Talented Genius

Chapter 1700: I'm here (ten more)

Fifty-two points?

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent again, and Ye Tianlong became the focus of everyone again.

Lei Yueting and Lei Shijing also looked at Ye Tianlong, their faces could not be concealed in surprise.

Both Huanhuan and Reischen had their eyes wide open, but they quickly turned their lips in a noncommittal way. Why hadn't they heard of Lei's having such a large shareholder?

"Ye Tianlong, brag, you are number one in the world, I will serve you."

Mrs. Lei's eyes flashed a little jokingly: "But you said you have fifty-two points of shares, I don't believe ten thousand."

Tonight's Mrs. Lei is wearing a narrow black dress with a black silk shirt, slender and white feet, and black high heels.

She gave people a mature and capable posture, so when staring at Ye Tianlong, she felt pressure:

"You have so many shares, the chairman is yours."

There are so many small and medium shareholders in Lei's, and it is because there are too many and too scattered, so Lei Yueting's more than 20 shares are already the largest shareholder.

How could Ye Tianlong get fifty-two points of shares?

Ye Tianlong rubbed his nose to relieve the fragrance on Mrs. Lei's body, and then replied honestly: "I do."

Mrs. Lei issued a warning: "Don't make trouble!"

Lin Aoxin and the old man in Tsing Yi even took a step forward, staring at Ye Tianlong coldly, as if they were doing something at any time.

Lei Yueting walked over with difficulty and grabbed Ye Tianlong with a wry smile: "Tianlong, forget it, the winner and the loser, I lose, I admit..."

"Don't fight with her anymore. If you continue to fight, the last point will be lost."

Lei Yueting was discouraged: "I saw the wrong person, and I believed in the wrong person, I really know..."

At the beginning, he played the bank and the government between applause. He started from scratch and undermines the present world. He has always considered himself a wizard in the business world.

As a result, the late festival was not guaranteed. Not only did he lose his life, he was also calculated by his wife, and Lei Yueting completely lost his fighting spirit.

"Ye Tianlong, did you hear that? Your future father-in-law asked you to recognize it, don't make trouble."

Mrs. Lei was so angry that she looked at Ye Tianlong up close and coldly, and said provocatively: "Lei Yueting can't play with me, you will be more tender."

Ye Tianlong smiled and faced the aggressive Madam Lei: "Madam slaps her face like this, if I don't fight back, everyone will laugh at me."


Ye Tianlong also snapped his fingers. With this gesture, Lan Xiaomo came over with a box, and Xu Mingmen also smiled.


He reached out and swept away a table, leaving enough room for Ye Tianlong.


When Lan Xiaomo opened the box, Ye Tianlong smiled and picked up the contract and patted it directly on the table: "One point."

Leschen stepped forward and glanced, snorting, "Isn't this the point of Lei Shijing?"


"Three five!"

Fifteen points from Black Widow, Xu Facai, and Lin Rudao.

Ye Tianlong roared: "Do you want to afford it?"


"Three Tens!"

Ten points in the Kong family, ten points in the bank, and ten points in the secondary market!

Ye Tianlong shouted again: "Do you want to afford it?"

Many on-site guests are going to hit the wall, this kid, think he is fighting the landlord?

Lei Yueting looked at these contracts in shock and quickly calculated forty-six points

When they saw Madam Lei, they didn't respond much, and Ye Tianlong took out the last contract: "Mrs. Lei, I only have the last card..."

"No more, I will win."

Reischen couldn't help but yelled: "Asshole, you think you are fighting the landlord."


"One square five..."

Ye Tianlong took out another agreement and threw it directly on the table. Lei Yueting legally mortgaged the five points to the Alligator Bank.

Seeing this agreement, Lei Yueting couldn't stop the huge shock. He couldn't believe that he looked at Ye Tianlong, as if he didn't expect Ye Tianlong to get the agreement.

"Ye Tianlong, I'm telling you, don't play mystery."

Reischen rushed forward, first checked the authenticity of the information, and then quickly calculated the shares and shouted: "Impossible! Impossible!"

Mrs. Lei turned her head to Lawyer Jin, and they quickly stepped forward to verify. After confirmation, they desperately tried to find out the shortcomings, but they were all in vain.

