fifteen luxury cars with two license plates appeared, including Porsche, Ferrari, and Maybach, and many of them were limited editions.

Almost all of these cars had their windows down, and Ye Tianlong saw at a glance, they were all men and women in Chinese clothes, jewels and handsome, stylish.

While they were talking and laughing, they scanned the outside critically, and they could see that they were both rich and noble sons, Miss Qianjin.

Suddenly, Ye Tianlong saw a girl with sunglasses. The reason for her concern was that she had a special temperament, cold, arrogant, and cool.

It looked like a piece of ice.


When Ye Tianlong thought the girl was a bit interesting, a Ferrari suddenly smashed out a half bottle of mineral water, and hit grandma's head vigorously.

Grandma snorted, shook her body, and sat on the ground with a bang. She was holding her head in pain.

Two traffic policemen rushed to see if there was anything wrong with the old woman.


A young man with a garlic nose came out of the car window, and he cursed with a look of disgust: "I wanted to smash that girl, but accidentally hit an old man."

"It's really bad luck."

He also whistled to a passerby girl: "Beauty, don't you get in the car?"

The traffic police wanted to say something, but he hesitated for a moment but was finally silent.

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the **** old woman between his fingers, and tilted his head slightly to Shen Tianmei: "Sister Mei, you go and see if your grandmother is okay."

"If she is seriously injured, send her to the hospital. The traffic police have to perform tasks. I guess they can't control her too much."

Shen Tianmei didn't say anything, and simply picked up the handbag and got off the car.

When Shen Tianmei got out of the car to check, Ye Tianlong asked her to sit in the second seat, got out of the car and got into the driver's seat, and adjusted the position a bit back.

Canshou seemed to know what Ye Tianlong was going to do, and whispered: "Brother, those people are afraid that they are official guests..."

"Who cares about him."

Ye Tianlong picked up another bottle of water, and moistened his throat, "As long as it is a scum, I will clean him up."

At this time, Shen Tianmei got into the car again with her handbag, closed the door and opened her mouth: "I saw my grandma's injury and got a small hole in her forehead."

"Bleeding a little, but not very serious."

"The traffic police and I wanted to take her to the hospital, but she insisted on not going, and said it was okay and she wanted to go home and cook for her granddaughter."

There was a touch of helplessness on her pretty face: "I can't persuade her, I can only stuff her 500 yuan, and I saw the residential address hanging on her chest."

"Just fine."

Ye Tianlong looked at the old woman who was struggling to get up and left and said, "Fasten your seat belt."


When Shen Tianmei subconsciously fastened the seat belt, Ye Tianlong stepped on the gas, the jeep swished out and passed through the traffic police.

Seeing this, the three traffic police hurriedly pursued a few steps: "Hey, you can't go, you can't go..."

"Call 903, call 903, a jeep entered the control lane illegally."

Ye Tianlong ignored the panic of the traffic police, like a god-man possessing his body, manipulating the car forward like an arm's finger.


Ye Tianlong directly evaded the interception of two cavalry, and then surpassed four Ferraris, and the goal was clear to rush towards the young Ferrari.

Hearing the howling of the jeep, many Ferraris subconsciously dodge to the side, which allowed Ye Tianlong to better target the target.


He also hit the high beams, flashing the young man with a nosed head twice.

The young man with a garlic-nosed nose in the car found Ye Tianlong chasing him in the rearview mirror and shot his car lights at him, and immediately understood that he was coming for him.

He was slightly puzzled as to where he was grudges with Ye Tianlong, but a sneer was still drawn across his face, provoking him, Haojiang, the car god? That is looking for death!

He saw the road signs from a distance, and there was a sharp bend ahead.

He subconsciously reduced his speed, ready to cross the bend and compete with Ye Tianlong.

He also stretched out his thumb and slammed Ye Tianlong twice, expressing his contempt.

Ye Tianlong completely ignored it and controlled the car to go through sharp turns without slowing down, like a fiercely burning flame.

When the Garlic-nosed Youth had just passed a sharp turn, Ye Tianlong, who had caught up with him, hit the end of Ferrari with a "bang".


Ferrari shook in an instant. There was a sudden brake, and it was on the side of the road. The young man with a garlic-nosed nose hit the steering wheel, his head was bleeding, and he was unspeakable.

"Ah, this is too fierce, right?"

Many people exclaimed when they saw this, and the traffic police pulled up their lights and chased them.

Ye Tianlong naturally didn't know that his actions made the onlookers squeeze a cold sweat, and he didn't care, his hands spun like magic.

The steering wheel slammed into a dead turn, and then another big round, hit a dead turn, the body stopped, and the rear of the car made a horizontal adjustment.

Ye Tianlong looked at the garlic nose coming out of the car, and after sweeping the blood and embarrassment on his face, he faintly said:

"Remember, the capital is not a place where you can go wild."

Garlic was angry: "Bad son, you wait, I will kill you."


Without waiting for Garlic Nose to finish speaking, Ye Tianlong directly slammed a bottle of water on his head. With a loud noise, Garlic Nose fell to the ground with a muffled noise.

In the next second, Ye Tianlong stepped on the accelerator and swished, and the car brought out a green phantom, running faster than the meteor.

Almost as soon as he disappeared, the girl with sunglasses rushed to the corner, but she couldn't chase it because only the taillights of the jeep could see.

Many policemen rushed over, rushing to deal with the accident, while holding the phone asking to chase the jeep.

The police officer leading the team was filled with righteous indignation, shouting that the perpetrators must be arrested and severely punished, otherwise they would be sorry for these distinguished guests.

Only two minutes later, he received a call and Shangfeng told him directly that the car did not need to be traced, and there was no need to trace it...

So that is Ditianju's car...

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was parking the car at the gate of Ditianju, kicking the car door and rushing into the yard, shouting:

"Big brother, big brother, I got into trouble..."

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