Talented Genius

Chapter 1680: Airport access

After separating from Yanhuang, Ye Tianlong took the last bottle of wine and got into the car again, but instead of going back to the villa to sleep this time, he went directly to the airport.

Han Jing will come to Ancheng in the afternoon. It is already eleven o'clock. Driving over to have lunch and coffee, it is almost time.


Canshou drove five or six kilometers, then stopped at an intersection and looked at the red light ahead.

At this moment, a Maserati, two Ferraris and a Porsche slammed and parked beside Ye Tianlong proudly.

Although they were waiting for the traffic lights, the four luxury cars kept stepping on the accelerator, just like a racing car.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the four luxury cars and shook his head non-committal. There have been too many such dead children these days.

The tree was calm, and the wind continued. When Ye Tianlong was eating the few peanuts left, the Porsche dropped the brown car window.

A burst of harsh rock music burst out, and then a white wrist wore a Tissot watch came out, followed by a arrogant pretty face.

She turned her head to sweep Ye Tianlong, then her face changed drastically and shouted, "Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong tilted his head and glanced, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Little girl, good noon, you are still so beautiful, but you are too rude."

"Brother-in-law disappeared, called the name, I really want to discipline you."

The Porsche female driver is Leischen, wearing short skirts and stockings, full of healthy and youthful vitality.

At this moment, the other three cars also had their windows down, and the three handsome young men of Wei Guang could be seen. The front passenger seat was Yingying and Yanyan, Huanhuan.

The three women are all glamorous, dressed like a peacock, and their snow-white slender thighs are very dazzling in the light.

Compared with the six people's jealousy of Ye Tianlong after Ma Han appeared in Banshan Clubhouse, Wei Guang and the others are much arrogant today.

"Ah, did you think the six of you were there?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and added: "I thought you would be ashamed to calculate Shi Jing, now it seems that I underestimate your cheeky."

When Wei Guang's expressions changed, Leistin yelled, "Ye Tianlong, what are you? What qualifications do you have to teach us?"

"Return to my brother-in-law?"

Reischen sneered: "I'm telling you that Lei Shijing has already hired my dad, and you are the trust that Chen Linger sent to her."

"You are fake marriage."

Reischen looked proud: "My sister's shares and the Dorsett Hotel, please return them quickly, otherwise they will call the police and catch you at any time."

"Ye Tianlong, stop bluffing."

Yanyan also stared at Ye Tianlong sharply: "You have been stabbed by Lei Shijing about your matter, you are just a support."

"I really thought you had any abilities to get Mahan to give you the Mid-Levels Clubhouse. It turned out to be just scamming Mr. Lei's son-in-law."

Wei Guang and the others all sneered together, disdainful, angry, unwilling, and sneered, all seemed to believe that Ye Tianlong had been playing tricks in the clubhouse storm.

Ma Han was so respectful to Ye Tianlong, and 90% of them gave ‘Lei’s son-in-law’ the four words.

Ye Tianlong didn't respond to their words, but frowned slightly: Shi Jing stabbed out? This is impossible.

Although her good actions with Le An made Lei Shijing misunderstood, she was definitely not the one who betrayed for revenge.

But if Lei Shijing hadn't said it, how could the secrets of the two be leaked? Ye Tianlong's eyes had a touch of contemplation.

"Boy, don't pretend to be deep."

Wei Guangyin smiled: "Bad son, return all Miss Lei's things, and return the 16 million you won with a thousand dollars."

"Otherwise you will have a hard time."

Huanhuan added coldly: "It's not that it's sad, it's that life is better than death."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest irritation on his face, and he broke out with two humiliations for the other party. He estimated that he would go crazy every day, then he slapped his head and smiled:

"It doesn't matter whether I trust it or not, the important thing is that the Dorsett Hotel and shares are in my hands."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "No matter how much you jump, you can't change this fact. I just won't pay it back. You come and bite me?"

Upon hearing what Ye Tianlong said, Huanhuan and the others looked at Ye Tianlong more hostilely, and gave their thumbs unceremoniously.

Reischen patted the car door, then pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong and shouted, "Ye Tianlong, I tell you, it's not yours, you can't take it away."

"The Lei family won't let you take it away. The lawyers and the police will look for you soon."

"But I am willing to give you a chance, a chance to make a lot of money."

There was a glow in Reischen's eyes: "It is sixty kilometers to the airport. You and I have a race with the cars in your hands."

"If you win, I use 100 million to buy back the Dorsett Hotel and shares; if you lose, unconditionally transfer things to me."

Reischen tempted Ye Tianlong: "Of course, I will give you one million tea for you out of humanitarianism."

Wei Guang yelled: "Ye Tianlong, please agree quickly, so that you will win or lose one million, which is better than getting you to jail by a lawyer."

Ye Tianlong said lightly: "Not interested."

Reischen snorted coldly: "Wonder, Ye Tianlong, you're a bully."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his finger and wiggled it twice: "Not interested."

Huanhuan and the others contempt: "It's not a man--"


At this time, another yellow Ferrari rushed over, stopped on the other side of Ye Tianlong with a bang, and stuck out the head of a fourteen or five-year-old boy.

He had a cigarette in his mouth, his hair was dyed red, and there was a girl of similar age sitting in the car.

