Talented Genius

Chapter 1585: Who ambushed whom?

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Ji and her team woke up on time, moved their muscles and bones, mastered their positions, and then ate their final rations.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Wei Ji confirmed that Ye Tianlong was on the way, and was expected to arrive at Heiri Forest at 7:30.

There was blazing heat in Wei Ji's eyes, and they began to tighten their nerves, sternly, preparing for a battle.

At seven o'clock in the evening, just as the eighty people were about to enter the ambush ground, a call entered Wei Ji's mobile phone:

Ye Tianlong was hit by a car when he left the border, and he was sent to the hospital for treatment on the spot, where the trip was delayed again.

Wei Ji was stunned when she heard the news, and she took off her skirt, but it was such an answer.

But she had no way, Ye Tianlong didn't show up in front of him, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't kill him.

The elephant king then sent another instruction, still standing there.

Wei Ji knew that morale had been low, everyone suffered too long to kill the enemy with one heart, and the rations were completely eaten, and the body couldn't hold it.

So she explained the situation to King Xiang, and decided to withdraw from Heirilin to the border to rest, and then find an opportunity to attack Ye Tianlong.

After all, Ye Tianlong was hit by a car and he had to rest for a few days. This time was enough for Wei Ji and the others to rest and rearrange.

The elephant king finally approved Wei Ji's evacuation from the Black Sun Forest, and at the same time asked the first demon monk Yixue who guarded Wolf Leaping Gorge to return, so as not to starve to death on the cliff.


After getting the approval of King Elephant, Wei Ji decisively ordered to evacuate.

The mountain forest is very dark, especially at night, it can be said that you can't see your fingers. Fortunately, Wei Ji and the others are wearing night vision goggles, so that their vision will not be restricted.

For that matter, they also walked for more than fifty minutes before they left the deep and terrible woods and came to an open grassland outside.

Fresh air poured in instantly, and Wei Ji and the others refreshed, but their feet were a little sore and hungry, restricting their state.

Wei Ji looked at the road ahead: "When will our convoy arrive?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at her watch: "It's raining and the road is slippery. It's estimated that it will take 15 minutes to get here from the border."

Thinking of getting in the car to rest in fifteen minutes, Wei Ji's pretty face showed a smile: "Very good..."

"Swish swish!"

At this moment, there was a piercing whistling in the sky. Wei Ji looked up and saw dozens of flames rushing over her head.

She instantly shouted with a jealous spirit: "Be careful."

Before the voice fell, more than a dozen groups of flames fell into the crowd, four of them were blown out on the spot, and the rest of the flames fell on the grass or among the crowd.

"Boom boom!"

Before Wei Ji could judge who had attacked, the flames shot from more than a dozen groups all exploded, and auspicious words such as "rich, honor and glory" bloomed.

It seems to be a party firework for festivals.

Wei Ji and the others are wearing night vision goggles, so when the fireworks exploded, their eyes lit up instantly and their eyes were severely irritated.


Five or six Weiss killers who had no time to bow their heads screamed, and then ripped off the night vision device and ran around, their eyes were painful, and they were crying.

Wei Ji, who closed her eyes in time, yelled: "Take off all night vision goggles."

The middle-aged women quickly ripped off the night vision device, but although they avoided the light damage, their viewing range was also limited.

They can only scan around with the light of fireworks.

"Swish swish!"

At this moment, the extremely powerful fireworks burst into flames, swishing wildly, and countless sparks hit Wei Ji and the others.


The middle-aged women snorted together, and then rolled out to avoid them, but there were flames all around, and they would be scalded no matter how they rolled.

Wei Ji and the others were angry and happy. What was angry was that someone attacked them at the exit. What was happy was that the other party used party fireworks instead of rockets.

This makes the enemy appear to be thunderous and rainy. What kind of lethality fireworks can make people blow up or burn people to the sky.

She drew out her gun and shouted, "Stay steady and get ready to fight."

It's just that Wei Ji soon realized that she was wrong.

After more than a dozen fireworks exploded, a puff of black smoke soared in the rain, enveloping Wei Ji and the others, and exuding a smell of sulfur.

The wind rolled, the smell became stronger.

