Talented Genius

Chapter 1677: Top Ten Master (five shifts)

Ye Tianlong didn't ask about the establishment of the Ancheng branch hall and the hands of the Xuanjia Army. He believed that Shangguan and Wang Ye could handle it properly.

After tossing all night, he was a little tired, and wanted to go back to the villa to sleep, and then pick up Han Jing who arrived in Ancheng in the afternoon.

Leaning in the car, Ye Tianlong picked up the phone and flipped through it. First, he read the Ancheng News. The calm of the battle last night was not reported.

He secretly praised Song Haochun for his power, and thought about spending some time to show his heart to the guy millions.

When he was about to close the page, Ye Tianlong saw another hot spot, news from Hong Kong City University. The girl in white angrily tore the ‘Black Heart’ poster.

The reason is simple. A group of Hong Kong City men and women posted anonymous posters on campus, distorting the facts and criticizing Hong Kong City for its current situation of men and women tears.

The girl in white just happened to be passing by, and when she heard them turning black and white, she tore up the offending poster in anger, and was surrounded and accused by the men and women.

The white-clothed girl was completely fearless, one by one, eight, reasonable and well-founded, fluent in Chinese and English, and finally left the opponent with a grudge.

This news is not new to Ye Tianlong, but when he saw the face of the girl in white, he glanced at it a few more times and couldn't stop smiling.

Isn't this the little fat girl Ding Xiaoqiao?

Ye Tianlong looked at Ding Xiaoqiao on the news. This chick was still fat, but he could feel the fighting power through the screen.

There was a touch of warmth on his face, and then he found Ding Liuyue's WeChat and sent four words: "Good job."

He didn't send it to Ding Xiaoqiao, because he guessed it, her mobile phone must be turned off, otherwise she would be blown up.

Ding Liuyue quickly replied: "What else?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You taught me beautifully."

Ding Liuyue did not respond again, but Ye Tianlong could feel that she must be curling her mouth at the moment, revealing her pride.


When Ye Tianlong was about to send a few more words to Ding Liuyue, the phone vibrated, put on the earphones to answer, and soon Bailihua laughed:

"Ye Shao, congratulations, Ancheng's predicament has been resolved, and Longmen has moved in smoothly."

Ye Tianlong laughed when he heard the words: "I just made soy sauce, and it was Shangguan and them that worked hard."

"However, seeing the assets of the Xiao family brothers, I feel it is too early to start, and they should be asked to collect protection fees for a few more months so that they will be richer when they are killed.

Thinking of the real gold and silver, Ye Tianlong's smile is especially true.

Bailihua smiled and took the topic: "More than nine billion yuan should be satisfied."

"It's several times more than we thought. I didn't expect that Boss Xiao really handed it over. I thought he would die together with these."

She sighed softly: "It seems that he is not as strong as I imagined."

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "He wants to carry the money into the coffin, but if this happens, his family will drink Northwest Wind."

"How great it is now, hand over the property, I will leave 10% for his family."

He stretched and said, "One billion is enough for his wife and daughter to eat forever."

Bailihua nodded: "This is also true. More than eight billion women's lives and wealth are exchanged for wives. It is also a worthwhile transaction."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "You ask someone to find an opportunity to touch the family of Boss Xiao, and then transfer the money to their account."

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Bailihua agreed, and then the conversation changed: "I called you today and I have two good news for you."

"I called Shangguan just now, you are not by her side, and she is busy again, so I'm tired and tell the good news again."

Ye Tianlong showed interest: "What good news?"

"First, with the help of Han's Tiger Master, the Black Tiger and White Shark also broke through the enemy's base camp this morning and captured Haicheng."

Bailihua informed Ye Tianlong of the matter: "Although Han Qinhu and the others have suffered a lot, the enemy has been wiped out, and Haicheng is invincible."

Ye Tianlong was overjoyed: "Has Haicheng also won?"

Bailihua laughed very nicely: "I won it."

"The typhoon landed in Haicheng last night, and the wind reached its highest in the morning. The Black Tiger, White Shark and Tiger Master pinched this mouth."

"Ten trucks with steel thorns were pulled at the entrance of the enemy. When the typhoon blew, hundreds of thousands of steel thorns swish into the garden, which is more powerful than a machine gun bullet."

She narrated to Ye Tianlong: "The enemy killed and injured more than two hundred people on the spot."

"Then the White Sharks put in more than a dozen boulders, using the typhoon to crash the enemy camp."

"The other party didn't expect the White Sharks to play like this, they could not make effective resistance, and then the White Sharks went in."

"In a **** battle for two hours, nearly a thousand of them were killed. The Black Tiger wanted to take the enemy's head, but unfortunately the opponent was killed by the rolling stone."

"The White Sharks have many casualties, but they are still in control of the situation. Ouyang Jinyue has mobilized elite support."

Bailihua said with joy: "It can be said that today, Longmen has taken the entire south, and its future enemy will be Zhao Wuji."


Hearing this briefing, Ye Tianlong was also very happy, originally still wondering whether to spare some time to see how Haicheng broke the game.

Unexpectedly, Han Qinhu first pulled out the thorn in half a beat.

Bailihua smiled and launched a person: "Red Arrow has contributed to this battle."

"Although it was Black Tiger's idea to take advantage of the typhoon to attack, the calculation of wind resistance and wind direction was the credit of Red Arrow.

"If there is no simulation of the red arrow, the black tiger and the white shark will not even talk about the typhoon attack, it is estimated that even the truck will not be able to drive the entrance of the enemy camp."

She told Ye Tianlong of Red Arrow's credit: "Not to mention standing at a specific time and attacking."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up and he showed a hint of approval: "Red Arrow is indeed a talent, and I must reward him well when I go back."

Typhoon attack is indeed a good way, but it involves too many details and variables. If nothing happens, those steel thorns may not blow yourself.

Bailihua said, "The second good news."

"Mr. Dai has communicated with the Four Gods of Wealth, and has also submitted materials to the Tianmen Senate Association, and got a reply from the Senate Association in the morning."

She added the last sentence: "On the 8th of next month, the six elders, the four wealth, and the seven kings will be held in Tianmen."

"Sure enough it is good news."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up: "It seems that I can finally get to the next level."

"Mr. Dai wants me to tell you that according to the rules and the bargaining chips in your hand, there is almost no problem with you in the upper position, and the six elders and the seven kings cannot stop you.

Bailihua whispered: "But there is a variable."

Ye Tianlong was startled: "What is the variable?"

"The real boss behind the Senate."

Bailihua said every word: "Ten-pin master."

Ye Tianlong was shocked: "Ten-rank master?"

"No, his method name is Ten-Rank, but he seems to have ten-Rank..."

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