Talented Genius

Chapter 1524: Heart is not here

On the day after the death of the Black Mountain Eagle, the Wealthy Army attacked the three elite troops of the Black Mountain Eagle with mortars and rockets.

The helicopter battle group went around half a circle, blasting off the black mountain eagle's ammunition transport team, and at the same time, three thousand wealthy soldiers broke through the defense line to take up positions.

Under this situation, the entire Black Mountain carved defense zone is panicked, and everyone knows that if it continues like this, the Black Mountain carved defense zone will be lost in at most one week.

When the Black Mountain Eagle was hit hard by the undercover, the generals felt even more pressure.

So when the Black Mountain Eagle ordered them to rush back to the meeting, the three commanders with powerful hands returned to the headquarters overnight.

In order to avoid another breakthrough on the line of defense, they kept their heavy soldiers on the front line and drove back with only one guard platoon.

It's just that there was no news when they left. The next morning, the black tip announced the latest news to the corps.

The Black Mountain Eagle was seriously injured and in a bad mood. Hearing that the frontline battle was going badly, he suspected that the three commanders were spies like Pattaya.

When the Black Mountain Eagle couldn't help but want to kill the three, the three commanders fought in angrily, and the two sides launched a gun battle on the spot, and they all died together.

The soldiers in the Hei's defensive zone were shocked by the news, and vaguely smelled a weird aura. How come they all died overnight?

It's just that they didn't have time to think about it, and the black tip announced that they were the commander-in-chief of the defense zone, and at the same time promised to lead everyone through the predicament they were facing.

In the second hour of the announcement of the black tip, the wealthy army once again attacked in an all-round way. The army suppressed the border and seized ten towns and villages.

This made the front-line Black soldiers almost breathless.

The tip of the black sword calmly dispatched troops, defeated the rich army three times with fewer victories and more, then regained four lost ground and won the hearts of many soldiers.

Then, the black tip announced that it was settled with the Lu family that food and grass would continue to be supplied to ensure everyone's food and clothing, and he would also negotiate with the Fu to end the war.

The Black soldiers were originally unwilling to go to war. The confrontation with the Fus this time was just that the Black Mountain Eagle wanted revenge, and the front-line casualties made them realize the cruelty of war.

Therefore, the whole defense zone was very happy to hear the black tip's announcement, and it became more supportive of this new commander, and then forgot the truth...

On the third day, the two sides negotiated a truce, and the artillery was finally extinguished. Many people breathed a sigh of relief...

On the day of the ceasefire, Bai Poyue did not appear at the negotiating table, but stayed in his headquarters.

Bai Poyue, wearing a military uniform, crossed her fingers in front of her knees and stared at the chess game in front of her. Ye Tianlong, who was sitting on the opposite side, drank tea leisurely.


After Bai Poyue thought for a while, she picked up a car and killed it from Ye Tianlong's flank. Ye Tianlong smiled and dropped a cannon to block his empty door.


Seeing Ye Tianlong's artillery withdraw, Bai Poyue pressed a small soldier again, broke Ye Tianlong's appearance, and let Ye Tianlong go away.

Ye Tianlong looked at it for a while, then smiled and shrugged to Bai Poyue: "General Bai, you won."

"It's not that I won, but you have hidden your strength."

There was a wave of waves across Bai Poyue's face, and then dropped the chess piece to watch Ye Tianlong open his mouth: "At least, you didn't go all out."

Ye Tianlong coughed lightly and laughed: "We are not enemies, we can play chess for entertainment, what's the point of stumbling?"

"Moreover, winning chess for beautiful women is the duty of every man."

He gave his opinion very seriously: "A lost chess game is worth a beautiful smile in exchange for it."

Bai Poyue leaned back on the chair: "No wonder Heimeng hates and loves you. Your mouth really makes it difficult for women to defend."

Although Bai Poyue had passed the age when she was softened by a man's coaxing, Ye Tianlong's words still made her happy and felt her own importance.

Top chess players give up their desire to win and just to be happy for themselves, how it sounds like an exuberant thing, no matter how old the woman is.

When Ye Tianlong heard the words Heimeng, he glanced around, with a guilty conscience on his face. He worried that Heimeng would come out and beat him wildly.

Bai Poyue saw Ye Tianlong's nervousness, her pretty face rarely raised a gentle smile: "Why? Afraid of black dreams? Are there anyone you are afraid of?"

"Afraid of dark dreams? Just kidding, how could I be afraid of her?"

Ye Tianlong plausibly said: "I am a big man, how can I be afraid of a woman? I just don't want her to be sad."

He changed the conversation: "General Bai, the Black Mountain Eagle is dead, the situation will basically not be chaotic, and the Hei family will no longer harm Fu's interests."

"Next, should we look at the Monster Slaughter? After all, the Hei Family and the Fu Clan can work together to hit the Monster Slaughter."

"Even if the war is not going to start right now, there should be a warable strategy so that once we catch the opportunity, we can go to war immediately."

Ye Tianlong picked up the remote control and turned on a screen, revealing a black triangle force interlaced map. The Hei family was originally painted in the same color as the Fu family.

Hei's and Fu's teaming up against Tu's is equal to ten men playing three men's rhythm, and the odds of winning are huge.

Hearing these words from Ye Tianlong, Bai Poyue's expression was slightly startled, and there was an unspeakable light in his eyes.

This is indeed a person who admires her, and a person who awakens her inner passion.

Thinking of this, Bai Poyue's legs were criss-crossed, her figure outlined in an arc, and then she whispered: "Dragon, do you have any thoughts on rooting in the black triangle?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Take roots in the Black Triangle?"


Bai Poyue nodded to Ye Tianlong: "Take roots in the Black Triangle and let this be your world. There is only one voice in the entire Black Triangle."

"Tsk, what is my world?"

Ye Tianlong laughed, his eyes still wandering around, looking for places where the microphone might be hidden: "This is the world of old and rich."

"I'm just a passerby, don't passersby understand? It's the kind of eating today and going home tomorrow.

Ye Tianlong replied solemnly: "Besides, Lao Fu is my brother, how can I take the world with him?"

Bai Poyue sighed: "Ye Tianlong, I am not joking with you or helping Mr. Fu test you. I really want to ask."

"You don't have to worry about Mr. Fu having an opinion. I discussed this issue with him a long time ago."

Her eyes are shining: "He said, his ambition and ambition have come to an end, and if he wants to develop even more, that is to wash the Baifu family ashore."

"If I have a more suitable strong person to follow, he will not stop me from taking refuge, or I can raise a banner by myself."

"As long as it doesn't harm Fu's current interests, he won't stop me at all."

Bai Poyue put his heart to Ye Tianlong: "Even, he can give me a mountain division."

Ye Tianlong's gaze jumped, and then he recovered calmly and smiled: "Lao Fu is joking with you, how can he have no ambitions?"

"I believe what he said."

Bai Poyue sighed softly: "His heart is actually not here..."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Where is that?"

"China, Mingjiang."

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