Fifty-one points, there is no moisture, and all the procedures are within the red line, Lin Rudao does not leak anything.

When the audience looked at Ye Tianlong in silence, Ye Tianlong shouted to Lei Yueting: "Uncle, how many shares?"

Lei Yueting's mouth was dry, and then he exhaled a long breath: "Fifty-one points."


Ye Tianlong slapped his head, looking very embarrassed: "I'm sorry everyone, my math is taught by the Bureau of Statistics."

"Fifty-one points are counted as fifty-two points, Mrs. Lei, you say, if I lose one point, will it affect my position as a major shareholder?"

Ye Tianlong looked naive: "Will it affect me to become chairman?"

on purpose!

Absolutely intentionally!

Huanhuan and Yanyan almost died of anger.

Everyone can tell that Ye Tianlong is pretending to be crazy and stupid, with 51 points, not only far surpassing the shares of Lei's mother and daughter, but also absolutely controlling Lei's.

It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s one more point.

Lei Yueting suddenly laughed, and looked at his wife happily: "You calculated me, but didn't expect that there will be Tianlong waiting behind."

Although his wife still has a lot of shares in his hands, Ye Tianlong has absolutely control of Lei's. It is easy to play or dilute his wife's shares.

Although he had lost everything, Lei Yueting felt it worthwhile to be able to breathe this life, and at the same time was happy for Lei Shijing.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

For Ye Tianlong's sudden and crushing trouble, the glamorous Mrs. Lei was silly. She looked at Ye Tianlong blankly, and said unbelievably:

"How could you... get so many shares?"

Although Mrs. Lei has experienced many storms, the situation in front of her still stunned her. She thought Jiangshan was hers, but who knew the oriole was behind?

At the beginning, Lin Rudao could only get fifty points without touching the red line and the announcement.

Later, when he was about to touch the red line to get another point, one of Lei Shijing's points happened to be sent over, so Lin Rudao stopped buying the last point.

So Mrs. Lei and the others did not receive the wind, so it was very uncomfortable to see that Ye Tianlong was in absolute control.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and looked at that pretty face from close range: "It's very simple, your network is too scumbag compared to me!"

Mrs. Lei staggered back, her pretty face was pale, and she had a shining and unbelievable look just now, and now she has become desperate.

Reischen lost his temper and pointed at Ye Tianlong and roared like a roar: "You must be fake, you must be fake..."

Attorney Jin and the others are also full of anxiety, one by one, like a hot pot and ants, they call on the phone to make the final confirmation.

Huanhuan and Yanyan stomped their feet, hoping that a miracle would happen. The overthrow of Ye Tianlong was the result of Lei's new master.

You know, how many of their family are shareholders of Lei Shi Group, although the shares are so insignificant...

It's a pity that all the people who finished the call got the answer they didn't want to see, Ye Tianlong's real new master.

The Kong Family, Black Widow, and Lin Rudao all declared that Ye Tianlong was the plenipotentiary representative.


Court Lei Yue laughed loudly and drank a bottle of red wine in one sip. Several crazy guys who had counted everything, finally reaped the fruit.


Reischen couldn't accept the gap where the scenery was pushed back again, and screamed, grabbing a high-heeled shoe and calling Ye Tianlong.

She hated this person who lifted Lei Shijing.


Lei Shijing suddenly stepped forward and slapped Leiqin on the face.

Reischen screamed and flew out, and her high heels fell to the ground. She looked at Lei Shijing in shock: "Do you dare to hit me?"

"From today, I won't let you hurt me or hurt people around me."

Lei Shijing landed and made a sound.

Ye Tianlong expressed his approval, and then a little bit of Assistant King Jin said: "You, you, you, and you, I got fired."

He also aimed at the old man in Tsing Yi, but the latter had already quietly hid behind him.

Attorney Jin and the others looked pale and looked at Madam Lei together, but Madam Lei had nothing to do, so she could only help her daughter to stare at Ye Tianlong.

"Shi Jing, tell Lei Shi."

Ye Tianlong's eyes suddenly became deep: "I'm here..."

Let's talk about it weakly: there is an update announcement at the top, two updates at the bottom, and even more uncertain.

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