Talented Genius

Chapter 1601: No grade

Military base.

The simple four words have a lot of meaning and strong hints.

In the Black Triangle, whether it is a monster slaughter, a wealthy man, or a black knife force, although they have a lot of soldiers, they can only be regarded as local armed forces.

There is always a gap between them and the regular army.

This is not only a gap between the quality of personnel and tactical weapons, but also the insurmountability of the entire military system, so Lu Yuanjia's words shocked Ye Tianlong.

He knew very well in his heart that if Emperor Zhao was innocent to turn the Black Blade Defense Area into a military base, he would definitely sweep the entire Black Triangle in five years.

There is even a capital called Manguo.

Lu Yuanjia's gaze is gentle: "Don't worry, they are just helping to build a base, and they absolutely don't mean to overpower or monitor you."

"The reason for helping you build a military base is because its existence is in line with China's long-term interests."

"The base can not only contain the order of the Black Triangle and prevent the turmoil from affecting China, but it can also become a nail that makes the Elephant King uncomfortable."

Lu Yuanjia was very frank and told Zhao Ditian's thoughts: "This way they will not dare to send moths to China in the future."

"Of course, if you feel unacceptable, then this matter will disappear..."

Before Lu Yuanjia could finish speaking, Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, I accept this matter, and I accept this generous gift."

"In addition to my trust in Big Brother and Uncle Lu, I also need to use this base to grow."

He thought of Bai Poyue's ideal: "With this military base, I may become the overlord of the black triangle in the future."

This is a win-win situation. Although China's official shadowless player will exist, Ye Tianlong is still willing to accept it.

Lu Yuanjia was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Come on, come, replace wine with tea, Uncle Lu offers you a glass."

Ye Tianlong smiled and picked up the tea cup, touched it, and then drank a clean...

"General Lu, good morning."

At this moment, seven or eight Chinese men and women walked into the door, their leather shoes slapped, and they could feel their strutting.

Ye Tianlong looked up and saw a young man walk in with someone. He was 1.75 meters tall, with a national character face, and the wolf looked at Ying Gu's eyes.

He is particularly glamorous, with an emerald ring of at least tens of millions on his fingers, and he can see whether he is rich or expensive.

"Bai Shikang, one of the core members of the Bai family, is also the chairman of Wanbai Group."

When Lu Yuanjia looked at the incoming person, Lu Qianjin leaned over Ye Tianlong's ear and whispered: "Xiao Guizhong has a lot of business dealings with him."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "Bai Shikang? Wanbai Group?"

He felt a little familiar, and he thought about it for a while. Yao Feiyan once mentioned Baishikang because of Baishizhou's renovation project.

Bai Shikang, a core member of the Bai family, returned from studying abroad five years ago, and then went to Kuncheng as the deputy mayor.

Then three liters a year and five liters in two years, becoming the most advanced official. After he became the deputy mayor, he suddenly resigned to establish the Wanbai Group.

They are all government projects, and they are major projects, such as cross-sea bridges, thousands of miles of railroad tracks, mountain tunnels, and old city reconstruction.

Every one of them is done very well and earns a lot of money, and the government never defaults or defaults on accounts.

Wanbai Group focused on Baishizhou's reconstruction project, but the charter wife and uncle directly gave it to Ye Tianlong, and there was a conflict between the two sides.

Ye Tianlong once wanted to resolve this conflict, but Yao Feiyan decided to deal with it personally, so Ye Tianlong did not intervene.

He almost forgot about this person. He didn't expect to see him here because of Xiao Guizhong's affairs.

"Stone egg, long time no see, how come you have time?"

Seeing Bai Shikang walking in with someone, Lu Yuanjia didn't even get up, sitting on the sofa and calling his nickname:

"Aren't you in the capital waiting to give Mr. Bai a big birthday? How can you take the time to see me who has rarely visited me for ten years?"

Hearing Lu Yuanjia calling the master Shidanzi directly, and sitting on the sofa with a careless attitude, the faces of Bai Shikang who followed were a little ugly.

"I really want to stay in the capital to give the old man his birthday, but when I heard that something interesting happened to Mingjiang last night, I came back to join in the fun."

Standing in front of Lu Yuanjia, Bai Shikang smiled and said, "By the way, take a look at Uncle Lu and see what I can do."

From beginning to end, he didn't watch Ye Tianlong and Lu Qianjin. It seemed that only Lu Yuanjia could enter his eyes in this VIP room.

"Are you pleading for Xiao Guizhong?"

Lu Yuanjia is straight to the point: "You have collusion?"

Baishi Kang laughed loudly: "Uncle Lu said and laughed, how could I have colluded with Xiao Guizhong's trash?"

"I am a businessman, an innocent businessman, even if there is a business relationship, it will withstand the test."

He still maintained a polite posture: "Uncle Lu watched me grow up, don't he understand my temperament?"

Lu Yuanjia joked lightly: "I hope so, let's go, I don't need your help here."

"Okay, as long as Uncle Lu can handle it, I need help, and my nephew will definitely go all out."

Today, Bai Shikang obviously used "showing up" to support Xiao Guizhong, so he didn't say any pleading words, he waved his finger lightly.

A person behind came over with a long and narrow box, and opened it, as if it were a three-eight lid.

"Uncle Lu, I went to Dongyang a few days ago and bought such a good product. It has been more than 80 years and it is still the same as the new one."

Bai Shikang picked up the brand new 38 cover: "I also tried the gun. It is much better than Lu Shu's Hanyang."

"Uncle Lu likes to play with rifles, this thing is suitable."

Before Ye Tianlong and Lu Yuanjia could react, Bai Shikang asked people to take five bullets, which were loaded neatly, and then faced the target in front.

"Boom boom!"

Baishikang fired five shots in a row, without stopping, as dense as a bead, and while shooting, he walked forward, holding the gun firmly and powerfully.

When he finished firing the fifth shot, Bai Shikang happened to be standing in front of the yellow line, and all five bullets were completed within effective distance.

Shiraishi Kang showed his powerful and superb marksmanship.

"Five shots, all hits, ten shots."

The target reporter reported the shooting results.

Bai Shikang followed with joy, waving his fists to cheer the master.

The demonstration is very direct, very simple, and very effective.

"Uncle Lu, isn't this a good gun?"

Bai Shikang put the 38 large cover on the table: "I think it will be more suitable for you to use this gun in the future. Your accuracy and vision will be higher."

"No, it's not about guns, but people."

Before Lu Yuanjia could speak, Ye Tianlong smiled and got up, took Lu Yuanjia's Hanyang-made one, and filled it with five bullets.

In the next second, Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger and a bullet shot at the target.




Ye Tianlong shot the bullets skillfully. At the same time, when shooting, he backed up against the wall, pulling away from the yellow line and the target.

Hanyang was built in his hands as stable as Mount Tai, as if it had never shaken.


When Ye Tianlong shot the fifth bullet, he just retreated five steps and retreated to the wall, ten steps more than Bai Shikang shot.

When Bai Shikang's eyes narrowed, Lu Yuanjia yelled, "Report the target!"

The target member whispered: "No...no results!"

When Lu Yuanjia was stunned, Bai Shikang smiled faintly: "All failed, of course no results."

Several Chinese-clothed men and women laughed and looked at Ye Tianlong's eyes full of sarcasm, pretending to be too much.

Lu Yuanjia yelled: "Why didn't you score?"

"It was too late to change the target paper..."

The target reporter said weakly: "The bullets all pass through Bai Shao's bullet holes, so the target cannot sense the results."

The bullets, all passed through Shiraishi Kang's bullet holes...

A simple sentence made Baishikang and the others stop smiling.

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