Talented Genius

Chapter 1603: World War I (four more)

Seven strongholds are missing again!

The vassal gang fell to Ge Xuanjia army!

Shangguan Xiaozhi was assassinated by a dead man!

This is what Bailihua told. Compared with the situation yesterday, the situation of the frontline brothers has become worse, and it has not been reversed by the arrival of Shangguan Xiaozhi.

Standing on the observation deck of Tianlong Garden, Ye Tianlong looks at the river with his hands in his hands, and his long body is like ink in black clothes.

There is a small stove on the wooden table beside him, and there is a pot of Dahongpao on the stove, and the tea is flowing hot.

From a distance, although Ye Tianlong was still a teenager, there was a disproportionate charm in the corner of his eyes.

His cynicism mixed with youth and old age is not something that any young man can learn.

Ye Tianlong's gaze fell in the direction of the distant Ancheng, as if he could turn Bailihua's intelligence into a cruel and ruthless scene.

He will fight Yanhuang after all.

A touch of helplessness flashed across Ye Tianlong's face, and he turned to pour half a cup of tea for himself. For himself, that was a very difficult and painful choice.

Maybe Yan Fei will be sad, maybe she will be melancholy, but what can be done with the general trend?

The safety of the two tigers is always just a myth. In reality, it must be until death. Moreover, Ancheng is the powerhouse of Longmen's unification of the South.

Ye Tianlong held the hot tea water several times and wanted to drink it, but after all he didn't feel in the mood to drink it in, and finally poured it directly into the river to make ripples.

"Ye Shao!"

At this time, noisy footsteps came from behind, Bailihua, Eagle, Sister Feng, and Baliangjin showed up one after another, hurriedly approaching the pavilion.

Obviously they all know that the situation is serious.

Ye Tianlong threw the cup on the table and turned to look at everyone: "Why are you all here?"

The eagle stood up first, with a loud voice: "Ye Shao, we already know that the frontline is difficult, unprecedented difficulties."

"We hope we can do our best. If Ye Shao grants permission, I would like to take a cousin to Ancheng and fight the Xuan Jia army to the end."

The eagle is as arrogant as ever: "I don't believe it, my axe keeps on their heads."

"I am willing to fight."

Baliangjin also raised his neck: "What Xuanjia army is actually the brotherhood of the Xiao Brothers. I have seen them before, a mob."

"When I went to Ancheng to discuss business with the crow, the Xiao family brothers accidentally ran into the crow and were knocked over by the crow on the spot."

"People in the fifty-plus dare not challenge the ten of us."

Baliangjin was indignant: "I don't believe it, they will be invincible in less than a year."

Sister Feng waved her hand: "I'll go..."

"Well, everyone don't fight."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently to stop everyone's dispute: "There were already three thousand brothers on the front line, and with the assistance of Ouyang Jinyue, Shangguan had enough manpower."

"Moreover, the enemy is quite powerful, and it may not be worth it to go to another hall."

"I know your mood, I hope Longmen can gnaw off this bone sooner, but the more it is this time, the less chaotic it is."

"You do your responsibilities well and ensure the smooth flow of logistics, weapons and contacts are the greatest support to Shangguan Xiaozhi."

"Once you get messed up, or the logistical support is not in place, it will inevitably affect the confidence of the frontline brothers."

Ye Tianlong came over and slapped the eagles on their shoulders: "They will feel that they will be flanked back and forth, that is the deadliest."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the three Eagles were silent for the first time, and then Qi Qi sighed lightly. Ye Tianlong's words were not unreasonable, and the rear was messed up, then it was over.

"In fact, we are also clear in our hearts, but we can't sit still a bit when we think of the frustrations ahead."

The eagle breathed out a long breath: "Always thinking about charging and doing something."

Sister Feng and Baliangjin also nodded. Seeing that the South was about to unify, they were stuck in Ancheng. They were really worried.

"I understand everyone's mood, but you must be calm."

Ye Tianlong looked at Bailihua who had been silent: "How is the situation now?"

Bailihua reported in a clear voice: "After losing two strongholds, the Lord Shangguanmen simply removed three strongholds."

"She concentrated all her 3,000 troops in two strongholds, and no longer gave the Xuan Jia army a chance to break through each one. Now she has stabilized her position again."

"The wounded also moved away immediately. Thirty minutes ago, Ouyang Jinyue, Black Tiger, and White Shark gathered another thousand troops for assistance."

"Our front is still strong, but these are the last two strongholds."

Bailihua looked solemnly: "If another one is breached, we estimate that we will all withdraw from Ancheng, or we will be surrounded by the Xuanjia Army."

"After all, they have incorporated more than 20 gangs, and there are more than 3,000 gangsters. They have enough cannon fodder to fight the tough battle."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "How is Shangguan's injury?"

Bailihua replied without hesitation: "Shangguan Sect Master's injuries are under control, but the actions are still somewhat inconvenient."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Make arrangements, I will go to Ancheng tomorrow."

Bailihua was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Understood."

The Eagles were shocked when they heard the words, and they all exhorted them together: "Ye Shao, you go to the fight yourself, this is too dangerous, this is a gang war."

Hundreds of people were hacked and killed, no matter how powerful they were, they would inevitably be scarred. No one could not be injured in this kind of melee, so they were all worried about Ye Tianlong.

"I'm not going to kill, I'm going to take command."

Ye Tianlong comforted the Eagles and their hearts: "Help Longmen cross this hurdle."

Hearing this, the Eagles felt relieved, but they still felt that Ye Tianlong went to the front line in danger: "Ye Shao, do you want to direct here?"

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Strategic strategies and decisive victory thousands of miles away, that is the legend of the ancients."

"For us mortals, it is better to take a look at the environment in person."

His voice was very soft: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

"Ye Shao, you go out in person, and the old man will give you a gift."

At this time, Cao Qiankun showed up Jiang Qianxue with a loud laugh: "Thirty eagle suits and one Jiang Qianxue will help you succeed."

Jiang Qianxue stepped forward and looked at Ye Tianlong: "Qianxue can help Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong knew what Cao Qiankun meant and wanted to temper Jiang Qianxue a little bit, so he didn't refuse: "Okay, I will accept Mr. Cao's gift."

The eagle hesitated: "Ye Shao, it's not impossible for you to go out in person, but you have to bring some people."

Sister Feng also nodded: "Brother Six Thousand, Ye Shao can call at any time."

"no need."

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Dalmatians."

The voice fell, only to hear a swoosh, a slender figure fell from the top, and after a few leaps, it fell straight in front of Ye Tianlong.


The dalmatian in black knelt on the ground, slowly raising his head, no expression on his face, and his eyes were dead and silent.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and pressed his shoulder: "Dalmatians, go to Ancheng, life and death are unpredictable, you dare to lead the dog camp to fight?"

Dalmatian responded indifferently: "War..."

(Four more hits, thank you for your support.)

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