Then, two luxury cars arrived in the back, all fourteen or five years old, and at first glance they were secondary students.

"Sister, you guys drive so fast."

The red-haired boy yelled at Leischen: "I almost couldn't catch up with you, did you deliberately dump us?"

There was a hint of impatience in Leschen's eyes, and he seemed to be very disgusted with this kid, but then the eyes rolled around and she pointed to Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"Lei Diaobing, it was not that I dumped you on purpose, but I saw an enemy chasing you up."

She pours dirty water on Ye Tianlong: "This is the guy who humiliated your sister and me. Even considering the Lei family's property, he has already stolen 2 billion."


Lei Diaobing directly smashed the mineral water in his hand onto Ye Tianlong's car, and roared fiercely: "Boy, are you looking for death? Dare to strike at Lei's property?"

"Do you know that I also have a share? You rob Lei's family, you rob me."

Lei Diaobing was murderous: "You should come back quickly, or I will ask someone to kill you."

A few friends also clamored for cheer:

"Boy, do you dare to offend Brother Bing? Do you want to die?"

"Be more acquainted, and quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe Bingge will not kill you if he is in a good mood!"

"Otherwise, you will be in the hospital today!"

"Secondary Two——"

At this time, the green light was on, and Ye Tianlong smiled nonchalantly at Lei Diaobing, and then let Can Shou step on the accelerator and leave.

Just an acceleration pulled the Thunder soldiers down more than ten meters away.

When Lei Diaobing was ignored by others, he was so angry that he roared:

"Catch up with him, catch up with him, I must play him to death today."

Three luxury cars whizzed after them.

Reischen also stepped on the accelerator and chased forward with a swish: "Go, go to the theater."


The yellow Ferrari brought two cars to chase Ye Tianlong, Canshou drove very smoothly, but Lei Diaobing screamed and approached Canshou and Ye Tianlong.

The two cars whizzed back and forth near the Land Rover quickly and slowly, four times before and after they forced the hand to brake suddenly.

There is also a car attached to the back of Ye Tianlong, posing a situation of hitting the trunk of the Land Rover at any time, trying to put a little pressure on Ye Tianlong.


The girls in the three cars also took off their coats, held them in their right hands and waved and cheered. Two girls even smashed water bottles.

Ye Tianlong's eyes gradually became cold. He didn't want to toss with the bear kid, but he didn't expect that this Lei Diao soldier would provoke his bottom line.

He looked at Ferrari and Maybach, who were deliberately blocking the way in the serpentine route ahead, and tilted his head slightly to Canshou: "Rush over."

Can Shou stepped on the accelerator, Land Rover rushed out like a whirlwind, and slammed into the middle of the two cars ahead.


The sound of violent friction between tires and the ground resounded across the sky, and Land Rover instantly narrowed the distance between itself and Lei Diaobing.


Seeing Ye Tianlong's sturdy momentum about to hit him, the proud Lei Diaobing's face changed dramatically.

In the subconscious screams of the beautiful female companion, his eyes were red and he turned the steering wheel slightly to make way for Ye Tianlong.

The other Maybach also turned the steering wheel to the left, giving way to Ye Tianlong.

Then he looked at each other with Lei Diaobing, ready to turn the steering wheel to hit Ye Tianlong's body.


When Land Rover and Ferrari passed by, Ye Tianlong suddenly raised his hands, holding an unopened bottle of beer in his hand, and then touched the bottle cap.


The cap of the wine bottle hit Lei Diaobing's cheek directly, making him unable to stop screaming in pain.


In the next second, beer was sprayed directly on Lei Diaobing's face, eyes, and windshield like a jet of water.

The vision was blurred.

Lei Diaobing shouted: "Ah—"

Eyes are slimy.


Then, Ye Tianlong waved his hand and threw the wine bottle into the windshield of another car. With a crisp sound, the windshield instantly shattered into a spider shape.

The driver's vision was suddenly blurred and his psychology was also affected.


In the astonishment of a luxury car behind, Lei Diaobing leaned forward with a loud boom.

Both luxury cars screamed and rushed to the side, rushing to the side road, and with a bang, the force of the car knocked down a tree.

The body smashed horizontally and rushed into the green belt on the roadside before stopping.

Several isolation pillars were banged, and the fragments snapped like bullets.

The body was twisted, the windows shattered, and both cars were badly damaged front and rear. Fortunately, the people in the cars did not die.

Reischen, who rushed over, hurriedly braked when they saw it, dragging two long traces, trying to avoid the vehicle in front.

It was just too late. Her car collided with the luxury car behind Ye Tianlong and rolled out.

The four wheels are up to the sky, and the airbags all pop out, pressing on the driver's seat.

Reischen and Lei Diaobing screamed again and again, and Wei Guang and Huanhuan quickly stopped to help.


Moving forward, Ye Tianlong smiled and waved, then let Canshou leave the messy scene.

Reschen who crawled out clutched his head and shouted hysterically: "Ye Tianlong, I won't let you go--"

Ye Tianlong ignored it, and quickly disappeared from Reischen's vision.

"Wei Guang, you stay with Yanyan to deal with the accident, and then help Abing and them call an ambulance."

Reischen gritted his teeth bitterly, and then issued an instruction to Wei Guang and the others: "The rest of them continue to follow me to the airport."

"Xu Shao and they are coming soon."

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