The pungent smell first poured into the noses of more than a dozen Weiss killers who were squatting on the ground and manipulating heavy fire weapons.


They subconsciously wanted to evacuate, but they staggered and fell into the rain violently when they shook.

Although he didn't die from poisoning immediately, but his body was weak and could no longer hold the gun.

They wanted to cohesively struggle, but they spewed a bit of blood and fell to the ground again. The cold rain washed the blood on the corners of their mouths.

Although the others did not immediately fall, their movements were slower than usual.

"Be careful, poisonous!"

Wei Ji responded quickly and covered her mouth and nose for the first time: "Get down, get down!"

"Swish swish!"

Before the dense smoke completely dissipated, eighteen figures appeared in front of the grass. With a sudden wave of their hands, thirty-six hatchets whizzed into Wei's crowd.

Yukong instantly sounded a heart-trembling sharp weapon breaking through the sky.

More than 20 Wei's assassins only felt that they were shocked, as if they had been hit by a huge hammer, and then fell to the ground unstoppably.


Wei Ji flashed a short sword, stretched out her hand, and shot down the flying short axe, but her arm also shook, and there was soreness that was difficult to speak.


Wei Ji was very angry: "Who is this?"

The middle-aged woman was afraid of coughing on the ground and shouted: "I don't know, I don't know."

It was fireworks, poison attack, and throwing axe. The middle-aged woman felt that this group was more terrifying than their Weishi.

Wei Ji yelled: "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot."

They also had more than one hundred firearms in their hands, as well as two light machine guns and rocket bombs, and there were poisonous arrows in their sleeves.

This is the capital that can strangle Ye Tianlong. She doesn't believe that she can't deal with these attackers.


But before the middle-aged women could shoot them, a deep voice came from the night sky.


Another burst of arrows shot out through the air, and more than a dozen Wei's assassins had no time to shoot, so they had to wave their knives to protect themselves and slash the sharp arrows they had shot.

They tried their best to cut off the seven arrows, but found that there were too many arrows, and they couldn't keep up with them, so they could only watch the sharp arrows pass through them.

The blood shot in the rain, filled with blood.

A few people carrying machine guns and bazookas have penetrated more than a dozen holes.

Wei Ji fired at the sound source, but did not hear the screams she wanted, instead incurring a more powerful attack.

Just when the middle-aged women were in a hurry, eighteen men in black rushed up with shields.

These eighteen people moved quickly, and immediately faced the opponent holding the hot weapon, and the powerful combat power broke out in an instant, and they acted mercilessly.

Wei Jijiao yelled again and again: "Block them, block them!"

She raised her hand and fired three shots, but they all hit the shield. After a while, the man in black was unscathed and they continued to charge.

The moment the two groups collided with each other, the pros and cons immediately became apparent, and the Weiss Killer, who lost his gun and replaced it with a dagger, retreated on the spot.

More than 30 people were unable to withstand the fierce attack of the 80th. Many of them were slashed on the wet ground with an axe without even swinging the capital.

They are like Spartans, arrogant and agile.

The middle-aged woman organized a manpower to counterattack, and just gathered more than a dozen subordinates to protect the lord. Eighteen men in black attacked the crowd without saying a word.

Outrageously shot!

The four Wei's assassins were instantly cut into the chest, their bodies lifted off the ground, and they fell out of the battlefield severely.

Cruel and cruel.

Seeing the enemy so fierce, Wei Ji knocked out the guns and bullets to block the opponent, and then rolled on the spot, and her fingers were about to grab the light machine gun.


It flew with a knife.


Wei Ji felt the fierceness of the flying knife, so she could only give up the idea of ​​grabbing the gun, changed her hand with a sword, and shot the flying knife to the ground.

After that, she saw a person, black clothes, black shoes, black knives, and bright black eyes.

Wei Ji recognized Tian Mo and screamed, "Ye Tianlong's person?"

Tian Mo replied indifferently: "Big Brother asked me to tell you, you set ambush inside, and he set ambush at the exit."

"If he delays the trip for two days, he can force you out of it, and the hunter will become a prey."

He spoke calmly: "You lost this round."

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